Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Dec. 18, 1920.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
We heard this morning from Hanson [William Hanson], who wants $1500 to release the 1000 copies of Equinox 3-2. We have not got any scenarios accepted yet; we have only just heard that the first batch had arrived in California; but we may be in funds at any moment from this source. We have also been promised a refund of the 1st 350 paid to the Chiswick Press, but this has not yet come to hand. You will note that the E.[quinox] has not yet been bound. This, if I remember rightly, was to cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of 36 cents apiece, but we can have the copies made up as we want them. I should suggest, in the first instance, that we have 200 copies bound to be apportioned as follows:
Windram [James Windram]—25 (if we can hear from him, which we have not yet done.)
Bennett [Frank Bennett]—25 (I think he is to be relied upon to pay at least £1 Sterling apiece for these. I am writing him by this mail asking for a subsidy.)
Coll.[egium] ad S.[piritum] S.[anctum]—25
American & English Press—25.
Sir C.[harles] S.[tansfeld] Jones—the balance.
I asked the Yi for a symbol of our proper course in this matter and got [I Ching hexagram] No. 37—Family, on which I base this letter.
As you have been able to repay the $500 which you raised to clear the Mawers stock, you ought to be able to command $500 for this Hanson transaction. If you are able and willing to do so, please let me know, that I may govern myself accordingly.
The Coll. ad S.S. has written to Hanson, a letter inquiring about certain details and putting the matter on a strictly business basis, principally to give you time to reply. I would much rather have you handle this edition than have any further humbug with the U.[niversal] B.[ook] S.[tore]. If they want to have copies, sell them copies for cash.
I am very anxious to get this matter out of the way as I am now under a Magical Oath to concentrate all my efforts on the publication of the BOOK of the Law and its COMMENT. I am hampered by the theft of the MSS. and the STELE.
I am enclosing copies of letters written to the other Brethren so as to keep you en courant.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy Sire,
P.S. I have been very much impressed by the animus which Frater Genesthai [C. F. Russell] has always shown and still shows against you. Some of it is intelligible, if mistaken; and some of it incomprehensibly silly. "The matter of the slander" is not really worth repeating, but I want very much to know the origin of the feeling.