Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 12 May 1918
Key to dramatis personae: Aleister Crowley is T. or Therion, or 666. He is represented by Amalantrah in the temple of the seeress' vision.
Roddie Minor, or Eve is Soror Achitha (variously spelled Ahita, Achita, Ahitha), or 555. She is the egg or altar in the temple.
Marie Lavroff or Röhling is Soror Olun, or 156, and is the Tree in the temple.
Mrs Elsa Lincke is Soror Bazedon and possibly 444, being the Lion in the temple.
Charles Stansfeld Jones is Frater Arcteon, O.I.V.V.I.O., Nemo and 777. He is the Child in the temple.
Amalantrah the Wizard is 729 and represents 666 or A.C. in the temple.
3.42 p.m. Wizard looks natural, pale and a little drawn.
T[herion]: What is symbol work for this week end?
A[chitha]: I see a lyre—or harp—and two gate posts with a large turtle between crawling through.
T[herion]: Will Windram [James Windram] communicate this week?
A[chitha]: 483. ( = bearing iniquity.)
T[herion]: Explain—tell us something about Windram.
A[chitha]: 74. ( = It seems as if Windram was under some strain and having to go round obstacles—T.)
T[herion]: Find out Windram's relations with us.
A[chitha]: 121. (Means that he is writing magically to us. T.)
T[herion]: Symbol for contents of his letter.
A[chitha]: 53. (T[herion]: Seems to mean a very good letter with money or promise of money. I should say a very definite letter.)
T[herion]: Find Symbol for next week.
A[chitha]: I see a sword, particularly the handle.
T[herion]: Give Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Give us a financial symbol for the week.
A[chitha]: Bars across a shepherd's crook. Upside down.
T[herion]: Give number.
A[chitha]: 138. (To smooth, ferment, pollute—Libanon, forehead.)
T[herion]: Give Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: My relations with Eva Tanquay?
A[chitha]: ( . . . )
T[herion]: Give symbol for Y.S.H.M.
A[chitha]: Statue. Electricity symbol. Contains Fire.
T[herion]: Get pure number for that.
A[chitha]: 283.
T[herion]: Give Chinese symbol.
A[chitha]: [I Ching Hexagram LXIII] 63rd Symbol = Help attained, complete success.)
T[herion]: Should we do any particular magical work today?
A[chitha]: ( . . . )
T[herion]: Give a symbol.
A[chitha]: Metal Sphere.
T[herion]: With what element, sign, planet, or Sephiroth should we work?
A[chitha]: Qoph. ( = Pisces = Duration.)
T[herion]: With what weapon should we divine? Give a Hebrew letter for that.
A[chitha]: Teth.
T[herion]: I want you to set up an imaginary geometric figure for my relations with W.T.
A[chitha]: ( . . . )
T[herion]: With regard to which shall I do Divination late in evening?
A[chitha]: ( . . . )
T[herion]: What does this stand for?
A[chitha]: A black bird and a black fish hung on a circle. (Black.)
T[herion]: Give a number.
A[chitha]: 151. (Fountain of living waters.)
T[herion]: By what means, Earth, Heavens, Mercury, or someway.
A[chitha]: Fire.
T[herion]: How can I divine by fire?
A[chitha]: I see a little room in Tower of Public Square; little door and balcony; light appears coming out of balcony.
T[herion]: I want a complete system of instruction on pyromancy. Will you tell Wizard I don't know how to do it by pyromancy. Give alternate method.
A[chitha]: Indian head and Chinese symbol. Means Yi King method.
9.20 p.m. T[herion]: We wish to consult you Amalantrah re the sudden return of Soror Virakam in the Temple. Give symbol to symbolize the effect of that return.
A[chitha]: Locked cedar chest with fountain pen or black stick in it. Compass, pearl.
T[herion]: Don't understand, may we have numerical symbol?
A[chitha]: 185. (No. of external college.)
T[herion]: Give Tarot card.
A[chitha]: 9 of Trumps. (The Hermit.)
T[herion]: Give Chinese symbol representing the effect of her coming into this Temple.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: In what House of Heaven is the Help to be sought?
A[chitha]: 3. (House of brothers and sisters, correspondence etc.)
T[herion]: Give a Chinese symbol for our joint attitude towards her.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Do you see her in the Temple in any way?
A[chitha]: She is down by cedar chest near Wizard.
T[herion]: She is not a regular officer is she?
A[chitha]: No not necessarily. I don't know though that little wand I saw in the box might be charred sticks from the fire.
T[herion]: What work should we do to-night with her?
A[chitha]: 58. (1st Dec[an] of Sagittarius.)
T[herion]: Give a symbol to say which of these meanings represent most accurately the work of wands.
A[chitha]: 3 of Pantacles. (= material works.)
T[herion]: Give a Chinese symbol for the way in which she can help.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Give a symbol for Wesrun who hasn't written for 3 weeks.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Give symbol for our absent sister Olun.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Give a symbol for (Bazelon's) present attitude.
A[chitha]: [I Ching
T[herion]: Ask for a symbol to represent Mrs Wise.
A[chitha]: 753.
T[herion]: Give us a symbol for what we can do to help her and on what lines.
A[chitha]: 456. (Mountain of Myrrh. Mystery of Sorrow.)
T[herion]: Give us a Chinese symbol to confirm.
A[chitha]: [I Ching