A MASTER OF THE TEMPLE - PART II (Liber 165) (January - December 1914) By Charles Stansfeld Jones and Aleister Crowley
Unpublished [circa 1918?]
During this first part of 1914 he [Charles Stansfeld Jones] seems to have worked quite regularly until March 19th and kept a record as usual, but after that he appears to have done but little until the return of his diary to Frater O.M. [Crowley].
There is nothing or particular importance to note during that period so we will pass on to results of his Examination for Zelator.
The Comments of his Master were encouraging enough to Frater V.I.O., but the Examination Paper was rather staggering. He had done a few simple astral journeys of a sort, it is true, but had never been very sure of himself in this respect, so that when it came to a question of definite work of the type laid down before further advancement could be made, he said to himself "How can I do this thing? What do I know of a door somewhere on the astral, marked thus, Who the devil are Iophiel and Hismael etc.
However, it had to be done, and like most other things, when once one makes up his mind to TRY, he did not find half so much difficulty in the actual performance as he imagines at first.
On May 21st 10 P.M. - 10.55 P.M.
He performed the operation (a) Go through a door on which is
engraved this figure and explain the figure
Robed and entered Temple. (Note. By temple, Frater V.I.O. meant the back half of a small tent, erected behind his living tent at Dundarave, West Vancouver, British Columbia. This little tent was divided by a partition of rough wood and heavy paper, the other portion being used as a store-room. I make this note to show the change that had been wrought in his way of thinking since he left England, and also in his manner of living. While in a well furnished Flat in Kensington, he could find no place fit for Magick or in which to meditate properly, so he thought.)
Performed the L.B.R. [Lesser Banishing Ritual] of Pentagram with wand, followed by an impromptu Invocation of Mercury, and asked for strength and success in this operation from the Lord of the Universe.
Having described a Circle on the floor with Wand, I knelt in the centre and proclaimed my intention to rise, surrounded with a white 'astral' until I arrived at the 'door' as instructed.
For some time it seemed very difficult to do so, or to get anything distinctly. Presently, however, things seemed a little better and I eventually found that I could formulate the idea of a door. It was arched and studded with nails, and opened towards me. Passing through this I felt that I was in the same place as last night. (N.B. Last night I was performing a trial 'journey' and feeling in good form I thought I would carry out this first operation. As soon as I had passed the door, however, I was interrupted by what I thought was R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] calling to me, and returned to avoid further interruption as I had made no definite arrangements to remain undisturbed. I afterwards found R. sound asleep. she had not called, and I wondered what voice it was that had so distinctly heard.)
On my left I perceived a range of mountains, then I noticed at my feet a winding road. Travelling along this road, I conceived that I was holding a staff in my right hand and the idea gradually developed until I perceived very much in the form of the Hermit of the Taro.
Travelling further, I presently came to a tunnel, through which I went, guided by the light of the lamp in my left hand. There were long stalactites depending from the roof, and the passage wound round to the right. Presently I noticed a nitch in the wall containing a vase. I took this down and threw it on the ground and at that a Beetle came out of the vase and went along the passage before me. (I had a feeling that this was partly due to certain events of the day, and might have been the result of their action on my mind.) I now began definitely to ask for some answer to the meaning of the Symbol I had set out to interpret.
Arriving at the end of the passage, we came out into sunlight, and I met a young man, wearing a winged helmet, blue cloak, thrown back from the shoulders, gold chain mail on body, gold plates over thighs with some red material under the gold. He also had winged heels.
I asked him in the name of Mercury the meaning of the Symbol, and he replied to the following effect: At the topmost point is Aleph, which is One. This One cannot manifest as Two, but only as Three, which brings it back to unity again. Therefore is Aleph expressed three times and though being in the form of a triangle it remains One. In the centre of this triangle is Yod, which is also One, but represents the Cycle of Manifestation and the return to Zero—yet it remains in the Centre.
Now the averse triangle is the Universe, which has two Suns a Material and a Spiritual, both of which, directing their rays upon the Universe cause it to appear as it does. (Of course Resh = Sun and Tau = The Universe, by Taro.) The Yod is at the centre of this trial also, and remains unaltered. The topmost point of Yod is Kether, yet it is also 10 and therefore Malkuth, for it is written "One is his Individuality, One His _______ His Permutation is One" (I did not get the missing word but on reference it should of course be 'Beginning' and should be placed in correct order.)
And I said: I do not feel satisfied with the explanation regarding the two letters Resh. And he answered: Do not two reshes make a Tau, both by numeration and by shape? And I perceived that it was so.
Still, however, I did not feel satisfied, and decided to rise higher and seek further explanation if possible. I did so, and arrived upon a platform of marble, on which was an altar in the shape of a double cube, with the letter Tau on the top. I was given to understand that the altar represented the Universe. I then wanted to know more about the two Reshes, and it came to me that the two Suns might represent Sun-rise and Sun-set over the Universe and the Yod was the Generative power at the centre of a triangle which represented the female or Mother Principle. I then lay upon the top of the altar and tried to get something further respecting the Three Alephs, but with not mush satisfaction.
Returned to the body, feeling rather dissatisfied with the result in general. Entered these notes in my diary.
Notes. May 22nd. This morning I looked up 777 and noticed one or two details I was not aware of last night. The Hermit = I of Will.
The Hermit = The Path of Yod.
The numeration of the letters of the averse triangle = 800 = the numeration of the three paths leading from Malkuth. The numeration of the Upright triangle = 3 = that of the Two Paths leading from Kether. V.I.O.
I think that it will be best to follow the plan adopted in regard to the 1913 record, and insert the Comments of Frater O.M. immediately after each of these Astral Journeys, although of course they were not given to Frater V.I.O. until some time later.
On the above experiment, the following remarks were made:
Your answer is on the whole satisfactory. I might add that the two Reshes may be regarded as two Circle of Spheres, and the Tau being the Phallus in extension, the three together make the complete organ, while the Yod is the concealed essence of all, and of this the Spermatozoon is the physical hieroglyphic. You of course noticed that the figure in question is a graphical representation of the name Ararita. You will find a combination of this name in the Book 813, which is the volume I am sending you now. Now this does not pertain to the question, but it is a very nice little thing for you to work at. With your present knowledge of this name, devise a practical system of self-initiation and of magick. You see what I want you to do is to be able to work out your own Salvation without fear and trembling. O.M.
Question (b) Invoke Mercury and Hod, and travel till you meet the Unicorn mentioned in Liber LXV, Cap III v 2. Report its conversation fully.
March 24, 1914. 9.40 to 10.50 p.m. W.Vancr.B.C. [West Vancouver, British Columbia].
During the day I prepared a Circle of Orange about 5ft in diameter (the largest I could make in the little room I am using) and within it, an eight pointed star of yellow. Within that again an octagon. A Red upright Tau in the centre and eight small red pentagrams at the points of the star to represent lights for which there was no room to use with safety. The whole was very crude, but the best I could do with the materials at hand.
Having robed and entered the temple, I made a general Invocation (impromptu) to the Lord of the Universe, and traced the circle and figures with wand. Performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, then Invoked Water and sprinkled circle to purify it. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, followed by Invocation of Mercury and Hod (impromptu) with appropriate Hexagram.
Lit incense. Made a further statement of my intention. Knelt in centre of Circle and tried to formulate white 'astral' with no very great success at first. Afterwards I forgot about material body and began to get some result.
Found my astral floating upon a dark sea on a sort of plank. The moon was shining above and the thought came to me that perhaps the moon represented the Unicorn I had come to seek, but I decided that it was not so.
Rising higher, I tried to identify myself with the moon, and then turned and faced the Sun, looking along the ray as a path. I had the impression of being a little child.
About this time I was reminded of my material body by a pressure on the brain, head, and neck; a sort of foreign rigidity, which caused me to lose concentration on astral for a little while. I determined to keep on, however, and astrally performed the L.B.R. of P. When I came to the words "In the column stands the six-rayed star" I seemed to rise quite easily.
Travelled about, with no particular visions, seeking the Unicorn. I obtained an idea of a unicorn, but not very distinctly, and spoke to it. It informed me that it had no desire to converse. I made the sign of the Pentagram over it, whereupon it said that it was not that which I sought. This being also my opinion, I left it, and rose higher to try again.
This time I got a clearer idea of the Unicorn, and began to converse with it.
We were near the edge of a wood, beneath a night sky. It told me to look up, and having done so, I perceived a comet flash across the sky and disappear. Turning back, I questioned him, and he answered: 'All men are thus, the Universe is thus'. So I gathered from his words that a fragment appears for a moment (or a period) and disappears, leaving no trace. I felt that this was something I must get to understand, when he said: 'Look again' and this time a meteor flashed and then struck the earth. And he said 'Sometime it is thus, and there appears to be pain as a result'. Then I said to him 'Do I understand that man appears for a moment only, and is forever gone again?' And he answered 'The comet remains travelling in its ellipse, and only disappears from sight'. Further, he told me to look again and I beheld a fixed star, shining in the blue. Turning again to him I asked what this meant, and he answered: 'The Masters are thus, they travel no more, but give light'. Then I asked if I should attain to this, to which he replied 'Yes, but not yet. Thou must be as a comet until after a while thou strikest a star, and becoming one with it, remain fixed'.
And I understood that there was nothing further to be said at that time. So I returned, and having given thanks, entered these experiences in my diary.
(Note. May 24. The image of the unicorn was not as clear as I should have liked. V.I.O.)
Frater O.M. appears to have made no comment on this vision.
Question (c) Discover by visions the nature of the Alchemical principles Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. How do they differ from the Three Gunas and from the Elements Fire, Water and Air?
West Vancr. B.C. (living tent)
About 10.10 P.M. to 10.35 P.M. May 28th 1914 E.V.
Have been sitting in an arm-chair waiting for R. who is out on a visit. I had intended to make something of the Third Question to-night, but conditions were not of the best, so I did not make a Ceremonial start.
However, while sitting here, I closed my eyes and decided to get what I could as a preliminary.
I did not try to "travel" but just
raised the consciousness and formulated
I next pictured
Thirdly I considered
I get no satisfactory explanation
of the difference between
May 29th. Last night, after entering diary about 11.5 P.M. I felt very cold indeed, and went over to the next camp to get warm and to fetch R. Was still shivering when I went to bed. This morning, at the Railway Station, I heard of the sinking of the "Empress of Ireland".
It was not until after my arrival at the office that I remembered the vision I obtained last night, when it suddenly flashed across my mind as a strange coincidence. On further thought I notice the time 10.15 to 10.30 at Vancouver, exactly corresponds to 2.30 a.m. at Quebec where the time is 4 hours different. The "Empress" went down about 2.30 A.M. I thought this of sufficient interest from a sufficient point of view (although the vision had come to me as a symbol of the Element of Water) to take a little trouble to prove that I had recorded the vision before I heard of the accident and within 10 mins of the actual occurrence, so I got a friend to fetch my diary from home and S. to witness the fact of the entry.
