Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 18 September 1936



Began standing exercises—mildly.


12 1/2 Mme. Arnsohn, a small slight Jewess, French, v. short-sighted, rather dowdy.


Advance copies of Equinox [The Equinox of the Gods].


4.38 P.M. Asc. 19 square opposition conjuct , .   in 7th-25o sextile semi-sextile .



[Karl Germer] gave us dinner.


Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] got truculent: the usual trouble. Endless bother to get her to go home.





Rather broke training. Silly. So Turker 13 st 6lb. (Oysters have not been good hitherto: so ate dinners).


