Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 15 January 1924



Die Mars.


Hail unto Kheph Ra!


My diarrhea is unabated, but Aiwass certainly made good: I was active and brilliant all day.


A.M. Bought hats and haberdashery.


1. P.M. Lunched E-K [Leon Engers Kennedy] and Kitty.


2. P.M. Bought belt etc. and shoes.


3 P.M. Arranged with Cooks for N.M. [Norman Mudd].


4 P.M. Bought clothes.


5 P.M. Conference with Reggie. André Gide called on me!


6 P.M. Dressed etc.


8 P.M. Dinner with Aimée [Aimée Gouraud].


10 1/2 - 11 1/2 P.M. Preached the Law of Thelema to thousands of people here and in England by T.S.F. [French Radio]—both in English and French!


1.31 A.M. Will try to sleep now, and write to Leah [Leah Hirsig] for pictures.


E-AK re Mu[dd] and “Telegram”[1] F.H. [Frank Harris] for facts and tel[ephone]: André Gide in A.M.


5.30 R.G. [Good] broke his app[ointment]t, damn him!


6.30 A Gide wires lunch Wed. good!


7.30 F. H. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] A.I. [Eddie Saayman]—letters. All stony (where n = Aleph zero) (n plus 1) (n plus 1)


Note: Copy my poems from A.O.S. [Austin Osman Spare] “Focus of Life”.


10.56 P.M. I invoke Aiwass to sleep early, wake early and fit, cured of diarrhea (I have noticed all day a sudden healing of it: but there was a final spurt just as I got to bed).


In a dream a man in a game is accused by a preacher of [illegible]—“Throwing off even at the queen” Game called ‘….osculator [???]—doubling up bets when 2 players are even (others pay up and quit)


Each throw called deuce tray etc. to ace, 2 players who match win the others pay. Winners can divide or go on adding to stakes. This man (in dream) would evidently go on betting at 11th round. (There’s lots in this game when I get rules right)



1—Frank Harris and Crowley were hatching a scheme to purchase The Telegram Parisian evening paper.