Was the thought form produced by the occurrence transmitted to me while in a receptive state of mind, and had the shivering afterwards anything to do with the condition?
Note: Although the above may have been 'coincidence' V.I.O. was interested to receive some months later a letter marked "Recovered by divers from the wreck of the Empress of Ireland". This letter turned out to be one he had written to Frater O.M. on May 21st informing him that he was about to commence this same series of experiments.
Question (c) Second attempt. June 1st 1914. 9.30 to 10.15 P.M.
Robed and stood in the centre of Circle. Prayer to the Lord of the Universe. Lesser Banishing Ritual of Pentagram. Traced Circle with wand. Ritual of Hexagram. Lit incense. Knelt in centre of circle and made a statement of the purpose for which I was there.
Formulated astral robed as Probationer, and rose above the circle. Astral seemed slightly better and clearer than previously.
After rising a little, I experienced a sort of dust-storm. Rose above this and found myself under a clear sky, with Sun in Mid-heaven. Looking down, to my left I saw a Desert and some Pyramids. I took the Sun to be the first symbol I was after, so rose higher in order to try and identify myself with it, or to understand it more clearly.
Having done so as best I could,
the Solar System appeared around me and I remembered the
previous vision of the man surrounded by dancing maidens. It
seemed to me that this was the same idea in another form. I
meditated upon the Sun in the midst, giving out energy, or
producing it, and it seemed to me that
I then examined
In regard to
I then returned and afterwards entered diary, finding more difficulty in putting these experience into words than usual.
The Comment of Frater O.M. upon this vision, is as follows:
"This again is not bad, even at the first attempt, but you should go much more deeply into the whole matter. For example, we all know that Tamas is related to Salt. What I wanted you to do was to write a sort of essay on the difference of standpoint of the Hindoo and the Alchemical Philosophers. You should do this question again and try to get a thorough and perfect comprehension of the whole matter. For one thing you might try and identify these Two Tripartite Divisions of the Universe with the Three Characteristics." I am aware that I am asking for more than is necessary for the mere purpose of passing an examination, but it is all to the good that you should already form some idea of the nature of the Contemplations of a Master of the Temple. O.M.
Question (d) Give some account of
June 17th 1914. 9.30 to 10.30 P.M.
Have been waiting for the inspiration to start this question, and it was not until this morning that I decided to make a definite attempt tonight. (We have had visitors staying with us for a fortnight).
Having first swept out the temple
and made ready, I robed and entered same just before 9.30
p.m., said a short prayer to the Lord of the Universe and
then traced Circle with wand. Performed L.B.R. followed by
L.B.R. of Hexagram. Invoked
Knelt down and formulated astral, travelled a short distance upwards rather unsuccessfully at first, but kept on by force of will.
After this I felt I was upon a small spur of rock, jutting out of the perpendicular side of a high mountain, sheer space below, with sea at the bottom. Wondered what would come next and how to proceed, till a ladder or rope of silk suspended in space from an invisible source, was swung towards me. This I grasped and proceeded to climb. I could perceive nothing above me but the first few rungs, and the distance below seemed rapidly to increase as I climbed higher and higher. I then saw other feel climbing just ahead of me, and with this came the idea of another following in my wake. I might not stop without interfering with another's progress and yet could not progress faster than the one before. And it seemed to me that this was symbolic of him who aspired to climb, the goal was entirely hidden, the pace was set by those who had gone before and it was impossible to stop without injury to those behind.
I understood that in some way this
answered to
As I travelled higher, the ladder became thinner and thinner until it seemed that the support was but a hair's breadth in thickness and then something seemed to say that I must travel on without visible support. It then came to me that the next world, or Yetzirah, could only be explained by Symbols, and all at first seemed blank. Afterwards I got a deep Blue Pentagram surrounded with golden Light, but no explanation came to me.
I got more at sea than ever in the world of Briah, and had no vision but an impression only that this was the place of the 'hand' that supported the ladder and that Reason must end there. Those who arrive here are One. After this, I aspired to Atziluth, and it was as if there was a deep night sky above, and the void was pulsating or heaving with a sort of movement of expansion and contraction within its lf. And the idea came that this was the cause of the apparent duality below.
I was unable to get more, so returned and after Banishing performed the L.B.R. of P. again and closed Temple.
N.[ota] b.[ene]. It was not until after all was over that I noticed I had not lit the incense before this experiment.
Comment. Here again I see hints of what is a very serious obstacle to your progress; you have the idea of explaining the physical world by the moral world. I am not saying this is a bad idea, but it is a very serious hindrance to investigation because it implies bias. If I asked you to describe a policeman and you replied that the police are a very steady and excellent body of men who never failed in anyone's conception of duty, I say that it would be very difficult to paint a policeman on these data. I want you to see the beings who live in Aquarius and describe them in exactly the same way as a botanist would describe new plants. You should not be content with a single vision, you should make a whole series. I want you to be an authority on Aquarius! I know this means work, but you won't mind that. O.M.
Question (e) Visit and describe fully the Qlipoth of Aries. June 27th 1914. 9.35 to 10.20 P.M.
Having robed and lit the charcoal in readiness, I knelt in centre of circle and prayed earnestly to the Lord of the Universe for guidance and help as I felt that in this operation I was entering upon strange and unknown ground. I prayed that the Holy Guardian Angel might instruct me in what was necessary to the success of the operation. Still kneeling, I took several breaths to arouse Prana, in order that I might be strong, then rising, I traced Circle with wand and performed the L.B.R. of P. followed by L.B.R. of Hex. Again kneeling, I put the incense upon the fire of charcoal and breathed deeply till body tingled. I then formulated a white 'astral' to protect me from any evil influence and let astral body stand in the circle. The idea then came to me that I should not attempt to journey outside the circle, but command that visions of the Qlipoth should appear around me, outside the circle, and thus leave the astral protected by the influence of the Rituals performed. This I did and instead of the astral descending there seemed to be a rising of the surroundings, corresponding to the colours of the Tree of Life, but in reverse order. This continued till I considered Tiphereth was reached, and I then began to look for visions.
There first appeared to me in an E. to N.E. direction, a red and fiery-skinned demon with forked tail and having horns on his head. He was rather bent in appearance and was climbing a sort of withered branch of a tree, without bark on it. I commanded him in the name of Adonai and by the power of the Pentagram to show me that part of the Qlipoth in which he lived. There appeared behind him, as it were, a lake of fire with volcanoes in the distance and there were other creatures in this lake also, but I did not notice them very carefully. After watching this scene for a time the spirit not appearing to be capable of much conversation (he seemed dull and half stupid) I turned to the North and commanded visions to appear. This time, I saw a lake of dark bluish water and suddenly therein appeared a sort of water-snake or dragon, coming quickly towards me with a wave like motion. His mouth was open, but he stopped at the boundary of the circle. I almost felt afraid for a moment as his appearance and manner of approach were strange and unexpected. I commanded him to show me more, and there appeared a number of similar creatures only smaller, all over the surface of the water. I told him to cause these creatures to form a pyramid and himself to climb to the top and report the view. Having done as I bid, he reported that beyond the waters was fire in this direction also.
Turning to the West, I perceived a house, at the entrance, or just inside which sat a man with a basket, in which were some small objects. He told me they were babies, dead babies, and represented thoughts. All thoughts he said, died at birth here. And he wept. I left him to it and turned to the South. Here I saw a number of whirling spirals. They were fiery creatures, ever moving, and their centres alternatively advancing and retreating. At right angles to these appeared other spirals. They travelled about in a disordered way and seemed to me something like an enlarged idea of the spirals of atoms, but without order of any sort.
This completed the circle, so I astrally turned round once or twice and these ideas still remained in their places. I then ventured to rise, keeping within the circle, but was immediately spun quickly round and round. I felt this was not at all right, so threw out my arms in the form of a cross and by an effort of will stopped the whirling and immediately descended till I stood again in the circle. Tightened up muscles and took several long breaths. Rose, went round the circle with bowl of incense. Performed L.B.R. thoroughly. Gave thanks and returned to the house to enter this record.
Comment. This is very good. This is the way in which things should be done, but again it is too short. Instead of two pages there should have been 40. O.M.
Question (f) Visit Iophiel and Hismael and report their appearance, mode of life and conversation. July 21st 1914. 10. P.M. to 10.11 P.M.
Have been putting off this last 'journey' for some time, I do not quite know why, but tonight I decided to make some attempt at it, even if I failed utterly. I therefore prepared all things and a little before 10 o'clock entered the temple. Traced Circle with wand. Performed L.B.R. of P. carefully (the result of this seemed better than usual) then the L.B.R. of Hex followed by an invocation in the Name of EL. Invoked Jupiter with the appropriate Hexagram and Sign, in order to obtain the visions of Iophiel and Hismael who I understood to be the Intelligence and Spirit of Jupiter.
Rose between two pillars, a black
and a white, till I found myself beneath a deep blue vault
like a night sky. Continued upward very swiftly like the
flight of an arrow. Presently, slightly to my right, I saw a
great flashing blue object, transparent, and cut like a
jewel. It was like a big sapphire. I rose slightly above
this and descended into the heart of it through a hole in
the top. Became one with it for awhile, and rose—as it—towards
a bright star above. Became conscious of myself as a very
tiny image in the centre of the jewel, travelled to the star
and alighted upon it in a field of blue flowers something
like corn-flowers. Lay down and rested a little, but
remembering the purpose for which I had come, I called upon
Iophiel and Hismael to appear to me. A figure then
descended. He was fair-haired with eyes of deep blue, fair
skinned and very pleasing in appearance. His arms were bare
to the shoulders and he wore a blue cloak and short tunic to
the knees. He questioned me and made the sign of an upright
triangle on his forehead with his hands. I asked his name
and he answered Hismael. I then asked him to conduct me to
Iophiel and he told me that he was more difficult of access,
but I persisted and he then took my left hand in his right,
and we travelled upwards together. I felt glad and joyful in
his company. We presently came to a mighty, colossal figure
who he bowed before. I could at first only see up to his
knees. He appeared seated upon a throne and as I went on
alone I found he had the form of an old man with white hair
and beard. In his right hand he held a sceptre
He seem pleased at this and said "It is well". Then I turned and he raised his hand and I saw in the distance a desert and two pyramids, one black and the other white. He said "One day you must become one of these" and I answered "I will become both". Then I looked again, and the air was filled with filmy beings who wove themselves in and out of each other. Somehow this seemed quite natural. Some of them were very beautiful. I turned once more to him to see if he would say anything further, and these were his words "Be perfect, even as your Father is Perfect".
Soon after this I descended a little and again met Hismael, who told me that Iophiel ruled and that he (Hismael) transmitted messages to others. He conducted me part of the way on my return journey and I then left him, again making the sign of the triangle. Returned and remained a few minutes in meditation. Banished with Pentagram and entered diary.
Comment. This again is very good indeed as far as it goes, but again might have been longer with advantage.
