Leah Hirsig Diary Entry

Monday, 29 September 1924




8 A.M. Couldn't sleep at first last night but had good night's rest.


Ready to make final preparations for to-night.


Afternoon. My preparations still in running. I shall stay on this planet long enough to have completed these preparations to the very best possible aid to Establishing the Law of Thelema which it is my Will to do.



I have had three calls to "go".



1. Wednesday

Sept. 24—I staged this for Reggie to be the man on the job and my supplying copy for the journals. It failed.


2. Friday

Sept. 26—I sent for Ella Burgin and Lambert came instead quite unexpectedly. I staged this with less detail. It failed.


3. Friday and Saturday

Sept. 27 - 28—This I staged to have all things ready by Monday Sept. 29 to die quietly during the night of Monday, O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] or Jane [Jane Wolfe] to arrive Tuesday to find all in order.


I do not know nor do I care whether this turns out so but leave all to the Gods to give me strength to meet my situation.


I have sent for a Notary—if he comes, well and good, If he doesn't, I shall stay here until my preparations are as complete as necessary for my Work.


That is my Will for all I stick to what I said "Only the Gods know the propitious moment". There is no time outside this.



A dose of Calomel and then we shall see.


Done—but we'll have to wait till to-morrow to see, for Calomel like all good things has its own "time". Praise be unto Calomel!



"Babalon is risen". So I wrote on the "First day".


Babalon was knocked down 3 times and now she is up to stay up. Aum! Ha!



7 P.M. Only now do I realize that one cannot break an oath. I've heard it said and thought I understood.


8. P.M. Telegram received from Ninette [Ninette Shumway] that Hansi and Alma [Alma Hirsig] sailed and that Police and Consul can do nothing.



Here is my letter to Nathan.


64 Ave. du Maine

Paris 14


Sept. 29, 1924 e.v.


Mister Nathan


American ?     Consul !     at Palermo


What a piece of filth you are! But the day of reckoning is still to come, my dear Sir.


This is a purely personal letter (of which I keep a copy and hold receipt for its safe deliverance to you.)


Yours in full sanity,


Leah Hirsig



64 Av. du Maine,

Paris 14


Sept. 29, 1924 e.v.


Statement (with accompanying document of details attached).


I hereby swear that the following named persons are directly responsible for my death:


1. Lord Beaverbrook and his accomplices

2. Alma Hirsig Bliss, my sister

3. H. Roy and his wife (said to be proprietors of the Apartment house 207 Boulevard Raspail.


My death is due to complete nervous exhaustion. I have been unable to eat or sleep for months.


I do not take drugs.


I do not drink except a little wine at meals sometimes.


I have smoked more than is good for me in the past weeks.


Examination of my body will prove these statements.


I refer to


1. Dr. Domela, Tunis.

2. Dr. Jacob (recommended by American Express Co.—address not known.)

3. Dr. Jarvis [Dr. Charles Jarvis]—81 Boulevard Malesherbes.

4. Dr. Chaussegros—236 Boulevard Raspail.

5. Dr. who visited me here on Sept. 25 (name can be gotten from this hotel.)



A. Dr. Domela, Tunis, attended me—May-October 1923.


B. Dr. Jacob called at 24 rue Lamarck, Montmartre after I had been returned from England by the Immigration inspectors, who were acting on orders from the Home Secretary. This about August 11-14, 1924.


C. I visited Dr. Jarvis on Sept. 20, after a complete collapse after receiving news that my son Hans Hammond had been kidnapped by my sister, Alma Hirsig Bliss. Prescription appended.


D. Dr. Chaussegros was called in to the apartment of Miss Dorothy Olsen at 207 Boulevard Raspail, where I collapsed completely on my way home and had to remain the night. This during the night of Sept. 22.


I called on Dr. Chaussegros the next day (Sept. 23) after having been abused by the people of 207 Boulevard Raspail. Note appended prescription and certificate.


E. Feeling myself on the point of death on September 24, I called in a local doctor (hotel will supply name). He assured me I would not die but I knew better. However, I decided to eat as best I could and to continue to live until I should have put my affairs in order.



Sept. 28


Final Instructions.


1. Notify Swiss Legation, 51 Ave. Hoche. The are to bury me as I am without funds and refuse to allow my friends to pay for my burial. I shall notify them to await burial till you arrive or something like that, if I see fit or it is necessary.


