Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 7 April 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
1 p.m. Wizard—same fence and field as last night. Wizard has a more solid quality. Turtle and fire and dragon still there. Crane has to do with dragon. It is the bird she had in her arms.
T[herion]: Shall we produce Mass of Phoenix in public?
A[chitha]: XII Tarot Trump.
T[herion]: Ask for pure number to explain that 874. (No equivalent in 'Seph[er] Seph[iroth]'.)
A[chitha]: 87. (Seems more that he signify than he understood.) (Rather than answer?)
A[chitha]: 363.
T[herion]: Ask where.
A[chitha]: Lamed Vau Resh (236 means before Apr. 22—also at night and with few people.)
A[rcteon]: Where?
A[chitha]: Tzaddi Mem Samech (190. Up at Bazedon's.)
T[herion]: I.B.M.O.S.T.L. (Indicate best methods of spreading the law.)
A[chitha]: Cheth Lamed Mem. (78
By writings of wisdom. By extremely magestic work under guidance of Eiwas. By works of creative temperance. By active propaganda. By indications. By making alliances. By founding colonies. By transmitting the influence. By exercise of compassion. By interpreting of dreams. By Bread.)
A[rcteon]: When shall we put Achita through first III degrees?
A[chitha]: Teth Tzaddi Vau Tau (505.)
T[herion]: Now get answer.
A[chitha]: (Run away.) Zain Beth Nun Ayin. (Whenever you please.)
T[herion]: What sort of job should Arcteon take?
A[chitha]: XI Tarot Trump. (Leo. Light and Power.)
T[herion]: N.L.E.N.E.? (When will he obtain one?)
A[chitha]: VI Swords. (= 437. Soon without trouble.)
T[herion]: How are the prospects with Simon Iff stories?
A[chitha]: Vau Tau He Qoph. (= 511. This may be taken as indication that he knows what it is about.)
T[herion]: What is answer to question?
A[chitha]: XVIII Trump.
T[herion]: Get pure number.
A[chitha]: 97.
A[rcteon]: I.T.F.I.A.I.R.E.? (Is there further information and instruction re Egypt?)
A[chitha]: A crescent.
T[herion]: Try for a number.
A[chitha]: 37.
T[herion]: Now get an answer.
A[chitha]: XII Trump. Male elephant—water with crocodiles—a lynx—a canopy with Arab in it—an old weather-beaten frame house. Arab looking towards water with crocodile. Elephant's head in front of Temple. Lotus on water. Queer kind of winged catamaran. A door up on side of high mountain—with pointed top.
T[herion]: Is there anything to be done in this matter?
A[chitha]: 58. (Means Perfect, the magical force especially in regards to Practical matters.)
T[herion]: Should we do that with direct reference to things proposed or simply go ahead on general principles?
A[chitha]: A frog's mouth. 68. (Means be wise in the matter.)
A[chitha]: 27. (Take an oracle from Thelema on the subject.)
A[chitha]: 281.
Divination done by H. "Go right ahead with work and don't worry about it."
8.35 p.m. T[herion]: 3 cc H[ashis]H: Ah[ita] 5 cc altogether. 20 min. apart.
T[herion]: Ladders to Heaven. Thinks of a thing by a reasoning process etc., etc.
Ah[itha]: "The overly-underly-womanly complex." T[herion] says the wittiest remark ever made etc., etc.