Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
MacGregor of Boleskine. Hotel Great Central. London.
[Undated: circa May 1900?]
Care Frater.
There will be a meeting of G∴D∴ one day next week to initiate Madame Lucille Hill (Exact date later). You will be required to act as an officer, as the number of members in Isis-Urania Temple No. 3 has been reduced. In fact the whole crew of Hunters [Harriette Dorothea Hunter] and Blackdens [Ada Mary & Marcus Worsley Blackden] and Roshers [Caroline & Charles Rosher] and scabs and skunks and bitches etc etc has been swept into oblivion.
Jones [George Cecil Jones] and self are in fact the only ones left bar a Doctor [Edward Berridge] and a Mrs Simpson [Alice Simpson] and her charming daughter [Elaine Simpson]. With possibly one or two in the outer. But this will be a private meeting. Only officers will attend.
You will probably be Dadouchos: so make your own lamen. Figure of this badly drawn here [A swastika]. There are 17 squares. Each arm has 4. Let it be drawn accurately on a circular lamen with a tag to hang. I have ordered the collar myself. The swastika is in white on a black ground. It is on both sides of your lamen alike.
I have very much to tell you of the last importance. I may run up for a day or two. Anyhow, let me have a line to say that you may be depended on to come—there will be a trouble to get 7 officers.
Ever f[raternal]ly.
P.S. Can you put me up a couple of nights if I come down? You have my King's Friend.[1] A.C.
1—[King's Friend. A play that Crowley was writing. It does not survive. Gerald Yorke.]