Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Saturday, 22 March 1924




Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


I, Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] start this Magical Diary Mar. 22, 1924 e.v. in An. xx, at 3 P.M. being the beginning of the hour of silence as agreed upon by the present members of the Abbey of Thelema at Cefalů, Sicily.


2.55 P.M. L. [Cocaine] to concentrate on a letter to Gabriel D'Annunzio[1] to whom I also propose sending a copy of Mortadello.


3.40 P.M. Have written the following inscription in Mortadello for D'Annunzio.


93 To G. D'A. [Gabriel D'Annunzio] from the S.W. [Scarlet Woman], the concubine of the B.[east] 666 (commonly called A.C.) who in May of Last Year was expelled from Italy senza regione date, that the great Ital[ian] Poet may meditate more deeply on the deplorable condition of his country which has been the home of English poets for centuries.


93     93/93

Abbey of T. [Abbey of Thelema] Cefalů Sicily           in An. xx Aeon of Horus


9 P.M.—In bed and have just finished "The Bornless One" and "Unity Uttermost Showed": (HL.) To formulate program.


Hermes [Howard Shumway] and Dionysus [Hansi] have made an appointment with me, for the morning, to continue our Words started this evening.



1—Gabriele D’Annunzio (12 March 1863 — 1 March 1938) was an Italian poet, novelist, dramatist, short-story writer, journalist, military hero, and political leader, the leading writer of Italy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.





1. Abbey run on more regular lines—hour of silence started.


2. Book sent d'Annunzio with inscription.


3. Ninette [Ninette Shumway] and children my delight.


4. V.L.'s [Adam Murray] work—he needs concentration. Has fear.


5. Arturo [Arturo Sabatini]—needs shaking up.


Opera     Opus[2]     — 10 000 from his uncle.


Money arrived from London to take me to Paris.


Left O.K.—worried en route re money etc.



2—[Leah Hirsig is referring to magical sexual operations.]

