Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 23 September 1923
Die Sol
12.25 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!
My ‘depression’—as of old!—seems to herald inspiration.
The Gods took counsel with the Lords of Fate ‘How shall a Master of Mankind dispart His substance from its shadow, by Our art/ Conjoined the grossness of his earth-born state?’ ‘Let then the little war against the great That they may purge him of his mortal part And throne his spirit in the human heart Above those envies, incommensurate!’
It crossed my mind to draw my dripping scourge Across a Consul’s withers—Demiurge And donkey—but the Muse cries: ‘Nay my Crowley! The mean malignant baseness of the brute Serves to remind your honour to dispute Each inch of ground that gentle blood holds holy!’
1.30 a.m. I feel better!
2.20 a.m. Meditating, I was suddenly moved to consider the Word of the Equinox. I am in a very disturbed state—even agitated. The one counsel I get is to abandon the effort to obtain a Word by any of the old ways; but to await for it to arise.
2.30. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] sees a huge 4. I bid her listen for a Word.
2.40. I have renewed the Great Oath, in full view of the possibilities. I have cast off the Corruptible to which men cling: I AM, and my Word is ΘΕΛΗΜΑ.
2.52. I asked for a message preliminary, & got the letter ‘u’ in ‘your’ in ‘veil not your voices in virtuous words’, CCXX. II. 52.
I will arouse Alostrael at 3, unless she speak.
3.01 a.m. She gives A—91—A as the Form of the Word.
3.18. I get ’αλαιυα tentatively & by calculating. This implies ‘wandering, utter uncertainty’ and is given me to warn me against accepting any Reasonable word.
3.33!!! A sudden attack of very thin diarrhoea confirms this!
3.40. I got that it should be very simple & intelligible: she adds-of one syllable.
3.45 CCXX I. & 13(7 x 13 = 91) ‘Behold, it is revealed, etc.’ & ‘I am above you, etc.’ I think Word represents this verse.
3.54. ALShTLA comes to me rather strongly.
4.0. I get ’αξαλα = axle in 11.7.
4.5. ‘Be above’ = βε αβοFε = 91 & I get a word connected with ’αυα or this idea.
4.18. An injunction: ’αυα υιυια ‘0 earth, conquer!’
4.44 p.m. Alostrael put me under a Vow of Silence some time back. ‘I want you not to speak to me until I speak to you.’ (I anticipate no great disturbance while writing this record.) I invoked my Holy Guardian Angel and was introduced by Him into the Assembly of the Secret Chiefs of the A∴A∴
I then recited mine Oath once more, with all imaginable amplification.
I demanded the Word of the Equinox on the ground that I was a Magus, pledged to the service of Mankind. I further swore to devote myself wholly to its welfare: and supported this oath by an affirmation that I was none other than mankind itself—as being The Beast 666. Moreover, my Word ΘΕΛΗΜΑ (I insisted) was the Word of the Law which is fitted at this time to govern mankind in its advance toward Perfection. And therefore I protested that I was entitled to receive a Word to govern the ensuing Six Months to the greatest benefit of Man.
(I was now deafened by a shout in which I seemed to distinguish the word ram [written over Daeam] or something like it. The confusion warned me that it was not spoken by the Secret Chiefs: and, seeking, I soon discovered it to be DRANEM, the Athlash Temurah of Menard, his pseudonym as a singer [?]. My memory, of the morning’s paper fixed this in my mind, to please my fancy for strange words.)
Dismissing all distractions, I became able to attend to the Secret Chiefs, who answered ‘Whatever word you will.’ That is, They laid upon my Wisdom as a Magus 9º = 2o to order the events of the next six months according to my own views of what may be of most advantage to Mankind. The responsibility is greater than any that I have ever yet undertaken, at least consciously.
I will now therefore meditate upon this matter, it being now 5.5 a.m.
5.7. Conditions which the Word must satisfy. (α) It must further the Establishment of 93. (β) It must be uninfluenced by emotional ideals, or rational considerations.
5.15. I concentrated rapidly, & decided on the Word.
Let there be the Light of Magick!
AVD is 11 ‘as all their numbers who are of us’. There are Six letters; and the total is 36, the square of 6, representing therefore the establishment of the Solar Force, especially as represented by 666. (I wished also to commemorate my beloved Brother AVD [Raoul Loveday] (obit. Feb. 16, ‘23 e.v. whose spirit is practically my ideal of what Mankind most needs.)
IHI, 25, is 5, the Pentagram in action. It is [IH] producing [I], a seed in its Father’s image, which flowers in [A], the Bacchus Diphues, the Babe in the Egg, [V], the Man of Earth of Solar Nature, and [D] the Principle of Love.
[Notes by AC on the opposite page, concerning the above entry:] The Words contain:
Chokmah fertilizing Binah without loss [end of notes on opposite page].
The Oracle of Thelema: CCXX. II. 51-52 (on the words ‘them’ & ‘There’ between the verses) Evidently V. 51 is the verse required: 52 but its mask. Personal Oracle for 666; ‘m’ of ‘him’ (give him when) in CCXX. I. 22.
[The following note on opposite page] N.B. I am suddenly inspired (or persuaded by Alostrael!) to give the Yi [a rest and divine by the R.O.T.A. [Tarot] (perhaps for the whole six months; but I won’t restrict myself by an Oath.)
