Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
An XIII Sol in Libra October 12th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I acknowledge with thanks the receipt of yours of October 4th., together with several copies of the 'International' for distribution to Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and others. I think this issue is better than ever. You must be working under tremendous pressure, only those with some 'inside information' probably realize how much the 'Contributing Editor' does contribute, and yet I notice in addition at least two articles in Vanity Fair. . . . .
Very many thanks for your views on the eye trouble, for your promise re Mr. Bates. What you say seems most reasonable and natural. As a matter of fact, I have experimented for three days, leaving off my glasses entirely, and find that although I cannot see really well, there is less feeling of strain—if anything—without them. This gives me hopes that with proper understanding of the matter and possibly massage or something of that sort, the matter can be put right instead of recognized as a permanent limitation.
I am glad you liked the little articles, and are satisfied with the section of Record.
I have passed Frater Nubem Eripiam [Wilfred Talbot Smith] to Neophyte. He has been working much better lately, and carried out instructions in regard to the copying out of his record. His spelling etc is however still very bad, so I have instructed him to attend Night School for a time, pointing out what a very serious bar to advancement this failing is, and urging him to do all in his power to overcome it. I shall be glad if you will let me know when it is possible to obtain Liber VII and Liber Collegii Sancti for him and where. I will then collect and remit his fees accordingly.
I received a letter from Bro Windram [James Windram] yesterday, enclosing a copy of the S.[outh] A.[frican] Manifesto in answer to that of the Swiss B.[lessed] B.[rethren] I think that I should have received a copy of the Swiss Manifesto but it did not come to hand. I have heard nothing from Bro Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] for a long while, and trust letters are not going astray. It would seem advisable that I should keep in touch with things as far as possible, under the circumstances.
I shall hope to have some news to report with regard to affairs in the B.C. Section in the near future. I have been working on a new plan but will not give any details till I see how things turn out.
My brief holiday is over and I have been back at the office again this week. I certainly wish I had more time to devote to the Work, it was surprising what a lot of things I got cleared up during that fortnight and how much more readily ideas seemed to present themselves.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son,