Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
5 March 1948
Dear Mr. Yorke,
Further to my letter of yesterday's date. I have now had time to look up certain correspondence with A.C. and to reread Liber 31, etc. As a result there are several things I should like to add, and it may save time to do so now.
First in regard to two points in your letter to which I made no reference yesterday. No, NEMO sees no immediate need for trying to "Make Black Hands White". But I have got a great mass of material connected with A.C. and my own magical life, and just what will eventually become of it I do not at present know. I may say that if there are any points of difficulty which Mr. Symonds comes across in his labours of writing a Life of A.C. with which I might in any way be connected and able to help, I shall be glad to do my best to bring out the truth.
The second point is your reference to the Word of 1926. Since this is in a sense more of a technical formula of A∴A∴ and other Orders, there seems no point in its publication just now. In any event it would have to be in some sort of a setting, and that would involve the publication of my own records—which may or may not ever take place. In this connection I may ask whether you came across the manuscript of that part of my magical diary which was to have appeared in the several numbers of The Equinox III [as "Master of the Temple" - Part II] which were never published. You will remember the first section [A Master of the Temple] appeared in Number 1. The second section was printed but never published, because that number of The Equinox only got as far as unbound sheets. The latter sections never appeared at all. But my connection with this whole affair is in no sense plain without at least that part of my record being published which was intended for The Equinox—for it contained the account of how I became Master of the Temple and under what circumstances. It may now sometime appear if I decide to publish directly, either alone or as part of a book on Initiation which was projected a long while ago, so I reserve the copyright on this. Please let me know about it.
Now to take up some further points. You evidently have before you some of my most recent correspondence with A.C.—although probably not all of his letters, some of which were hand-written notes. I do think my letter to him of August 5[6], 1936 should be very carefully preserved, together with separate P.S.—as my attitude is therein clearly disclosed, although I state that it seems that my office is a concealed one. (This might perhaps be attached to Liber 31.)
I have only the proof-sheets of The Equinox of the Gods as A.C. never sent me a complete copy after publication. These are not numbered by pages, so am unable to be sure of "page 127" you mention. I notice a reference to the Number 31, but not definitely to the existence of Liber 31 therein. Nevertheless Liber 31 does supply the Key and it was from there A.C. received it as proof of one aspect of his work—which is of course very important.
For the moment at any rate, and quite apart from the rights or wrongs of the matter, I am inclined to accept the published dictum: "Achad discovered the key in question . . . the work of Achad is not said to extend beyond this single exploit . . . Achad has proved himself ;. . . and this shall suffice." But it is obvious that the circumstances under which this Key was discovered, and the record of just what did happen in that connection, also form part and parcel of the affair and of the proof—just as A.C. has seen the need to publish the circumstances under which The Book of the Law came to him. Liber 31 gives this at least in outline, and A.C., in accepting the one, had to accept the other. This will only become clear to you in the event of your receiving a copy—which I see no reason to withhold from you when I am able to get it prepared.
But here is another point which I should like to ask you first since you have the task of sorting A.C.'s papers—a point which may have an important bearing on the whole matter.
You have doubtless a copy of One Star in Sight. Therein you will notice the following: "(4) The Grade of Ipsissimus is not described fully; but its opening is indicated in Liber I vel Magi. There is also an account in a certain secret document to be published when propriety permits." (In the original typescript this at first read "after the death of the Beast 666".)
Now please tell me: Have you discovered that manuscript among A.C.'s papers? If so, have you read it? If not, where is it? and what do you suppose it may be?
Perhaps you would airmail your reply, and so help to straighten things out more quickly.
Yours truly,
Frater Achad.
P.S. Further reference to correspondence discloses that at the Autumnal Equinox 1923, a special supplement was issued from Tunisa Palace Hotel, Tunis, which ends: "The Beast 666 is stated in the Book of the Law to be manifested solely in the man generally known by the name of Aleister Crowley, whose authority (as defined in CCXX) in the Order is thus as certain as any other proposition set forth in the Book during his present incarnation. His legitimate successor as the Visible Head of the Order will be designated plainly by Him in an Official Proclamation."
Have you a copy of this Official Proclamation—and if so may I have one?