Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly




MacGregor of Boleskine.

Hotel Great Central.




[Undated: circa May 1900?]



Care Frater.


There will be a meeting of GD one day next week to initiate Madame Lucille Hill (Exact date later). You will be required to act as an officer, as the number of members in Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 has been reduced. In fact the whole crew of Hunters [Harriette Dorothea Hunter] and Blackdens [Ada Mary & Marcus Worsley Blackden] and Roshers [Caroline & Charles Rosher] and scabs and skunks and bitches etc etc has been swept into oblivion.


Jones [George Cecil Jones] and self are in fact the only ones left bar a Doctor [Edward Berridge] and a Mrs Simpson [Alice Simpson] and her charming daughter [Elaine Simpson]. With possibly one or two in the outer. But this will be a private meeting. Only officers will attend.


You will probably be Dadouchos: so make your own lamen. Figure of this badly drawn here [A swastika]. There are 17 squares. Each arm has 4. Let it be drawn accurately on a circular lamen with a tag to hang. I have ordered the collar myself. The swastika is in white on a black ground. It is on both sides of your lamen alike.


I have very much to tell you of the last importance. I may run up for a day or two. Anyhow, let me have a line to say that you may be depended on to come—there will be a trouble to get 7 officers.


Ever f[raternal]ly.





P.S. Can you put me up a couple of nights if I come down? You have my King's Friend.[1] A.C.



1—[King's Friend. A play that Crowley was writing. It does not survive. Gerald Yorke.]


