Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Leah Hirsig





[circa February 1925]



Dear Alostrael,




Yours of Dec. 16 might have depressed me had we not just got into a little Arab house at Sidi Bou Said with no conveniences and nothing to eat and no hope of getting it.


I am not so stupid as you think. I had hoped to touch your sense of humour. We are supposed to be here for four months, but they will probably break in and find our skeletons in one. You have to deal with the crime [the kidnapping of Hansi by Leah's sister Alma Hirsig] in the country where it was committed, hence extradition instructions. I will write to Bill and Mrs. Clark.


You don't read my letters carefully. I never said the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] is not integral. It is integral. You should marry Aumont [Gerard Aumont], he does that all the time. Murray [Adam Murray] is doing admirably. I can't see why you should be jealous, which is what it sounds like. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] seems very much better. I think I wrote that line 5 of Hexagram XLV had come off. I think the Hexagram is exhausted as line 6 followed it within 2 days. I shall take a new one this Solstice.


Your idea of going through the grades is a good one. Please send seal. Send a copy of the Butts [Mary Butts]—Maitland [Cecil Maitland] group to O.P.V., with a copy of my suggested letter press, Perhaps N.[oble] H.[all] can improve the letter. I find it difficult to believe in your diary. Anyhow if you do it pub[lish] Ninette's [Ninette Shumway] with it. Your internal troubles remind me of Mudd's. You want steady common sense with indifference to your condition.


No Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire] enclosed as stated. Aumont received CCXX and S[imon] I[ff]. Yours of Dec. 14. All very good.


Yours ever,