2. Get instructions at Aimée Gouraud's 20 rue de Vineuse, Passy, and arrange to collect other things left there at your convenience. (I enclose not if introduction.) (P.S. Sept. 29 I shall probably leave things here. You'll see.)


3. Proceed to settle the 207 Boulevard Raspail[1] business, goods to be packed and disposed of as per accompanying paper—before Oct. 6. You will have to see American Vice Consul about authorization. Do not go near the place without your authorizations.


4. Attend to other matters as per instructions in order most suitable. Do not neglect any of them.


5. Do not discuss affairs with any one except to give necessary facts to official people. Make no comments and where they weep or wail or what not, demand coldly that they stick to facts. LOOK AT THEM WITH THE EYES OF A MAGICIAN.


6. Refuse to talk to Newspaper men. Refer them to Norman Mudd who will know how to deal with them. There is to be no ordinary sensationalism. (This when I thought Jane  was coming.)


7. Post letters or send telegrams left for you.


8. Do not give 666's address to any one.


9. Dorothy Olsen's address as far as you know is c/o Bankers Trust Paris.


I expect however she will have communicated with American Consul. If urgent it is c.o Aumont [Gerard Aumont]  16 Av. de Carthage Tunis.


10. You really should have V.L. [Adam Murray] to help you. If this is impossible get an interpreter—M. Lambert of 23 rue Vavin or if the Gods will, Montgomery Evans 2nd. will appear at the right moment. I am rather expecting this.


My room is rented until Oct. 1 and I shall pay up leaving receipt with you, if I can. Stay here until room rent is expired so as to receive letters etc.


Use your discretion here.


You'll find everything will work out O.K. if you don't lose your head.


Some of the instructions in envelope marked instructions may have been carried out.


Get funds from Aimée until you can sell things etc. I enclose a letter of introduction.



Goods at 207 Boulevard Raspail.



1. Pack books on table to be kept for 666.


2. Pack all 666's belongings in one case (His Highland clothes are in the old trunk, remove these and pack with other clothes.) White trousers and violet shirt not to be included. These are for London.


3. The sword (in cupboard) the wand and the Stele are to be packed separately in case he wants them shortly.


4. All Mss. and papers to be packed for O.P.V.


5. Books on floor in hall to be sold to Nourri (I don't know his address).


6. Opium pipe, Tibetan Banner and amber cigarette holder to be sold if necessary.


7. Pictures to be cased. There are 2 at Duclas - Blvd. Montparnasse below Blvd. Raspail. The receipt for them is among my S[carlet] W[oman] cards, possibly on table or in small case belonging to V.L.


8. My effects to be packed and looked over later.


9. All the junk is to be put into old trunk.


10. Any of Dorothy's things that you can use you'd better keep. What you can't use, put with A.C.'s things.



I think that's all. Have responsible people pack these under you direction and with the protection of the American Consul, making inventory as you go along for purposes of reference later on. Note anything specially mentioned which is missing and register with proper authorities.


Store these with reliable people who will also do the packing.


This will all take time so get at it at once. Put it plainly to the American Consul who has Dorothy's wishes on paper and who received her signature for full power of attorney to carry out her instructions as per her wishes. She wished me to attend to these affairs for her. Leave A.C.'s name out of it entirely unless British Consul butts in. Then merely say that owing to my great distress at having my son kidnapped etc. I had acted rather hastily, wishing to safeguard that which had been entrusted to me in the form of books and Mss. You'll do this O.K. I know. Don't complicate matters any more than you can help.


If there is any hitch in this the Consul will have to take the responsibility.


Leah Hirsig.



Hotel du Maine

Sept. 28, 1924.


Strategic Point.


Get all except old trunk out before Oct. 6. They may try to hold you up for money though everything is paid. Dorothy paid 50 francs the day she went away but I haven't the receipt.


Put nothing into the old trunk that matters—leave the old shoes etc. there to fill up. If they try to hold you up, just say, oh yes, you'll come back to-morrow and get the trunk and will pay them. Be sweet and amiable (they are terrible people) and when you have removed all the valuables, Look at the woman as noted before and record result.



1—[Refers to items belonging to Crowley and Leah that were being held at 207 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, an apartment that had been leased to Dorothy Olsen.]


