Leah Hirsig's Will



Sept. 24, 1924





In case of my death I hereby appoint Norman Mudd, 50 Radnor Street, Chelsea, London, to carry on and complete the work I have been unable to finish which is as follows.


To retrieve before Oct. 6 all the property left in the apartment of Miss Dorothy Olsen, entre sil a droit at 207[1] Boulevard Raspail as per her instructions and authorizations to me. Should Norman Mudd be unable to do this personally, his representative, will take charge but the lease ends Oct. 6 and the thing must be done.


The authorizations should be in the care of the American Consul in Paris in the course of a few days. The receipt of the rent is enclosed in Envelope marked Consul. Should the authorizations fail to reach the Consulate, Norman Mudd is to communicate with Miss Olsen at once.


I further command him to prosecute the swine who are responsible for my death to the full extent of the law. They are


1. Lord Beaverbrook and his accomplices


2. Alma Bliss, my sister

c/o Hayden Co.

North Goodman St.

Rochester N.Y.


3. H. Roy and his wife of 207 Boulevard Raspail Paris

(Said to be proprietor of that apartment)


Witness my signature


Leah Hirsig



I leave all my possessions to Norman Mudd to be dealt with at his discretion except such as are specially marked.


I also bequeath to Lord Beaverbrook a pamphlet containing an inscription and autograph.


I would like the small packet marked "to be buried or burnt with me" to be so used. I also demand that the Swiss Legation pay for the disposal of my body—they never helped me when I was alive and how it will hurt them to have to pay a few sous!


Leah Hirsig.


I ask that this be read aloud before a body of human beings; for I believe some few exist though I haven't met them outside my associates in the Work which I give my life for and a few others





Inscription on the Pamphlet for Lord Beaverbrook


To Lord Beaverbrook, the murderer of one of the "three women".


Leah Hirsig


but really     Babalon


Sept. 24, 1924 e.v.






An envelope containing the pictures of Mary Butts and Cecil Maitland marked


"To the Solicitors on the part of Norman Mudd, in charge of the Beaverbrook—Mudd Controversy."





To the Brethren:


Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong.



All these documents are to be preserved intact. Let there be no editing.


Let there be no editing in any documents by Thelemites.


As brothers fight ye!


There is success.


Babalon speaks.



Things to be done.


1. Baggage at 207 Blvd. Raspail to be retrieved as per Miss Olsen's instructions. (The Manuscript of Liber Legis is in a newspaper parcel among papers and envelopes etc.) Look for that first. It must be gotten out of the house before Oct. 6.


2. Baggage at Rue Lamarck to be gotten. There are Mss. among those things.


3. Fur coat retrieved (if convenient) but I do not see why Boutreux should have it. Don't waste precious time on this.


4. Documents to be gotten from Mr. Hunt 1 rue du Helder. They are important in the Hansi—Alma affair.


5. Instructions as in my will to be carried out. The immediate ones are


a. To protect the property in Miss Dorothy Olsen's apartment.


b. To have the Swiss Legation pay for the disposition of my body—burnt if possible—and with the small packet marked "to be buried or burnt with me".


The other instructions can be carried out later.


6. To notify The Beast 666 and The Scarlet Concubine of his Desire that Babalon dies but to live again; to live in a world different to that which she leaves.


The Aeon of Horus is established. Aum! Ha!


Further settle the bill here. Receipt for 100 francs enclosed in Grey wallet. Pay the Garcon 25 francs and the girl in the office the same amount. The people here have been most kind and human. They have given me the best care they were capable of. Thank them for me.


My memory begins to fail so in case I have forgotten it Dorothy Olsen is to have any of my Magical belongings not otherwise disposed of. The Black and Gold dress and hat are to be preserved as the vestments of Babalon. Also the shoes and stockings.


The Blue Cape should be worn by Jane Wolfe, because she is the bravest woman I know and she should be clothed in officers uniform.


To Ninette [Ninette Shumway], my strong wonderful sister, I leave the custody of my son Hansi (Hans Hammond) until such time as decided otherwise by The Beast 666.


Lulu Astarte Panthea is to have the little red purse in my bag.


Norman Mudd to have the grey wallet.


I can think of nothing more but my love to Hermes [Howard Shumway], Frater V.L. [Adam Murray] and to Frater L.O.V. [James Gilbert Bayley]—I have never seen him but he is of us.


Let Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] beware!

Let Frater Progradior [Frank Bennett] "go on, go on"

Let Frater Windram [James Windram]—Semper Paratus "exceed, exceed"


Let there be no sensationalism about my death or about anything else.


ALEISTER CROWLEY, THE BEAST 666, TO MEGA THERION, THE PROPHET OF NY, THE PROPHET OF HAD, THE PROPHET OF RA-HOOR-KHUIT!  Lift thyself up for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods!





Aleister Crowley's Vindication


I die in service to the Great Work of which he is the Visible Head.


My body dies as a result of the actions of


Lord Beaverbrook and his accomplices

Alma Bliss, my sister

H. Roy (the proprietor of 207 Boulevard Raspail) and his wife.


I thank these people for having helped me to fulfill my true purpose in life and command my representatives to prosecute them to the full extent of the law of existing civilization, so that the Law of the New Aeon may be established.


Leah Hirsig.



1—[Refers to items belonging to Crowley and Leah that were being held at 207 Boulevard Raspail, Paris, an apartment that had been leased to Dorothy Olsen.]


