Correspondence from David Curwen to Aleister Crowley




Sept 20th 1944



136 Marylebone Road, NW1



Aleister Crowley Esq.,



My Dear Sir:


I have your two letters of the 18th and 19th for which I thank you. In one, you have asked me whether I now find everything clear, I regret to reply, "far from it." There is a reason for this.


You must pardon me if I remark right at the outset that our mentalities seem to be quite different, for we seem to see some things from opposite angels. What seems of great importance to you, does not seem to me to be of any importance at all. I must say all I have to say quite frankly, but you must pardon me if I appear to offend, for none of this is intended.


That Antares might have had something or some connection with you, I felt intuitionally, but I put this idea on one side for the time being, for your footnote in Thoth [The Book of Thoth] belied this impression. And now that you have revealed your position in the O.H.M., I cannot see the reason you were aiming at in mentioning the matter at all. I really cannot ascribe any point to be gained by the footnote. Was it advertisement?


Again, I am afraid I have no claim whatsoever to being a "Quabalist of Eminence" as you so kindly put it in your letter, and so it never entered my mind to find out the value of the name ANTARES. One does not go about finding the value of every word one comes across. And when one gets the value of a word, it is only guesswork as to its significance. I am tired of this guessing. In addition, I would spell Antares as Alef, nun, toff, reich, hey, sumech. Which would give 716. Only by forcing, and not sounding the s at the end of the name, and replacing it with a yod, can 666 be obtained, thus: A. Alef 1. N. nun 50: T, toff 400. T, reich 200. E hey 5. And Yod 10, to make the number up.


And why in the name of heaven, you insist on this inelegant name, I personally have never be[en] able to fathom. Even if your number were so, so what? Does it make any difference to anybody what you are called? Or even what your degree in initiation is? Only in the lodge can it mean anything. Yet in all your books, you have published it. I could never see the reason or use of all the names and degrees that you lay claim to. If a man is a great man, of wonderful attainments, by his fruits shall you know him. It is the intrinsic value that counts. Just "Winne" or Winston, without any trimmings is the greatest Prime Minister England ever had. To make matters worse, you must print these names in Greek. How many people do you think know Greek? I don't.


You ask me what books I have. I have had most of your books. I now have 777, the 10 Equinoxes, Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice], thoth, etc., etc., and Equinox of the Gods. You seem to think a great deal of this latter book. I wish I could see its value. If it is so important, it can only be so to you. I have now read all about it, but to me its importance can only lie in its usefulness to me, and I regret that after much study of it, I can find no use in it at all. More theories, more dogmas but of little if any practical value. If it has I shall be happy to learn how to make use of it. As for its quabalistic values, when one finds anything, it must only remain as a curiosity, but one can put it to no conceivable purpose.


It is from some such revelations that messiahs in the past have all arisen. They believed they received a revelation from the Lord, whereas, it was nothing of the sort. Just a contact with the higher planes of consciousness. I fear I am very practical minded, and I have come to a pass when I realize that to burden oneself with a useless piece of knowledge or theory is just idiotic. That is why I want a teacher now. Most of your books want a great number of questions to complete them. Incomplete they are useless. And I have put some of these questions to you, a tiny few and you have ignored some, and answered others in such a manner as to confuse me more than ever. The Book of Thoth cost me 10 guineas. I did not want a well bound book, I wanted information. For my part, you could have printed on any kind of paper. But the thickness of the book led me to believe that here was everything about the Taro, but it is nothing of the sort. In the same manner are all your books written, and it is therefore, I have to confess, I have again and again thrown down your books in despair. Magic[k] is supposed to be written so that a "factory girl" can understand as said in page 15 of your introduction, and I am floored on many pages to make sense. No other writer can do this to me except you, and then follows all your titles. No wonder some people have spoken so badly about you.


You have the blocks of the pictures of the Taro, it would cost very little now to have some cards printed. What answer is it to me to tell me "send £1500"? Having the blocks, it would not cost more than a few pounds to have some cards made, but evidently you do not care if those who buy your books should have use of them or not. You are certainly a strange mixture.


Your reply to my question of counting has but confused me utterly. I see now every card has a value. We put down a seven and count seven, then a queen and it is 4th, then an ace and it is 11th. What is it all about? Will you tell me please clearly—say that cards come out thus; 7 of cups, queen of swords, knight of wands, 3 of swords, trumps the Emperor.


4 of wands, 2 of cups, trumps the Magus, 3 of wands, 9 of disks, 5 of disks.


How would you count these cards?


What is the purpose of the counting, when you have counted; then what?


From what cards would you choose the significator? (THREE QUESTIONS.)


Kindly note that if as you say a stranger will call one day, that the above address is a place of business, and it may be at a most inconvenient time. Therefore it will be necessary to ring up first to see what time is most convenient, or write. Otherwise, I may not be able to spare a moment to speak to anyone who calls on a chance.


Yours [sic] second letter was a very kind gesture on your part, but it was hardly necessary, as 56 my number was not a question to you. I have my own interpretation for it. (Nuit, the Star Goddess speaking) but always speaking in riddles. Even you with a life given to it cannot understand, so of what use?


What you say of the Yi-King is interesting, but the question I asked you, once again, you have not answered. I asked you how you use the Yi-Ling for divination. I do not mean the interpretation, I just mean how do you arrive at each figure when a question is to be asked? Do you use bits of stick, or bone, do you throw them in the air, do you shut your eyes, and move them, etc., etc.? Do you see what I mean and want to know?


I search for one who can show me some practical magic. Interior illumination I have had in fits and starts, and know its uses. I have never seen Ritual cause :change to take place in conformity with the will." I want to see this. I know the Rota or Taro is a useful thing, but I still lack something that you have left out or concealed. You speak of "going round and round" until a card recurs. How can it recur? There is only one of each card. And what do you mean by round and round? You see your thick book tells you nothing of this, and no cards to work with.


I have written enough for one day,


Yours Sincerely,


David Curwen