The general remark is that you are held to have passed the examination, and I am therefore forwarding you the necessary book in which I have written the above fact. I will fill in your proper certificate when I have it. Perhaps at the present moment it would not be advisable to entrust it to the post.
Although you have passed, do not abandon this method of investigation. It is very important that you should make yourself quite perfect and make yourself quite competent to use this method in the ordinary course of your working.
Please note to send Pantacle design for approval as per Task of Neophyte par 8 Also Chapter of Liber VII written out from memory in the presence of a witness. O.M.
It was the 17th of September 1914 when Frater V.I.O. received the letter informing him that he had passed to 2º=9o the Grade of Zelator. He writes: There is yet much to be done. WORK. It is certainly time that I set too and did something.
That night he had a peculiar experience during sleep. He writes: I cannot properly remember the details, but I was in the company of some woman who I at first found very pleasant. I suddenly realized with a nameless horror that she had thrown a most evil influence over me for some reason or another. I remember clearly however that I immediately used the Banishing Pentagram over her and the whole scene disappeared. I than (in my dream ?) remembered the experience mentioned in one of the numbers of the Equinox, then, as one sometimes does, I began to slip back into the state again with the idea of investigating it, but feeling it to be evil and malicious, I dispelled the whole matter from my mind and went to sleep again.
N.B. This is the second time I have found myself using the Banishing Pentagram during sleep.
By September 24th he had finished his sketch for Pantacle of Universe and forwarded same together with the Chapter of Liber VIII typed out from memory.
In Liber Collegii Sancti sub figura CLXXXV which contains the Task of the Zelator we find in Sec 5 this note:
And how Frater V.I.O. interpreted this passage, we shall presently relate. but it will require another chapter even as it opened a new chapter in his life.
We will finish up this section with one more note dated October 10 "It is worth noting that R. has just told me of a dream she experienced some weeks ago. It appears to have been of the same quality as that experienced by me on September 18th viz: almost an obsession. The figure, in her instance, was that of a shriveled and dried-up looking devil and from her description seems very like the one in Qlipoth of Aries Vision. Is it possible the Banishing was not properly performed on that occasion?"
In order to show how Frater V.I.O. interpreted the passage from the Zelator Section of Liber Collegii Sancti it will be necessary to go back a few months, to the time he was about to send in his examination papers and had not actually passed to that Grade. It must be understood that on becoming a Neophyte of the Order the Aspirant receives this portfolio which contains the Oaths of all Grades up to that of Adeptus Minor together with the tasks necessary to his advancement; and this accounts for his being in a position to take into consideration in advance what may possibly be required of him.
On July 22nd 1914, he had written to Frater O.M. as follows: "As there seem to be people out here who are interested in Occult Subjects, but not quite enough so to take up a course like the A∴A∴ offers, would it be possible for me to form a group for the study of these things. The only society that exists for that purpose in this City is the T.S. [Theosophical Society], with the exception of a few people belonging to a so-called occult order, The Philosophers of the Living Fire. These latter, seem to be in more or less of a muddle and the teachings they receive, as far as I am able to judge, are certainly not of the best. What about the M∴M∴M∴ and O.T.O.? Is there any possibility of establishing something of the kind out here, and do you think it would prove of real help?"
In answer to these questions he received a letter dated August 20th saying: "I think your plan would be excellent. I should lose no time in forming a group, but do it on your own personal responsibility and not as for the A∴A∴ because the A∴A∴ discourage group working, which is only another name for slackness and gossip, but by getting people together you may be able to stimulate one or two worthy persons to take up the cause. From the Manifesto [Manifesto of the M∴M∴M\] (enclosed) you will see a design of the O.T.O. You could certainly establish it, but you would need to be initiated. Next time you are in England we could put you through the degrees, and give you a charter without too much difficulty."
To which Frater V.I.O. replied on September 17th 1914.
Frater V.I.O. at this point seems to have conceived the somewhat bold scheme of establishing a Branch of M∴M∴M∴ and O.T.O. in Vancouver despite the fact that he was for the moment utterly unable to take his own initiation in England as suggested. Armed with the Manifesto which had been sent him he went to his various likely people and wrote to others, saying here is a chance to join an Occult Order of the best kind, in the event of a centre being established here, do you express yourselves ready and willing to join?
By October 30th he had obtained the signatures of twelve persons, who were prepared to take the Initiations from Minerval to III° so he again wrote to London enclosing these signatures, explaining his financial position and requesting that some arrangements be made to overcome the difficulty in order that he might go ahead with the assurance of success.
Meanwhile, Frater O.M. had left London for New York City and his letter had to be forwarded there, thus causing an unexpected delay.
While waiting for a reply Frater V.I.O. was busily engaged with H.E.W. [Howard White] and W.C.C. [W.C. Clark] in producing "A Rite of Isis", working on a Ritual written by H.E.W. who was at that time a Student of A∴A∴ and who afterwards became Frater As Alta when he had passed his examination for Probationer. (W.C.C. was at that time President of the T.S. in Vancouver and not obligated in any way to A∴A∴. He afterwards joined the M∴M∴M∴ and did much good work in the establishment of the New Lodge, as will be explained later.)
It may be mentioned then in passing that this "Rite of Isis" was duly produced at the Vancouver Labor Temple on November 29th 1914 and that, in spite of the fact that no proper rehearsal was possible, everything went without a hitch, and considering all things the undertaking proved rather successful. It must be borne in mind that the public production of a purely Pagan ceremony of this sort, before a mixed audience, in a City as young as Vancouver was rather a venture on the part of these three occult students, on their own responsibility, especially when it is remembered that all three were earning their livings in the City and had to continue to do so in spite of any surprise that may have been caused by their sudden and unexpected action. However, they had had a taste of true Ritual, and wanted more, this may account for their labours in regard to the establishment of O.T.O. as their action was very favourably commented upon by Frater O.M. when it afterwards came to his notice and the great possibilities of introducing a new and purer form of Paganism into this great new Country pointed out to them.
We must now return, after this little digression, to the result of Frater V.I.O.'s letter to Frater O.M. He was naturally surprised to get a reply from the City of New York welcoming his proposal and offering him the VII° Degree together with rituals of degrees to Prince of Jerusalem and instructions for working them, Charter etc. if he could arrange to journey to New York for his Initiations.
After wiring for money to England, and otherwise doing all in his power to make this possible, he again found himself no nearer his goal, or so it seemed, and was obliged to admit his failure from a financial standpoint, and therefore notified Frater O.M. and the Grand Master of O.T.O. of this fact, pointing out that he had been treating the matter as part of his task for the grade of Zelator and asking advice on how best to act in the future.
He was very much cheered on January 4th to receive a letter of encouragement re "Rite of Isis", before mentioned, and on January 19th 1915, another saying that the efforts re M∴M∴M∴ would not prove fruitless after all.
It is not the purpose of this paper to give details of all the ups and downs which occurred during this period, suffice it to relate that by March 5th V.I.O. had been able to secure a suitable house and Lodge Room for the use of the Order and, together with his wife and child, had taken up his residence therein, after selling up his camp by the sea and devoting the proceeds to the simple furnishing thereof. Fresh applicants had been secured, and all was ready to make a real start on the fork of the Order.
On March 5th he Initiated his first Minerval, Brother W.C.C. and at midnight on April 10th his second, Brother H.E.W.
On April 17 assisted by Brother W.C.C. he Initiated 7 candidates into this degree and the ceremony went off with quite unexpected success.
After this, as the Records of British Columbia Number One Lodge show, came a period of waiting as far as the actual Degree Work was concerned, during which weekly classes were regularly held for the study of the Holy Qabalah, Yoga, etc. and the "Rite of Isis" was again produced a number of times both publicly, and privately in the Lodge Room. It was also intended that a companion Rite should be performed of a Solar nature, and Brother H.E.W., who was during all this period away from the City, spent much time on the writing of a suitable Ritual for this purpose.
On September 3rd Frater V.I.O. writes in his diary: "After many delays and trials we are prepared to Initiate Candidates into I°. Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and Brother W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] were duly Initiated this evening and I had my first experience as Right Worshipful Master of Blue Lodge."
During all of this period Frater V.I.O. had been so actively engaged on work connected with M∴M∴M∴ and O.T.O. that he found very little time for personal practices of any kind and his A∴A∴ record shows but few entries. On October 21st he commenced a fresh diary, which is much more fully kept and we shall now pass on to the consideration of this record.
October 21st 1915 E.V.
"It is time I started work again on A∴A∴ lines. Having kept such a poor record for many months, I will use a fresh book to record fresh work. Since I became a Zelator in An X Sol in Leo, I have done little towards the next step, viz: the Grade of Practicus. I have worked so far particularly on one section of the task of Zelator, and in this connection have started a branch of O.T.O. and M∴M∴M∴ in this City of Vancouver which I trust will eventually prove useful to the A∴A∴ by preparing suitable people.
Frater O.M. came to visit us last Saturday, October 16th E.V. and left the City again this morning. During his stay we have had much conversation on matters pertaining both to the A∴A∴ and the O.T.O.
He was satisfied with my progress so far, but tells me to make a particular study of all instructions which pertain to an understanding of what use I should be to the Brothers of the A∴A∴ if I should at any time take the Oath of the Abyss. In particular I am to study parts of "Training of the Mind", "Liber Thisharb" and "Aha" in connection with this matter.
I have noticed a slight change in my manner since he has been here, and one or two curious co-incidences have occurred. For instance, I rang up Brother H.E.W. at Port Haney and in spite of the fact that I asked for the wrong number, and was put in touch with a store a mile and a half from his house, he was called to the phone at once, as he was standing outside that very store. He naturally wanted to know why I rang up that number (Haney is 40 miles from Vancouver and a strange town to me).
Frater O.M. has shown me how to perform the Banishing Ritual of Pentagram properly. I also asked him to take me for an Astral Journey on the 20th of October. I went for this Astral Journey with Frater O.M. about 6.15 P.M. We were in his room as the Hotel Vancouver. He first wrote a word on a piece of paper and placed same in a book, turned out the light and sat down on the bed, while he invoked certain forces. I was sitting on a chair near him. He first asked me to formulate an astral figure, any figure. I did so, though not to my satisfaction. He then asked if I could see him astrally. I described a small image armed with a wand in right hand and holding a paper on which was written a name. This figure was surrounded with Aura (or partially so) and was robed in Purple inclining to Red. We went up through the roof and were under a clear night sky with stars. I noticed a Star of reddish look, larger than the rest. We travelled quickly to it and alighted. I noticed that same was of volcanic origin and that one crater attracted my attention. Stood on the rim of this crater and perceived a red glow. Descended into it and found lava was the cause of the glow. Frater O.M. told me to sink into this lava, and then asked if it seemed hot. I answered "No" and he said "Quite correct." Sank right through the star and shortly came out on the other side, in space, with other stars far off below. He asked if I saw any figures. I saw a female form dressed in airy drapery, floating near us. I asked her the name of the planet we had visited, and she replied Mars. Then I asked her name and she said Uriel. The nature of her work she told me was to carry messages of importance to her Master. Asked her to take us to her Master. She turned round, and we followed through space to another star and perceived the entrance to a cave. At first we went along a dark passage, then turned and entered a vaulted chamber containing very little furniture. An old man was sitting at a table. He was holding a wand similar to that used by Frater O.M. We asked Uriel if this was her Master, she replied "Yes," and we saw no more of her.
