Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 12 January 1938
[I Ching Hexagram] 17.
4.30 A.M. Dream of interview with Q.[ueen] Elizabeth (not this dumpy Scottish slut.) Quoted Shakespeare re. England weeping floods of tears.
Another followed: I did the same thing in the witness-box.
A third: by air with ? Pearl [Pearl Brooksmith] to theatrical (?) hotel 1000 m. S. of Cairo all v. long full & vivid.
6 P.M. El Vino. Pearl v.[ery] agitated by this lunatic Sybil Grantham, but very very sweet.
FitzG. [Edward Noel Fitzgerald] packing books [The Equinox of the Gods].
Wrote Grove [Edward Grove] & Mencken [H.L. Mencken].