Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 24 May 1944
[I Ching hexagram] 52.
£10.10.0 from Margaret Porter!!
Cash in hand £200.
Cash in hand £27.7.
9 1/2 Due (orders or part paid) £31.15.0.
W. Dawson Sadler £21.0.0
Cheques May 26 £63.0.0.
Ted Bryant [Edward Bryant] rang up, came over, promised to subscribe for Tarot [The Book of Thoth].
W. Dawson Sadler “The Larches” 4 Oaks Road Four Oaks Sutton Coldfield nr B.... paid for 2 copies & F.H.'s [Frieda Harris] horror [horoscope].
Finished the Thriller Triolets.