Frater O.M. then asked me if I saw any symbols near the Master. I said I saw a triangle with the Eye in Centre. "Anything else?" he asked. A Cross above. "Anything else?" "No." Frater O.M. then said : "Ask the Master if the symbol is correct." I did so and the Master said "No." I asked him to correct it for me. The cross then appeared below the triangle. Frater O.M. said "That's enough for this time, let us return the way we came." We did so. Astral coincided with physical. Made sign of Harpocrates and opened eyes.
I then recounted this vision to Frater O.M. in detail and could remember very clearly every point. He asked me what the symbol was, and I said "An Alchemical Symbol." "Of what?" I hesitated and said "Sulphur." "If you are doubtful" he said, "go and look in that book over there on the dressing table." I did so, and on the slip of paper was written "Sulphur."
Frater O.M. said he had used invoking Pentagram of Fire and a suitable invocation. That all details were correct and harmonious, and that he had thought of Mars first.
He told me I should do an astral journey every day if possible. This trip cleared up any doubts I might have had as to the value of the practice. Frater O.M. said you can get knowledge on any matter you want, but results should always be carefully checked by Book 777.
I found afterwards that he had met Brother H.E.W. that afternoon and taken him for a journey also. This trip was also successful, in that instance to the planet Venus. I also found that he had passed Brother H.E.W. to Probationer and that in future I was to be his Neophyte. I was given charge of Brother W.T.S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and Sister E.S.T.S. [Emily Talbot Smith] as Students and told to send in their examination papers to Frater O.M. when completed.
I have discovered that it is necessary for me to bring another along up to a certain stage before I can advance much further. I also learnt that any person can claim the Grade of Magister Templi, but in that case must beware, for should one do so without really being prepared, one came under the laws of the Grade at once and then . . . .?
Regarding the O.T.O. I was told that the secrets of VIII° and IX° were of tremendous importance, but that a man must discover them for himself as they are never told directly. Also, that as soon as I did so I should be granted IX° and become an Initiate of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis.
Shortly after Frater O.M. had taken me for the astral journey, we were joined by Sister R.S.J. and Soror Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]. The latter invited us all to dinner and we returned to North Vancouver by the 11 p.m. boat.
When I had got to bed that night the secret of the IX° (as I thought) or part of it, suddenly dawned on me. I commenced thinking it out in detail and began to understand the meaning of Liber . . . . Then various correspondences and references to other books and symbols came to me, and I determining to look them up in the morning.
I was not to get to sleep for suddenly one of our black cats jumped in at my window and made a great disturbance as it forced its way into my room. This caused me to get up and turn on the light and I then decided to fetch the book referred to and investigate at once. The secret became clearer and clearer as I studied, and as I referred to the other books I saw traces there also which I had never noticed before. I went to sleep about 3 A.M. and rose again sharp at 6 o'clock, dressed, had breakfast and caught the early boat to the City, calling upon Frater O.M. at 7.30 A.M. (I had promised to do so at 8 o'clock to say good-bye.)
I told him that I had begun to make discoveries and he appeared very surprised and asked what I was talking about. While he took his morning bath I told him that I was sure I was on the track of IX° secret and he eventually admitted that in some ways I was extraordinarily correct in my surmises, in others I was quite wrong. He told me that I must not mix the planes and said I had better make a study of the Liber referred to and write a detailed comment on same as my task for the next Grade in A∴A∴
I could see he was surprised at the way this had come to me and that he knew I was on the trail and not to be put off. He reminded me of the Fourth Power of the Sphinx and that it was my duty to say nothing to any person as these were matters of grave importance.
I shall work on the commentary and send it to him within a month. When I told him about the cat, he said: "You might thank that cat for me," and I could see that even in that intrusion there might be more than a coincidence—possibly a magical happening of some sort.
I was also told to work on Taoist methods and I replied that as a matter of fact I had been doing so in this particular instance for it was only after I had decided to let matters alone, that this new light came to me unlooked for.
I think this discovery, if perfected, may be of vast importance to my magical career, and may have a correspondence on the higher planes with the Passing of the Abyss.
Said good-bye to Frater O.M. at 9.30 A.M. and went back to the office filled with a new sense of power such as I had not experienced since the Illumination of 1910 E.V.
I answered all correspondence this evening and am tired, so shall do no practice tonight. I can see I shall have to work hard to keep A∴A∴ and O.T.O. work going at the same time, but have confidence that everything will be all right. Frater O.M. said he did not think I could go wrong now, he also told me to try experiments with new magical methods for definite ends, even of a material nature.
October 22, 1915 E.V.
Last night, as mentioned, I was feeling very tired after entering diary, I decided therefore to make my first experiment on new lines, in order to see if I was on the right track. Sat down, and determined to bring about certain conditions viz: That the tired feeling should leave me, and secondly, that I should sleep very lightly, instead of heavily as might be expected after last night and a hard day. Thirdly, that I should awake precisely at 7. A.M. (N.B. I set the alarm for 7.30 a.m. in case of error.)
I am not at all sure that I performed the conjuration of the forces correctly, but the results were these.
(1) I did not fall asleep very heavily. (2) That I awoke at precisely three minutes before 7 A.M. and remembered what I had willed to do. There the spell, it we may call it such, seemed to end for I fell asleep again, this time more soundly, and remained in bed for another 40 minutes.
Evening. I wondered this evening if there is anything to be gained by repeating an astral journey to the same place again for further details.
Started my paper on Liber . . . . .
23 October 1915 E.V.
Very tired (it is nearly 2.20 a.m. of 24th) Have had a hard day of M∴M∴M∴ and O.T.O. work. This morning made two appointments with people who may join, and pulled in a Candidate for next Tuesday. Practiced III° in afternoon. Raised Brother S. to III° in evening and obligated Brother B.D. [Benjamin Dawson] IV° afterwards. Had a peculiar letter from Frater O.M. which throws some light on my experiments, although written in such a way that a good deal of thought is needed in order to catch his real meaning. As far as I can see, he clearly hints at a slight alteration in my magical methods being necessary, if results are to be obtained.
24 October 1915 E.V.
Wrote to Frater O.M. Brother B.D. stayed all day, but expected visitors did not arrive. I noticed clearly in I.N.R.I. Manifesto the words "By right use of the Key alone the Master Word can be found." This is interesting in the light of my present studies. About 11:50 I decided to try an astral journey to Tiphereth and Sun and see what I could discover. Used sign of rending and closing veil. Then Invoking Pentagrams of Spirit Active and Passive, tracing sigil of Sol. Evening sky appeared when I started then it became day, with Sun almost directly above me. As I travelled towards It, there seemed to be a certain force therefrom which prevented me from getting very near. Then a being (?) appeared at my side, something like an acute angle, or letter V but lying on its side pointing to the right. I questioned this regarding my further progress, and it turned so that is pointed upwards. I therefore put my hands together (somewhat in the manner of rending the veil) and, as it were, dived upwards. (Note: It did not occur to me at the time that this was like "Rending Sign", afterwards I also noticed Bow and Arrow, mentioned on line 31 = Sun in 777 and Sagitae on Path leading to Tiphereth.
After this 'dive' I alighted and found myself on a sparkling surface golden hued which gave off, what seemed to be little sparks all the time. I presently ascended a golden mountain, very much pointed, a sort of pinnacle in fact. Then, I suddenly shot into space and described a sort of figure S. I returned, however, and climb pinnacle again. This time I was all right, and strange beings appeared to me having wings of gold. They came towards me with a hopping motion. I examined one, and he seemed a sort of winged-beetle. I asked him why he hopped like that, and he said he had only one leg, which I then noticed to be a fact. (I immediately thought of the one leg on seal of Baphomet, and made a mental note of it) I then asked what he did, and he said: "I carry Prana." As I desired to see him at work, he led me to a very small hole in the ground on the side of a small hillock. In order to follow him I was obliged to go head first and wriggle like a snake. This after a short while brought me to such a position that my head was over the mouth of a sort of well. He told me to look down, which I did, and therein was a fountain of pearls. He caught one of these in his hand and we came out of the passage again. (I noticed that I had to wriggle backwards to do this, as there was of course no room to turn.) He then cast the pearl into space so that it fell to the earth. I asked why he did so, and he told me that it was a soul. When I enquired who was his Master, he replied: "I am Free." "Why then do you do this work" I asked? Again he replied: "I am Free." Feeling that it was time for me to return, I did so and awoke in Sign of Silence. Looked up 777 on my return and it seems to correspond rather well.
25 October, 1915 E.V.
Have very little to record to-night. Had a talk with Brother P. re M∴M∴M∴ and think he may decide to go on with his degrees. Called on Brother and Sister T.S. A friend who is staying with them offered to work a Rose Croix Altar Cloth for us. Am feeling rather tired so shall not do any astral journey to-night but go to bed and study a little instead.
26 October 1915 E.V.
Have had another busy evening. Initiated Brother H. into 0° and I° of M∴M∴M∴ It is now 12 Midnight and am really too tired to do much work. . . . In spite of tiredness have done a short astral journey. Used Banishing Ritual of Pentagram and Invoking Ritual of Water and Mercury. Made a false start and returned. Invoked again, and travelled to a star the surface of which was wave-like and unstable, of a golden-orange hue. Thereon was a man in a gilded boat. He was dark skinned like an American Indian. I asked if I might travel with him and he replied in the affirmative. I then inquired where he was going and he replied: "To the island." His name, he told me, BNOLA. On arrival at an island where I noticed some palm-trees, I further questioned his reason for taking me there. He replied something about going to a temple or shrine, and there he afterwards led me. On arrival, I immediately recognized the place as one I had visited on a previous astral trip. There was the square based building with four pillars and domed roof with a hole in the top, and beneath it the basin of clear water. I told him that I recognized the place, and he said "Yes, you have been here before." At this time I had no definite recollection as to just when and how.
On this occasion, at his advice, I plunged into the water, and down through it, into a passage, till I came to the sea again. I was now swimming alone, there being no boat, but a voice, out of a triangle, said that one could walk on that water. This I did, and then noticed I had winged heels. I made my way back to the island by this means and sought out my guide again. He said I should now understand that no boat was necessary, that by personal work one could walk over the unstable and this was the lesson to be learnt by the Practicus. I returned, using sign of Harpocrates.