[The Divination:]
1. Work of A∴A∴ Princess of Cups looking towards King of Cups who faces her. Behind her the Fool. In front 9 W.; behind 8 S.
The Work is to make itself understood by ordinary men. The danger is idealism(?) The virtues required are persuasive skill and silence. Hitherto, the Work has been restricted & nipped in the bud. It will now go forward swiftly & purely. It will be established in great strength.
Ps.C = Virgin of Love = daughter of Binah.
א = H.P.K. [Hoor Paa Kraat].
K.C. = [Air of Water] = ?R.H.K. [Ra Hoor Khuit].
8 S =
9 C. =
2. The Work of Abbey of 93 [Abbey of Thelema] at Cefalu. 5 W. It must strive. Beware of opposition (10 W.) Be temperate in conduct & economical. It should establish its financial position & abide by its rules. (4 P) It should crystallize its Will in a definite programme. (Princess of W[ands]).
3. Fortune of Abbey. (6 S) It will make known its humanitarian purpose, & overcome opposition. But it may have to remove across the water. It will stick to its guns (Ps W) & its purpose will be crowned with perfect success. (10 C) Change [Death] (Atu XIII) sudden & complete is sure. It will (Kt. of C) be carried out satisfactorily.
4. Personal Fortune of 666.
5. Personal Fortune of 31 66-31 Alostrael. Princess of S. between 9
W 4 Swords. Good health, increased energy, happiness, peace, good fortune. You count to Atu 4 [Emperor] & 7 [Chariot]. Success in everything & the spread of your influence.
6. Ditto of O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] Atu 13 [Death]—between Atu 3 [Empress] & 9 C.
A great change bringing happiness & success, prosperity & friendship. Counts to Atu 17 [The Star] & 6 P. He succeeds in establishing the Worship of Nuit. His finances prosper.
7. Ditto of Eddie Saayman [Frater A.I.]. Queen of C. between 6 S. & 4 W. His fortune depends entirely on himself. He is in a very unstable position. He must work like Hell & fight desperately against interference. Given this he perfects his work & earns success. He counts to 2S & 7C. He will harmonize his own nature & become less nervous but aware of moral weakness, hasty or shallow judgment, idleness & love of pleasure. Also of not following up early advantage.
8. Ditto of Fra Achad. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] 4 W. between Atu I [Magus] & 10 P. He should establish his work with ease & advance in Wisdom & material prosperity. He counts to 9W. & King of P. Health, achievement, success, increase of material business, perhaps w[ith] association w[ith) a very practicalminded person. Let him beware of resting on his oars.
9. Ditto of Fra Semper Paratus. [James Thomas Windram] 8 W. bet[ween] Atu 9 [The Hermit] & Knight of Pantacles. Increased business & knowledge, inspiration, much work req[uires] patience. Counts to King of S. & 2 P. He will help to set my personal work on a sound basis. Good fortune in his work. Much mental activity.
10. Ditto of Soror Estai. [Jane Wolfe] Atu 3 [Empress] bet[ween] Atu 15 [Devil] & 6 P. She will be happy & beloved. Her material circum[stancesl will change for the better thanks to perseverance & single-heartedness. She is in danger of obsession. She counts to King of P. & Princess of S. Association w[ith] a business man & a woman who looks like a Movie Star.
11. Ditto of Lay-sister Ninette [Ninette Shumway]. Ace of P. between 2 S. & Ace W. She will harmonize her internal conflict & understand her True Will. She will be settled & hard working. She counts to 5 P. & King of S. indicating some mental instability and financial anxiety.
12. Ah[a]h [Frank Bennett] 3 Swords bet[ween] Atu 20 [World or Aeon] & Ace W. He is in sorrow but sticks it out grimly & turns it to advantage. He gives himself absolutely to the G.W. [Great Work] & is extremely active. He counts to Atu 2 [High Priestess] & 4 S. showing improvement in his circumstances & the beginning of a period of peace & prosperity. Also of initiation.
13. Special work of The Beast 666.
8 C bet[ween] King C. & King W. Counts to [Atu] XVII [Star] &
Ps. P.
14. Special Work—Alostrael. Atu 13 [Death] bet[ween] 4 C. & 3 Swords. Count to Princess of W. and Ace P. You must work Magick for me very purely & soberly, with good judgment & inspiration. You must put your heart into it & all your time.
15. Special Work—O.P.V. Queen of W. bet[ween] Queen P. & 2 Wands. He counts to 4 C. & 8 Wands. He must take charge of affairs with steady force but not too rigorous. He must be intelligent & practical, singlehearted & swift to think. His work concerns (1) Comment; (2) Management of affairs of Order.
16. Special Work—Achad. 7. C. between Atus 17 [Star] and 14 [Temperance or Art] counts to 3 C. & 10 S. He must establish the Worship of Nuit & the aspiration to the K. & C. [Knowledge & Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel] in a world of change & treason & deception & self-indulgence by intruding the principle of Love showing on the one hand that Wisdom & Purity lead to understanding, bliss & plenty whereas seeking for wealth, fame, & material things causes disruption & ruin. [End of Divination.]
11.30 p.m. Slept on & off all day—worry almost wholly absent: only returned at odd moments for a short while.