Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 25 May 1945



[I Ching hexagram] 25.


[Heroin] came.


Chits from 400 [Kenneth Grant] Ans[were]d [Letter - 25 May 1945]. Cowtan ans[were]d. P.[ost] O.[ffice] my letter to Pam ret[urne]d. Cath. [Catherine Falconer] ans[were]d.


Chess with one Burdock age 73. Magnificent game; I ought to have won, but got tired, nervous re my shopping & 'bus, so careless—agreed to draw; I had a passed P, but B's of opposite colours. Bought The Red Knight (John Newton Chance) A1 Too much for Mr. Jeelipot (Sydney Fowler).