27 October 1915 E.V. 7:45 A.M.
Have been thinking over last night's astral journey. Have looked up my old diary and find I took the previous trip to that place on November 27th 1913 E.V. (which see). Regarding the word given me as the name of the man who was my guide, I woke up this morning with this in mind and feeling sure it was given in three sections thus: B— NO— LA. This is interesting, as if read qabalistically backwards we get: AL — ON — B, the first twp being names of God, and the other the letter of Mercury. I then noticed they were all letters from IV° Word etc. Also by the repetition of two letters we should have BABALON.
12. Midnight.
Another busy day. Brother P. desires to take his Degrees. Opened Lodge at 8 P.M. and Closed at 11 P.M. Raised Sisters C.S. [Catherine Skidmore] and E.S.T.S. to III°. Too late for other work to-night.
28 October 1915 E.V.
Nothing of import.
29 October 1915 E.V.
Letters from Baphomet and W. . . . . . re new Lodge in Portland, Oregon. Busy writing letters etc.
30 October 1915 E.V.
Met Brother H.E.W. at lunch and talked over astral journeys etc. I am interested that one of his journeys tallied out, in the main details, with one I did some time ago.
1 November 1915 E.V.
An important day. Found out fresh meanings in Liber . . . . . this morning. Received important communication from Baphomet giving me some valuable hints. Am now full VII° O.T.O. and a member of His Supreme Grand Council. There seems a possibility that I may travel for the Order to other Cities. Also received letter from Soror Hilarion. Wrote in answer to both these.
3 November 1915 E.V.
I find I did not enter my diary yesterday. Initiated Brother P. in evening to I°. and studied a little in bed. We had a banquet for most of the Brethren this evening, and had a very good time indeed. All seem satisfied and happy. Have preached the Law to various people yesterday and to-day. Members seem to be taking to the new greetings etc. very well. It has a powerful effect.
5 November 1915 E.V.
Yesterday I went to see H.H., he is to take Minerval and I° on Tuesday next. Letter received from Baphomet. I may have to go to San Francisco.
8 November 1915 E.V.
On Saturday had a long talk with Brother B.D. and went through the I° with him, with idea that he may take Chair if I go away. On Sunday gave a paper on the subject of UNITY in Lodge Room.
Two letters from Baphomet to-day. Frisco trip may be delayed I think. Went to a dance this evening and discovered some rather likely 'patients' for healing. Arranged to confer III° on Sister M.G. [Maud Grady] next Wednesday.
Note. I find that I am supposed to have appeared to Sister R.S.J. on Wednesday night last, dressed in white with purple sash studded with white crosses. She says the vision was quite vivid and clear and it lasted some time. (She had taken 50 drops of Anhalonium [Anhalonium Lewinii] for tooth-ache. Strangely enough I am also said to have appeared to Sister C.S. on the same night, just before dawn. I was also, it is said, dressed in white. Apparently I am supposed to have kissed her, but there was something she did not understand and of which I refused details. She awoke, saying "I don't understand." It is said, her husband remarked "I'm damned if I do either." (I'm sure I don't. V.I.O.)
9 November 1915 E.V.
Initiated Brother H.H. into 0° and I° this evening. The Law of Thelema is beginning to have a marked effect on the Brethren. I feel quite a change in myself since we began to use the greetings openly.
10 November 1915 E.V.
Am tired. Have Raised Sisters M.G. and R.S.J. to III° this evening. No A∴A∴ work done.
12 November 1915 E.V.
Dined and spent last evening with Brother H.H. Wrote four letters this evening. Things seem a bit slow. To bed early 11 o'clock.
19 November 1915 E.V.
Not much to report except a couple of Magical Experiments. Raised M.G. to III° this evening.
26 November 1915 E.V.
Have been a bit lax in regard to diary. Two more magical experiments last week. Completed Essay on Liber . . . . . and sent same to Frater O.M. Received important letter from Baphomet. Lodge work as usual.
Had a talk with Brother H.E.W. (Frater Ad Alta) this evening. It is interesting to note that during some astral journey he obtained a number which gave him the letters of Babalon except for the first two which are repeated. When he mentioned this, I told him what I had got on October 26. viz B.No.La. This is rather a curious coincidence I think.
1 January 1916 E.V.
Last night at 11:22 P.M. we opened Lodge and Raised Brother H.H. to III°. The Light went up exactly at 12 Midnight. It was a good way of celebrating the dying of the old and birth of New Year. After this I appointed various Officers for 1916 and Installed Brother B.D. in the Chair. So ends my office as Right Worshipful Master of Blue Lodge, exactly one year from the day I was officially made Honorary VII° and started this work here. I have done my best for the Brethren, and it cannot be said things are altogether a failure. May the Work continue to the Honour and Glory of Our Father. Aumn
The year 1916 E.V. was, as we shall presently see, destined to be one of the most important in Frater V.I.O.'s Magical career, but the early part of it, seemed to him at any rate to spell failure after failure in regard to all those things nearest and dearest to his heart.
For some reason the advent of Brother B.D. into the Chair of Blue Lodge marked a decline in the interest of the Brethren, and a very marked one, except in the cases of a few who realizing that there was something at the back of the Order, far stronger and grander than the mere Ceremonial of Lodge work, held together, despite every difficulty and disappointment.
Whether Very Excellent Companion B.D. recognized that he was not destined to hold the Lodge together at this juncture, or whether he felt within him the call to aid his Country, I cannot tell, but after a very short period of Office he notified Frater V.I.O. of the fact that he had joined the Army and found it impossible to be present at Lodge with the same regularity as in the past and therefore tendered his resignation from Office. It is a strange thing, as Frater O.M. afterwards remarked, how as soon as a man gets to be really useful in the Occult life, he is more often than not driven away from his particular sphere of use by some disintegrating force.
This necessitated the Installation of another Right Worshipful Master, and in this case Brother H.E.W. was chosen and accepted the Office. Brother W.T.S. becoming 2nd Office and Sister R.S.J. 3rd.
For all that, the majority of the Brethren showed a marked lack of interest, as compared with the previous year, and this of course was a great disappointment to Frater V.I.O. who had looked forward to a great advance rather than a retreat.
Then again, in regard to his A∴A∴ work he was told that in order that he might advance to the next grade, that of Practicus, it was necessary that one of those under him should have arrived at the of Zelator. In other words, in trying to work for the A∴A∴ on his own responsibility he had established a Centre of O.T.O. and M∴M∴M∴ only to find that his real duty had apparently been to look after the advancement of one or both of the A∴A∴ Students under him, and as advancement in the A∴A∴ is slow, even if the Student works hard and well, there being certain fixed periods between the Grades, a long time must elapse before he could move on another step, even though he had already passed the examination of the Qabalah for the Grade of Philosophus, his essay on Liber . . . . . having been considered satisfactory.
When he realized this he wrote to Frater O.M. for confirmation, and received a reply dated January 5, 1916 E.V. part of which may be of interest to other P. Probationer and P.B. Neophytes. It read as follows:
"You are right about the A∴A∴ work. You have to stop all the time to lug those bloody asses along. What do you suppose has broken my heart but that! You may be stuck for 20 years, or 20 incarnations. I don't care and you mustn't. Read about that humming-bird again. But it is sublime, ain't it? Be glad you are a cog on such a Wheel!"
Then followed a little bit of encouragement:
Frater V.I.O. seems to have taken the A∴A∴ news standing up for on January 27 Frater O.M. wrote: "What you say about the A∴A∴ is admirable." He was however attacked by a bad dose of Grippe about this time which pulled him down and made such practical magick impossible. He continued however to search desperately for the remainder of the IX° Secret, and his efforts in that direction caused a great deal of correspondence with Frater O.M. which will not be recorded in this place.
Regarding the A∴A∴ and O.T.O. work he was informed in a letter of February 12:
For all that, there remarks were encouraging to Frater V.I.O. for, said he, is this not my chance to prove worthy of the confidence of my Master and what would I not do to be of real help and service to Him. First, however I must obtain the power, for in myself I am nothing, and it may be when I discover that IX° secret I shall find good use for it.
By February 24 he had taken another step in this direction and he received another letter dated March 2. "Yours of February 24th gives me great joy. . . . Your theories show me you are on the right track. Remember that there is perfectly clear instruction 'somewhere in France.' 'Seek and ye shall find.' "
But Frater V.I.O. had been Asking and Knocking and Seeking ever since he obtained his first glimmer on October 21, 1915 so that it is hardly to be wondered at that we find him nearing one of those dark periods when hope of success no longer enters into his calculations (fortunately) so that by the end of March he wrote to Frater O.M. as follows:
To which this answer:
But meanwhile on April 1st and of course before he had received this reply from Frater O.M., V.I.O. had to undergo another bitter experience of a purely private and personal nature but which, for the sake of completeness must be mentioned here.
He writes later, viz on April 22 1916 E.V.:
Now, I think since we have been devoting some time to scraps of correspondence between Frater V.I.O. and Frater O.M. it would be well if we turned our attention to his diary again and notice his entries in regard to this period of Holy Silence mentioned above, as same became particularly symbolical in the light of after events.
20 April 1916 E.V. 11:40 P.M.
Have just completed 20 minutes meditation in Lodge Room and have expressed my intention to remain Silent for the next three days viz: Good Friday, Saturday and Sunday in order to ponder over the Mysteries of Death and that the Voice of Adonai alone may speak within me. Grant me Thy Blessing O Adonai. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
21 April 1916 E.V. 11:40 P.M.
The first day is over and has been fairly successful.
Breaks: (1) at 11:30 A.M. (A doubtful "No") (2) 12:25 A.M. Could not be sure if I had spoken but was told I had. (3) 2:55 P.M. Ejaculation to warn child of danger. (4) ? Short sound. Time unrecorded.
Each of the above were duly recorded on arm with razor.
We has our usual Friday evening meeting to-night. I mapped out the outlines of a paper and got Brother W.T.S. to read it and take charge. Sat in Asana, meditating throughout meeting as practical example of the matter in hand (They were holding a series of practical Yoga classes in Lodge room on Friday evenings. Regular Lodge work every Tuesday.) This asana lasted One hour and ten minutes I am told. Rose at the end of that time and overcame all stiffness by an effort of will. Members talked in hushed whispers for quite a time after meeting. The silence and conditions in Lodge Room had a real effect for once. Concentrated on Peace during meditation. Asana practically perfect.
Note: Last night I dreamed of this practice and thought I forgot and was speaking by mistake. It was a genuine relief to wake this morning and find the Silence still unbroken. Also it was delightful to feel one had not to worry to say anything.
22 April 1916 E.V. 12:35 Night.
Another day over and no breaks this time. The nearest was the repetition of a word to myself while reading, but I don't think it was audible.
Wrote to Frater O.M. to-day and to mother. Did a few minutes meditation twice during day. Tried a dance to Mantra IAO SABAO (as per Liber RV) this evening and kept going for some time. Pleased to get a long letter from Frater O.M. to-night.
23 April 1916 E.V. 11:50 P.M.
Time nearly up. No breaks to-day. A few minutes meditation twice in day and another mystic dance with Mantra.
Another Meeting to-night. H.E.W. in chair and W.C.C. lectured.
