The V-Sign

Sketch for a book on the V sign


(from a draft in Aleister Crowley's hand in the

possession of Edward Noel Fitzgerald. 1954.)



Note: The book of which the below is a sketch was never written. Aleister Crowley always maintained that he was 'the author of the V sign'. He told me that he suggested the idea of the sign to a Colonel Britten and that as a result it was officially adopted during the second world war. No evidence or proof of his claim and statement seems to have survived. This book would merely have proved that the sign as such was not new. Gerald Yorke]



     Title Page.

          The V Sign. In hoc signo vinces.


     1. The Beast 666.

          Early ambition.

          Identification with V.

          Sol. (Lord of his Age).

          Battiscomb Gunn's spelling.

                A, I, L, 30, I, 10, S, 60, T, 9, I, 10, R, 200, C, 20, R, 200, 0, 70, W, 6, L, 30, E, 5, Y, 10. = 666

          The Therion spellings given in "Magick" [Magick in Theory and Practice] p 257 note.


          1.a. V interpreted by Qabalah.



                    6. (John Bull). Bull of Borgias. Alexander VI.

                    Nail or Dagger (secret weapon).

                    Magick cap V expands IAO to VIAOV

                    Magick cap VII Sec V analyses AUM and adds GW. Equals Thumbs Up

                    Magick Appendix, p 333. Ritual of the Mark of the Beast. "The Sign Vir".

                    Magick Abrahadabra. 5º=6o, squaring the circle.

                    Magick Air

                    Magick V in IHVH

                    Magick The Vegetation formula.


     2. The Language of Symbols and Gesture.

               Thumbs Up.

               Sympathetic Magic—real theory.

                    Where link is made—morse code order—ships go and fight.


                    Examples. C.I.C. orders attack.

                    Our correspondences not arbitrary because prearranged, but natural.


          2.a. Initiation.

                    The LVX signs.

                    V.V.V.V.V. 8º=3o. Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici.

                    Thumbs Up picture to face this section.

          (Object of this section 2 to prove that our Phallic and Diabolic symbols are stronger than other countries).

                    Natural symbols.

                    Swastika Buddhist. Hammer of Thor.

                    Hammer and Sickle. Juppiter and Saturn. Pentagram.

                    Hexagram. Jew.

                    Circle, Girdle of Venus. (Kteis).


                         Pan (the Devil).

                         Dionysius Zagreus.

                         Amoun Ra.

                         Various beasts. Daniel—Apocalypse—Zeruuiah—the prophet Benaiah, etc. Fill up from Concordance.

                         Bull (Mithras); Jupiter and Europa; Borgia.


     3. My Magical Plan.

               Liber III.

               Liber 175.

               Liber 200.

               "Saying Will". Magick p 102 footnote 2.

               The bifurcation formula of trees.

               Gesture of recognition. (Dumas—Masons save girl in riot).

               I always disapproved strongly of the course chosen by the B.B.C.


     4. The vulgar interpretation.

               See Levi [Eliphas Levi] on Vintras (V on bleeding hosts).

               See Levi. Ritual XV. V on horns of the Devil.

               Mano in fica.

               Evil Eye.

               "duality". "irreconcilable antagonism".

               Shadow of "sign of Benediction". (Levi).

               See "Mysteries of Magic." Ed. prim. pp 311-5 and 324. 2nd Ed. pp 45i seq.

               "Notariqon". Virtue, Vice, Virility, Valetudinarian, Vivid, Vapid, Visible, Veiled, Victor, Vanquished.

               Majority of British and Russian allies anti-Xtian. The 'clamorous rump'.


     5. War Aims.

               Quote O.T.O. II° Degree.

               Liber LXXVII. OZ


     6. Advertisement matter.

               Songs for Italy Sept '23 and blurb.

               Thumbs Up!

               The Equinox of the Gods (all prophecy stuff).


     Colours of V.

               Red Orange.

               Deep Indigo.

               Deep warm olive.

               Rich brown.


