Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 2 May 1939
[I Ching hexagram] 9.
Birthday party for Aleister Ataturk.
Gerald Hamilton. Ruby Melvill. Chac. [Charles Cammell]. Peggy Wetton. Jas Cleugh [James Cleugh]. Marika Cleugh. Jas [James] Justice. Iona Cammell [Mrs. Charles Cammell]. Louis Wilkinson. Greta Sequira. Catherine Falconer. Pamela Joan Bennett. A great success, this lunch, in some strange way; only explanation seems to be that I wasn't there: just cooked & let them talk.
(Cath. [Cathrine Falconer] just doesn't like it with
1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation. 2—I.M.D.—In the Hands of his Mistress.