Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Thursday, 16 December 1920






Rather light sleep, for I was waked frequently.


5:50 started Asana, 15’. Rested 10’

Started Dharana but worked instead on astral.

Rested 10’.


20’ Harpocrates.


This strenuous work on astral is bearing fruit. I feel more set up, psychologically? The negative, lassitude, is fading away. I am better able to look away from self.


Letter from Hansen [William Hanson] regarding Equinox—$1500 in all.









Notice I respond more readily to stimulants. My Naples medicine intoxicates. Also I feel a cigarette. The medicine must be doing its work—the dry throat which occasionally waked me gasping for breath, has disappeared. So that long-standing catarrhal condition is on the mend.




Rejoicing before my altar. My being poured itself forth in thanksgiving; I could not find the words and used Psalms. Then, too, I got my first rhythmic movements for dance—not definite enough for memory, but a beginning.