This period of Silence has been well worth doing. I have got quite used to it, and like it. I have learned a good deal from it, it increases magical force and sets a good example.
24 April 1916 E.V. 10:25 A.M.
Have not broken silence yet, feel note of loathe to do so. Rather a funny feeling. . . .
Now about the time this was going on in British Columbia there seemed a possibility of Frater O.M., who was to undertake a Great Magical Retirement, making a trip to Vancouver, with the idea of going into camp there for a time, and this news cheered Frater V.I.O. very much. At the same time he could not understand why he got no answer to his questions on A∴A∴ matters.
He was again doomed to disappointment, as Frater O.M. decided to retire to New Hampshire but he got a letter dated May 6th which set the other affair right.
This letter was of particular importance to Frater V.I.O. for therein he for the first time noticed references such as "They are watching etc." and he said Who are THEY ? why should They trouble about me and my little affairs ? How shall I make a conscious link with Them ?
He was then told not to worry about 'conscious links' but to remember that for every step he took, They take two.
He was also gladdened by the fact that his record of magical experiments worked on the secret, as he imagined it, was so far satisfactory and that the Master ΘHPION was now "quite convinced that you will go far with the Work; so cheer up."
This was indeed encouragement. Also the Master Therion had put another idea into his head, the true secret to the Way of the Tao "I am on the point of applying the Supreme Method (re the last Phase of His Great Initiation) of doing it all by the simple process of not doing it."
Meditating on this great and simple method, and while cutting the lawn, on May 28 , 1916, Frater V.I.O. was suddenly rewarded by the perfect comprehension of that other portion of the IX° Secret, he had searched for so long and vainly. He had at last learnt that having filled the Cup, one must be content to drink it to the dregs and leave the result in Their hands. He at last knew, that not so much by virtue of his own attainment, but rather by the Grace of God Triune, he might truly claim to be among those of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis, and so notified the Grand Master of the conclusions at which he had arrived. He received the following brief and re-assuring reply.
It was on the 28th day of May in the year 1916 E.V. that Frater V.I.O. had discovered the Great Secret of Magick, but before attempting to make any use of it he determined to break up certain personal limitations at any cost. Besides,—said he—there is no need for haste since I have obtained (theoretically) a means whereby anything I desire in this world may become mine for the asking. And—even as had been foreshadowed unto him in the "Story of the Little Golden Apple" which he had been impressed to write down, years before,— he waited.
During this period, as we have said, he began to break up the limitations surrounding him, particularly those caused by his home life. He wanted to find out what would happen if he openly showed signs of interest in another woman, and he very soon found himself taking a real interest in one, for among the few people with whom he was on friendly terms, was one K.T. [Katherine Talbot], a healthy, robust little thing, full of vitality and animal spirits; a virgin about to blossom naturally into womanhood.
They went for a few early morning walks together. Frater V.I.O. began to feel young again. They were as children together and a certain natural companionship arose, for they agreed, while on these little excursions, to be natural and leave behind them for a few brief hours, the narrow and stifling limitation of action and speech usually conformed to in the hum-drum, everyday life to which they must return. A certain very natural physical desire fired the blood of Frater V.I.O. at this time—rightly or wrongly, who can tell—he decided to master this, as a test of the physical, and he made no serious advances in that direction.
One evening, K.T. was present at an open meeting of the Lodge and a paper was read on Talismans and their use. She afterwards asked Frater V.I.O. if he would choose one for her and charge it with two qualities of which she felt in need, Courage and Patience.
Then, when the pot was boiling, and things happening with almost bewildering rapidity, did he remember the words of the Master Therion: "They are watching you all the time. For every step you take They take two." He also remembered that other saying: "I am about to apply the Supreme Method of doing it all by the simple process of not doing it" and decided to adopt it in his own case, as he had done on that other occasion when he found that human reason was useless to solve the problem. He writes:
It was only when he had definitely placed his affairs and their connection with the affairs of those immediately around him, in the hands of the Masters, that he was able to direct his mind to other and far more important considerations. He remembered that Soror Hilarion had prophesied that the Master Therion's Grade of 9º=2o would not be fully manifested for about a year. He wondered why ? and having pondered over the matter for some time he also (to use his own words) "Wondered if He was stuck for a Nemo."
Frater V.I.O.'s notes on this period are very brief, and who can say what passed in his mind at this time? Yet since his record makes the various Steps in the Path quite clear, we will do our best, for the sake of completeness to fill in some of the details between them.
This idea, having once entered his mind, became all important. In the A∴A∴, the Aspirant only knows his Master, and his pupil, he has no knowledge at all of those who hold the various Grades in this Great Order. How then can he tell, if there be one who is ready and willing to take on this Grade of 8º=3o, this Grade of Sorrow and Darkness only to be attained by NEMO. Might it not be that the Master Therion although entitled to manifest fully as the MAGUS, is yet barred from that Grade because He has been unable once more to "lug those bloody asses along." Hadn't He sat in Darkness and Sorrow long enough for their sakes? Had he not said that anyone who wished might plunge into the Abyss, after claiming the Grade of Magister Templi and take a chance? Was it not said that this Grade was obtained by the voluntary emancipation of the Adept from his Adeptship and even though Frater V.I.O. was no perfect Adept had he not obtained the Magical Secret that was the true means of becoming one if he so desired? Might it not be that, since he had not used it, by relinquishing the right to do so, he might still win through to that unknown City of the Pyramids where dwell Those Who have passed beyond these things? Who knows, what his reasoning was, but it is safe to say that he received no definite answer at that time, for in order to dare the Abyss all reasoning must be given up for it is verily an ordeal whereby the man faces the unknown and is lost therein.
This is however recorded: "Realized that NEMO must give up everything and take only what nobody wants. Decided to give up all, IX° Secret included , and take 8º=3o, in case that is what The Master really needed."
On June 19th 1916 E.V. at 5 A.M. a peculiar thing happened. Frater V.I.O. awoke with a strange message ringing in his ears. "I UNDERSTAND YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED NEMO" and at the same time he realized that a IX° could still work and take what others did not want. He decided however not to use this means. But strangely enough one could not say whether this message came from the Master Therion, showing that He recognized the situation and accepted Frater V.I.O. as Nemo, or was to go from Frater V.I.O. to the Master to tell Him the Grade had been filled, since the meaning was double. This of course is true of every message from beyond the Abyss, as has been pointed out in The Vision and the Voice, and elsewhere. In any case, Frater V.I.O. wired the message to The Master Therion early that morning. He received no answer at that time.
It is well to mention here that from this time onwards until some actual communication in writing came from The Master Therion, Frater V.I.O. is never actually certain whether Therion is consciously overseeing the various details of this Initiation or not. (Not that it would make any difference one way or the other, but rather that it is characteristic of the matter that this should be so, in the same way that it would probably be but half truth to say The Master was either conscious or unconscious about it.)
On the following day, viz June 20th Frater V.I.O. kept on with his preparations for taking this important step. He determined to publicly announce his intention to those with whom he was in closest contact, after the Lodge Meeting to be held that evening. It was a time of intense strain quite indescribable in words. There were two to be passed to II° that evening, both of whom were outside of what may be termed the 'inner circle' for it must be explained that the Magical Current running at that time seemed to affect certain of the Lodge Members as well as Frater V.I.O., yet in no way touched upon others, who had not the slightest idea that anything out of the usual was happening. When the Lodge meeting opened, a question arose about the Office of Tyler for that occasion, and also regarding preparation of one of the Candidates. Frater V.I.O. accepted these duties, but found it one of the most difficult of tasks to remember the proper mode of preparation and to perform this simple duty, without showing signs of his interior state, on the other hand he was glad of the quiet of the Tyler's station during the ceremony.
After these ceremonies were over and the new II°'s had gone home, Brother H.E.W., Brother W.T.S. and Sisters R.S.J. and E.S.T.S. remained in Lodge Room, where Sister K.T. joined them. It was the intention of Frater V.I.O. that these should form the nucleus of a Rose Cross Chapter and he had already conferred Honorary V° on all of them. They met, to sign the necessary Pledge Form, and to this purpose was the meeting held. When this was over Frater V.I.O. arose and made certain arrangements for the disposal of all his goods, including his Library, which he gave to the Lodge. He then proclaimed before these five, that having nothing left of his own, he now took, what His Master no longer needed, the Grade of 8º=3o A∴A∴ and became NEMO.
Later. He found most things were returned to him except Library.
Later. BLANK. Pure Understanding pure Darkness.
Later. Remembered that he had charged Symbol for Soror K.T. with Courage and Patience, and that the negative uncharged duplicate had been given to Brother H.E.W.
Later. Came across his old Wand, long ago charged with the Higher Will, which upon him remembering this, began to flow back, thus strengthening him.
Later. He thought he had crossed the Abyss, when Brother H.E.W. remarked something about 'Giving up the Master.'
21 June. Wednesday.
Busy all day settling up one thing and another.
Gave up the Master also!
Frater V.I.O. had been up all the previous night, that is to say since he arose on the morning of the 20th, and he had been intensely active, on all planes. He did all he could to arrange the various affairs of the Brethren as the Light was given him. There was a certain pain in his heart, dull and continuous, also he was very tired. At 7. P.M. having done all he could, he went to bed.
At 8 o'clock Brother W.T.S., who had an idea that something might happen, slipped into his room, and kissed him good-night, thus arousing him for a moment. Then at 10 P.M. Sister R.S.J., who had been appointed to record the details of these things in Lodge, and also to make notes of the time of any important events, remembered this, and went to his room to find out just what the time was by his watch. He was asleep, but as she came near his a strange thing occurred. "One start. A Pang of Agony (in my heart), A Cry, and I was wide awake again, as she kissed me. Yet in that moment One died and returned. Abyss Passed." And thus it was, at exactly 10 P.M. that which had been Frater V.I.O. gave its last cry, and He was born again as NEMO, on June 21st 1916 E.V. this being the Day of the Summer Solstice ANNO XII.
Then, as peacefully as a new-born child, he slept until 4:15 A.M. of the 22nd of June. At this time Sister K.T. also awoke. At 5 A.M. she was dressed and had called for him, in order that they might go for one more early walk.
Meanwhile NEMO had awakened Sister R.S.J. and had a brief talk with her. She relinquished him then to the World, and he writes "I became FREE and in touch with the LIFE of all."
At last, he felt that limitations had been definitely broken up, and there was nothing binding him in any way. He took the hand of Sister K.T. and like a couple of children they strayed off into the woods.
As we said at the conclusion of the last section, Frater V.I.O. felt for the first time that He was absolutely Free. This true feeling of perfect freedom is quite indescribable to anyone who has not experienced it. He felt, as we said in perfect harmony and closest touch with the Life of the World, and his soul, being perfectly content and satisfied, longed only to give to others that which they most desired. He felt he had the power to do this, no matter what was asked of him, he felt as if at his lightest word, all would take place exactly as desired, not by himself, but by those who asked of him a fulfillment of their inmost thoughts and wishes. For himself, he felt he needed nothing, for he had gained all. He could afford to stand aside, taking his joy in the joy of others, caring not whither he went, or what he did, so that they were satisfied.
