Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 27 April 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
10.08 p.m. Wizard very serious and looks at Achitha in a very contemplative mood. Seems to approve. Turtle is most prominent thing in Temple. Child is there, lion and Barzellon. Arcteon has a very prominent place, he is a tall man that always appeared in the Temple.
T[herion]: What is the work of this week end?
A[chitha]: Geburah.
T[herion]: Geburah applied to what?
A[chitha]: The egg. The egg is resting on the point of mountain tops, very sharp. Water around, lotus flowers on it.
T[herion]: Egg is symbol of some new knowledge, isn't it?
A[chitha]: Gimel. Lamed. ( = spring, fountain.)
T[herion]: What does that mean?
A[chitha]: I don't know; followed symbol of mountain and lotus flower.
T[herion]: How are we to break open the egg?
A[chitha]: In plain language it means Thou art to go this Way.
T[herion]: That isn't plain language. How are we to get this new knowledge?
A[chitha]: Don't ask questions too fast. Sow the wild oats; go into the ( . . . ) into the Mother . . . (T[herion]: You bet, you bet.)
(A[rcteon]: I think you're both getting off the trolly.) . . . to be born again.
T[herion]: What about the Mass of the Holy Ghost?
A[chitha]: That hasn't anything to do with it. You've shattered everything. I'll have to establish connection all over again. Going into the Mother to be born again, you get a New Life and then the Earth is covered with wonderful flowers, and bees come to the flowers to get honey to store, and the honey is stored elixir. I see a hill very steep. (I think ( . . . ) is played out.) Mother standing ( . . . ) down washing child. I don't know if she's to save it or go after it or what. Lotus flower on water again.
Arcteon: How does this apply to breaking open the egg?
A[chitha]: No . . . the egg is in the lotus flower. Daleth. Resh. Gimel. (207 = the open clear light of day = walled, fenced.)
T[herion]: What is the allusion? With what object should we next perform the Rite of the Mass of the H[oly] G[host]?
A[chitha]: ( . . . ) (Interpreted by T[herion] as 'A fullness of Love'.) (No he says. No.)
T[herion]: Ask for another interpretation of that object.
A[chitha]: [I Ching Hexagram LI] = development of the Kundalini force.)
T[herion]: Ask for a general symbol of next week and our general circumstances. Otherwise, what is going to happen to us next week? How are we going to get on?
A[chitha]: 42.
T[herion]: Ask for further symbol.
A[chitha]: Lima bean coming up from the ground suggests ( . . . )
T[herion]: Get Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Ask for Tarot card to explain further.
A[chitha]: 6 of Wands. ( = Victory.)
T[herion]: How do you feel about these symbols? Achitha, do you feel them to be favourable or unfavourable?
A[chitha]: Very unfavorable. I feel like weeping. (?)
T[herion]: Ask if there is any way to avert this trouble.
A[chitha]: I have trouble . . . the Wizard—there's something wrong. Beth. Cheth. Aleph. Kaph. Ayin, He. (106 = attained etc.)
T[herion]: What is the nature of the danger?
A[chitha]: Toad—Now I get camel with enormous load on back—tied in white cloth.
T[herion]: Get a Tarot Card for nature of danger.
A[chitha]: 4 of Pantacles.
T[herion]: What will be the upshot?
A[chitha]: 18.
T[herion]: Is that a pure number?
A[chitha]: I think so.
T[herion]: Give Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: Try 92.
T[herion]: Chinese symbol?
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: You say this can be avoided by use of this symbol?
A[chitha]: 106.
T[herion]: What does Wizard think of it all?
A[chitha]: Resh.
T[herion]: Does that mean that he wants this trouble to come as part of his plan?
A[chitha]: ( . . . )
T[herion]: See if you can get an idea in your conscious mind as to the nature of this trouble—apparently the most appalling calamities will fall on us if we don't watch out.
Achitha shows ways this ( . . . ) X wizard
T[herion]: Tell us something about this.
A[chitha]: I can't get you an answer. Ask a question and I'll get a symbol, but I can't interpret.
T[herion]: I want to know if I should strive to avoid this calamity or not. Is it a real calamity or a blessing in disguise?
A[chitha]: 63.
T[herion]: About how to avert it. Give me a Chinese symbol I ought to take.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: What will be the result if we are silent and prudent and attempt important move?
A[chitha]: I see a camel's body, still—with eagle's head. (53 = defense.)
T[herion]: Shall we hear from Windram [James Windram] during this next week?
A[chitha]: 183. (No answer—no word for this.)
T[herion]: I asked because you say turtle is very prominent in the Temple.
T[herion]: Ask Wizard if he could communicate any important knowledge through the use of the Ouija Board.
A[chitha]: He might—try it.
T[herion]: Should we use special ceremonies to control the manifestations?
A[chitha]: (I don't get anything at all.)
T[herion]: Should you try alone or with Arcteon?
A[chitha]: 57.
T[herion]: Ask if it is possible to work Board alone.
A[chitha]: Yes.
T[herion]: Does he induce you to work it alone?
A[chitha]: It's all right.
T[herion]: Do you want to try tonight?
A[chitha]: ( . . . )