Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Wednesday, 11 July 1923
Die Mercury
Very tired indeed; slept from 12.15 a.m., but woke at 1.30 from a very nice dream. Half asleep till noon: a wretched state of conflict between ‘duty’ & human weakness. I am far better in health all round, these last 3 weeks, & have done lots of good work. But I could hardly drag myself up to tiffin: I half collapsed during the meal. I felt the heat very oppressive (It was actually much hotter today than it has yet been).
Bathed from 1.45 to 6.30 p.m., & dictated several columns of 777: went on with this till after 8 p.m. Really 5 hours or more continuous dictation of exceptionally difficult stuff. I felt infinitely relieved, relaxed, strengthened, & rejoiced by this: but I dare say there will be a physical reaction, which must not make me think I am dying!
The circle was badly broken, too. The bath-shed man came & yelled for gold. I had to dismiss him myself, telling him to come to the hotel at 7. And then he never came! I don’t understand the affair at all, of course; but it seems grave mismanagement. The incident kept on popping up in my mind, not as anxiety, but as a point of curiosity. We know that this killed the Cat—so it naturally has some effect on Big Lion!
Summary of Week’s Work. 5 July, Thursday. Analysis of Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] & Pantagruelion.
6 Friday. Began analytical consideration of Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] Magical Formula of G.M.R. [Greater Magical Retirement] for Comment.
7 Saturday. Hag. LXV, iii, 37-65 & analysed Cap: IV.
8 Sunday. LXV, iv, 1-21, also Title & Number. Hag.
9 Monday. Hag.
10 Tuesday. Wrote 555, 32 Aimee [Aimee Gouraud]. Wired Saayman [Eddie Saayman]. Began rewriting 777.
11 Wednesday. Rewriting 777.