It was in this state of consciousness that he started upon his early morning excursion with Sister K.T.
This walk was full of strange and wonderful experiences for Frater V.I.O. He seemed in a new world, a world transformed, and could feel recorded in his being, vibrations finer and more subtle than of yore. After a little while he began to perceive this more fully, for having sat down with Sister K.T. on the bank of a little stream, and told her much that was in his heart, he asked her to consider fully just what she most desired of him, that he might grant it. It was then that he found that the whole gamut of her consciousness seemed to be registered in his own being. He could feel her various emotions rising in the scale and becoming finer and finer, during the long silence. Presently she told him that what she most truly desired was that he should be her Holy Guru who would lead and instruct her in the way of Truth. And he said, my daughter, you have chosen well.
On their way home, Frater V.I.O. had a strange feeling. It seemed to him that his freedom had become limited, even by the renewal of this, the highest of human relationships. He had become, as it were, human, once more. And he said within himself, now, if needs be, I must wait until this other soul to which I am bound, attains to Absolute freedom, for I feel within me that she has to some extent claimed me as her own, even though it be unconsciously. And then he wondered if he had the power to free this soul, even then and there. And he asked her whether she held him for herself alone, or whether she in her inmost soul could give him up to Humanity. And he felt her struggle within herself for awhile, and then she bravely said 'I renounce even this as a personal tie, I give you to the world.' And as they travelled homewards, Frater V.I.O. felt his freedom returning.
When Frater V.I.O. got back to the house, it was still quite early in the morning, hardly breakfast time. It seemed as if his initiation was over, and as Sister R.S.J. and he both needed a good rest, it was decided that they should pack their camping outfit right away, and travel to the City, taking the morning boat to Gibson's Landing. After a hurried breakfast, this was done, by the help of Brother S. who came over to see if there was anything he could do to assist. They took with them the little Minerval Tent that had been used in the Lodge as The City of the Sun, and just as much baggage as they could carry. Brother S. accompanied them to the City, and went with them to the dock.
There another rather strange incident occurred. Frater V.I.O. was standing in line waiting to purchase the tickets, when he was again suddenly conscious of the feeling of absolute freedom, the same desirelessness of any personal thing, so that the desire of those around pressed upon him and he knew that as far as he was concerned, while one person in that stream was anxious to obtain a ticket, and it was late for the boat, he would have to stand aside. Fortunately Brother S. was standing near by, and he, seeing, that Frater V.I.O. was again wrapped away in Holy Contemplation, offered to get the tickets for him. As soon as this was done, and they were about to rejoin Sister R.S.J. and little Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones], Frater V.I.O. realized what was the probable cause of his sudden feeling of freedom, and said to Brother S. "Tell Sister K. she has won out."
One of the strangest things about this Magical Current that had been, and was still running, was the way if affected others, and not only Frater V.I.O. They all seemed for the time at any rate, lifted to a higher and less personal plane. Frater V.I.O. feeling himself once more delivered from any personal tie asked Brother S. if there was anything that he desired before he went away, to which Brother S. answered "O Brother, there seems nothing that I desire for myself at this time, but if there is anything you can do for others, do it." And he kissed him, which seemed quite natural.
Once on board the boat, the same atmosphere of willing service seemed in evidence. The steward seemed to treat the little party, as if they were royal guests, yet there was nothing in their outward appearance to attract attention, they were in the oldest of clothes, and loaded with bundles of camping things.
I remark on this, because during the whole of that stay, things were arranged by Those who were directing the Initiation so that they fitted in in an extraordinary way, despite all the interior struggles which followed, for Frater V.I.O. was by no means through with the initiation as we shall show, it seemed as if all outward events were fitted in so as to become a setting for this Great Work, and not one little incident was without the deepest meaning.
When, a little later they were sitting together on the deck, Frater V.I.O. realized that he had no name. He had given up all in crossing the Abyss, and although, as previously mentioned some things had since seemed to flow back to him, this was not one of them. I don't mean to say that he could not remember what his name had been, but he did not feel entitled to any of the old earthly things, unless he found that in some way or other they were voluntarily given back to him. He mentioned this feeling to Sister R.S.J. who immediately suggested as it were re-christening him, and for the sake of convenience she thought he might as well have the same old name, he had once given her, so she gave it back to him. A little later on they were talking things over, and the subject of a malady from which Sister R.S.J. had been suffering cropped up and he suddenly saw new light upon a certain problem connected with High Magick, and said to her "I know one that that you don't want, and as I am bound to take only that which others do not want, I am going to take it from you." He then realized how because of this their right to use the Secret of the Sanctuary of the Gnosis which he had given up in the crossing of the Abyss, had suddenly been restored to him, though in what way this is no place to explain, even if I knew it. All that I can do, in writing up this record, is to give a short outline of what actually happened on the material plane during the three days following the Crossing of the Abyss, in order to leave some trace of the event in writing, a little fuller than those brief notes made by Frater V.I.O. at the time. Of all the wonderful fullness of his consciousness during this time, little can be written, for his experiences were so vast, and the flow of them through his mind, so constant, both day and night, that no pen could describe them. Only those with whom he was actually in close contact, obtained any idea, from fragments of conversation, of what was going on within him, for at times he was very silent, though at others, words seemed to flow from him in great streams, which though clear and transparent, left little trace on the conscious minds of those around. So then, you must not expect too much, though I shall do my best to make all plain, though much of what I write, will appear quite commonplace.
On arrival at Gibson's Landing they bought some bananas, and having handed over their baggage to a man who was waiting about with a cart, they started to walk towards Crantham's landing, at which place they had been promised the use of a vacant lot on which to camp. Having trudged what seemed an interminable distance and seeing no sign of the baggage man following them, they thought they must have walked past the place, and decided to retrace their steps. The directions they had were not at all clear, but when they got back to the Indian reserve, they sat down and waited, all very tired. The man with the baggage then arrived, and said he didn't think they were at the right lot, but could not give them any information as to where it should be, so he dumped the things down in the road, and they were left alone. By this time Sister R.S.J. was really tired, not to speak of the little one, so after sitting for a while, Frater V.I.O. set off to recconoitre, leaving things in the hands of the Gods. As soon as he was alone, he felt free again, and quite content to 'interpret everything as a direct dealing of God with the soul' which is what is called the task of a Master of The Temple. In actual practice he found God dealing directly with his soul in a quite unmistakable way, and with his then awakened Understanding, there was no difficulty whatever about interpreting it. Events which would have seemed quite ordinary to normal consciousness, took on an aspect of importance, and at the same time of wonder, so that he felt ever more joyful in the simplicity of the whole thing compared with the complexity and struggle of the reasoning mind he had given up in the Abyss.
To the ordinary man watching him, he seemed to have walked back along the road a little way and turned to the right among the trees till he reached the beach and the open sea. There he stood looking across the water towards a jutting headland just across a small bay on his left. He stood there gazing at a beautiful square of green sward, that appeared to him surrounded on three sides by trees, and with the sea on the other. Even as the thought entered his mind that this was indeed a place where one might dwell under ideal conditions, a man appeared, standing near him, to whom he turned and enquired if there were any camp sites to be hired in the neighbourhood. Not just here the man replied, but I think Mr. Sands has a place he would rent for the purpose. Where does he live, Frater V.I.O. asked, Over there said the man, pointing across the water to the spot Frater V.I.O. had so much admired, that cleared patch is his property. Thanking him, Frater V.I.O. walked with him back to the road, and as they reached the corner, the man pointing down the road said "Here comes Sands" and surely enough, there he was, so that Frater V.I.O. was able to make immediate arrangements with him. He then returned to Sister R.S.J. and Dede, and told them of the new arrangement. Sister R.S.J. suggested that they carry the baggage and make towards the Sand's place, but after a short time she and Dede were so tired that they decided to stop. He went on then alone, and in a few moments meets some children, and enquires how to get to Mr. Sand's. They led him at once to the house, which they should know well, because they turned out to be the Sand's children. The boy George offers to fetch the camping things in his little hand cart, and so all arrive safely at their resting place. And so it went on, everything fitted in, in a way that things seldom do, under ordinary circumstances.
After they had eaten, and erected the little conical tent it was not long before they decided to turn in for the night. Sister R.S.J. and Dede having entered, Frater V.I.O. circled the tent in a magical manner, and followed them. There, in that "City of the Sun" did he perform a great Magical Operation, and thereafter it is said he was caused to drain to the dregs the 'Poisoned Cup' full knowing that he could take no harm thereby. And in his ears rang the word "BEAST" but he understood it not at that time. And all that night his mind was working, and all the problems that arose therein were made plain, while yet his body slept.
Then, when it was morning and he awoke, he felt the need of a bath, but he waited awhile, for he perceived that there were the sacraments of the elements to be gone through. Therefore he waited until it should be shown unto him what to do.
Firstly then, when a convenient time arrived, he stripped himself of all but the little golden cross he wore around his neck, and rolled his body in the dust, for a sacrament of Earth, feeling himself at one with the Great Mother of Nature and obtaining great renewal of strength thereby. Next, he went down to the water, where he bathed, and in swimming affirmed his mastery of the water. Then sitting on the beach, he drank a little of the water of the Great Sea, and ate a few fragments of the stone of the shore, in order that these elements might be within him and his body might be as it were transformed thereby. While there Dede joined him and they played together, he also like a little child. Then she brought him a curious little stone and asked him to keep it always. And when he examined it, it seemed as if there was the shape of a babe therein, and the stone itself suggested an egg. And he took it, wondering, that this little child should be used as a messenger to give him such a wonderful symbol of the Philosophers Stone. Then he aired his naked body in the Sunshine, so that his skin seemed to absorb the Strength of the Life of the Father, and returning to the tent, he dressed himself.
Shortly after this, while talking with Sister R.S.J. he wondered if he had gone through the taking of the sacrament of fire sufficiently, and looking down he saw on his right hand a wart which had long been there on the upper skin just where the thumb and first finger form as it were the joint of a pair of compasses. And he thought it would be a good plan to burn this out with the lighted cigarette he was then smoking. He did so, and he turned to Sister R.S.J. saying, "Look at this, it's burning into my hand, but my body is now such that there is no pain."
This had Frater V.I.O. been led to undergo tests by three of the elements, and it remains for me to record how he was tried in regard to the fourth. That morning he walked to Gibson's Landing in order to find out if there was any news from the Master Therion, but finding none, he returned as far as Grantham's Landing and was then impressed to turn aside and visit the wharf. He did so, and there found a man waiting for the little boat to call on its way to Gibson's Landing. He stood there in silence for a few minutes, when to the evident surprise of both, the boat quietly passed without attempt to call at the landing stage. Frater V.I.O. looked at the man and saw that he was distressed about this, he then enquired the cause of the trouble. "I have been entrusted with important mail," was the reply, "but did not know that it was necessary to flag the boat." Frater V.I.O.'s mind was made up in a moment. Give me the letters he said, I think I can run from here to Gibson's Landing and catch that boat. It was an up-hill run most of the way, but he had made up his mind to get there, lungs or no lungs, and he did, thus earning for himself a great reputation as a sprinter, and at the same time passing his test in regard to Air.
We now come to some very extraordinary notes in Frater V.I.O.'s record, so far, however commonplace they may sound when recorded, every thing had appeared very wonderful and very clear to him, he realized of course that his act in claiming the Grade of Master of the Temple had immediately resulted in his testing by this great Initiation, but so far nothing had happened which might not be accounted for by this fact. On his way home, however, a great change came over him, he realized in a flash, that a great Curse was upon him, as it seemed to him the Curse of the Magus. He realized with vivid clearness the duality of things, he realized in himself what one can only express as the Office of Satan, but what a very different Office to anything he had before conceived. Satan the Redeemer. The Master, who had patiently worked for Incarnations for the good of Humanity, entrapped by the Ultimate nature of Things into a position of inconceivable horror, from which try as he would he could not extricate himself yet in which if he spake truth, it would by deceive Humanity yet feeling that he could no longer concur in the lies which had been given to the world as Truth, and which could only lead the flower of Humanity to this same awful goal he had himself reached, with none but the purest and best intentions. He realized, too what other Masters must have felt on attaining this Grade, he realized what Therion must have felt. Had he claimed the Grade of Master of the Temple, in order to confirm Therion in this Grade that was accursed? Why then had this new and unexpected phase of Initiation come upon him? Had he free Therion from this Curse thus giving him the opportunity of Attainment to 10º=1o, and himself arrived at 9º=2o? Could the cry of BEAST on the previous night have foreshadowed this?
In any case he must endure to the end, even as Perdurabo who had travelled this way before him, until, as it seemed someone had come along and taken his place. But if this is the Goal of the Master, how could one bring oneself to persuade another to climb the Tree, knowing what awaits him here? Nay, he must speak Truth, and be misunderstood, and be content to endure, though no one should follow, rather than do that accursed thing of the Black Brotherhood, and lure others on in order that he, himself be released. One could only tell people to try and discover and do their true Will, he realized the great Wisdom of the Master who had given this Law to the World, for it was Humanity's one hope. It is strange that at this stage he felt himself more and more in touch with the Being of the Master Therion, as if His cloak had fallen upon him, so that later in the day, when he was sitting with Soror R.S.J. she suddenly remarked that he seemed no more himself but rather she saw A.C. sitting there before her.
As it was getting dusk, they sat together near the shore, and Frater V.I.O. for the first time began to discourse with her on some of the things that had happened, and were happening. They were both in great agony of soul, yet quite calm. He told her how it was that they had failed in their respective Paths. He saw that he had failed on account of the Glamour of the Path, of which he had never entirely freed himself, while she had failed through Love. He felt at this time, that thence forth all would come to him that he had in his heart desired, for by his Magick Art, could he not command it Might he not build magnificent temples for the Order, might it not be that if The Master Therion had gone on into the Great Silence, there to give Light to the World, all that he possessed of Magical things, books, robes, rituals, would fall to share of his successor. Yet how trivial were these things in reality, what comfort to one who has been initiated into this awful Mystery? And then another strange thing happened, another great Change came over them, affecting them both alike. Let us be simple they said, this is but Glamour which has been upon us, let us cast it aside, and leaving ourselves entirely in the Hands of the Gods, consider if there is aught left undone, which should have been done in the stripping off of all ties, and the giving up of everything. There was but one thing that could possibly be conceived as still retained, and that was their means of livelihood, Frater V.I.O.'s position at the Office of a large Company with which he had worked for years. He was on his holiday just then and so had not thought of this point, now he saw that it was the one thing that might yet be given up, and since Brother H.E.W. was badly in need of work, he decided that he would resign, and turn over the job to him, with the permission of the Company. And although this seemed the act of a Fool, yet he pledged himself to do this, immediately upon his return to the City, leaving the question of his own support and that of his wife and child, entirely in Their hands, and determining to use no Magick Power in that direction.
Strangely enough of this dual Curse he had experienced seemed now to entirely have slipped away from him and about 9 P.M. he realized with a complete and perfect vividness, that in some mysterious way he had Attained to the Grade of 10º=1o.
Having gone so far in the writing up of Frater V.I.O's record, from existing notes made by him at the time, I laid aside the work for the night, but on resuming the task this morning, I noticed a small '2nd P.' marked against the foregoing entry, and on looking up his secret record of the works of High Magick in the IX° I came across the following interesting entry, which may throw some light on the matter.
23 June 1916. 9 P.M. On Path of Aleph.
Op[eratio]n II.
Left result entirely to God.
Obtained 10º=1o, getting rid of Duality.
This further and most unexpected result produced a most wonderful state of consciousness throughout the night, quite undimmed the following morning. At 9:45 A.M. he was sitting on the beach with Dede, when she, looking him full in the face, made a very curious remark 'You've only got One Eye open.'
There was now only one thing which did not seem quite clear to the mind of V.I.O. What had happened to Therion, was he still 9º=2o, or had he too Attained unto the Crown. Was he fully conscious, as a man living far away in New Hampshire, or all these extraordinary events transpiring in the consciousness of One whose body was then in British Columbia?
It was hard to conceive that V.I.O., could have passed him on the Path, yet how was it that he had become conscious of these ultimate mysteries?
At 9:45 A.M. he returned to the tent, the City of the Sun, as he calls it, and told Soror R.S.J. it was his intention to go back to the City for a day, leaving her there with Dede, in order that he might ascertain if there were any communications awaiting him at the Post Office. Before he went he took from his neck the little Rose Cross he had been wearing since June 22nd and hung it on the Centre pole of the tent. He had no Cross now. Then looking at his hand on which was a thin Snake Ring he had worn since he was a child he gave it to Soror R.S.J. for he felt there was no need of Wisdom at that time.
He felt however that Soror R.S.J. sorrowed in her heart that he should leave her thus—yet he felt he must give up all, and become a Wanderer, and so he departed.
His journey to Gibson's Landing was one of the most wonderful things he had ever experienced. He felt a supreme and perfect union with all nature, indescribable in words. He felt there was a very small reason for remaining embodied, and that he must decide on this point, whether to pass on into the Great Silence, or to continue to nourish, and so preserve his human body. He remembered however that he had pledged himself to hand over his job to Brother H.E.W. and this at any rate was something that must be fulfilled. He had eaten nothing since the last act of the night before, and now he began to partake of minute portions of those things in nature which attracted his attention as he walked along this road. The eating of a leaf, for instance, seemed a perfect sacrament, wherein the nature of the substance became transmuted in his being in a wonderful way. All this will perhaps appear so childish to the reader that we shall not go into further detail but after all the pure consciousness of childhood is very near to that of God.
On arrival at Gibson's Landing he discovered that there was no chance of getting a boat at that time, he would have to wait some hours. He also learnt that great Floods had cut off all communication with the East, trains were stopped, and telegraphic communication disconnected.
He sat down on a seat outside the little Country Post Office and remained in deep meditation. He no longer felt that his actions or thoughts were those of an individual, whatever he did or thought seemed to him to have an effect on greater and more important events. He seemed to enter into not only the great War, but to comprehend in himself the great underlying struggle behind it, a struggle not of a political nature, but of great Spiritual forces; he tried to solve the problem in the same way tat His problem had been solved the night before, when the illusion of Duality had been removed from him, and he felt in that case that "Unconditional surrender had won the War." He also felt somehow or other that this would have its effect on the war of the nations in time; he felt that on the Higher Planes the War was already won.
And all this was aroused in his mind by a certain Bull-dog. For one came and sat by his side and snuggled up to him with every sign of love and affection, yet when another man came along and sat down the dog snarled and showed his teeth. The other was afraid of him in his heart, and would have used force to master him, not thus may the Bull-dog be mastered, as events will show. Anyway, this bull-dog gave Frater V.I.O. another idea, Soror R.S.J. was lonely, he would try to borrow it, and take it back to protect her during his absence. Its master came along, but would not part with it, so Frater V.I.O. decided that having plenty of time, he would walk back again, and wait for the boat at the camp, and thus comfort R.S.J.
On his way back another idea came to him. There were two kinds of Buddhas, but the higher, to his mind, was the Buddha of Compassion, who having attained the right to complete emancipation, cast it aside and went on working unceasingly for Humanity. Also had not the Qabalists said "Kether is in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether," what did he need of high Grades, why make any claim to such, why not instead of claiming 10-1, simply claim 1-10, the grade of Neophyte, and start on the round of the Wheel all over again? Might not this idea solve the question of Therion, for if he now held 10º=1o and V.I.O. took 1º=10o they would hold the Central Pillar of the Tree, and in any case V.I.O. could see to it that no one passed the entrance gate of the Order without proper instruction. The more this idea became formulated the more it appealed to him, he determined to act upon it, and then and there expressed his willingness to start all over again if need be.
Thus did he return, filled with compassion, to Soror R.S.J. Even then, however, he thought well to g to the City, but it was not to be, for although he tried to make the boat at Grantham's Landing it did not stop there, so once more he returned to the Camp.
At 3:45 P.M. Soror R.S.J. expressed the view that the Work was finished as far as staying there was concerned, and in this Frater V.I.O. concurred. They decided to go to the City on the following day.
During the remainder of their short stay, things appeared to be more or less normal. Frater V.I.O. felt himself a Neophyte and a beginner once more but with a perfect right to use the magical knowledge he had obtained in any way that seemed fit and right. That night he performed his this Operation "To Prove the Law." His secret record shows that this was a very beautiful operation, and that it resulted in many Mysteries becoming clear to him during the following night, especially in connection with Progress and Rapture.
This practice seems to have determined the basis of his work from that time on.
On June 25th, they returned by the 5 o'clock boat, things having fitted in, in a marvelous way, right up to the time of leaving. The Blessed Brethren in Vancouver were very surprised to see them so soon, and the next night Frater V.I.O. went to Kerrisdale to call on Brother H.E.W. and to recount some of his wonderful experiences. They talked far into the night or rather the morning of June 27th, and when Frater V.I.O. finally got to bed he slept soundly. In the morning however, on waking, he experiences what can only be described as waking up in brilliant Sunlight, and yet after a few moments, when he got up, the room was not at all unusually light, for it did not catch the morning sun.
That day, having heard nothing from Therion all this time, he decided to wire him, which he did in these words. "Operation Perfect Hail Ipsissimus One Neophyte Made A Beautiful Nest."
This cryptic sentence might be read in a number of ways, some of which will be discussed later on.
That evening, he got back to Lodge work again and Initiated Sister K.T. into Minerval and First Degree of O.T.O.
On June the 28th he spent what was actually his last cent, on some candy for Dede, and within a few minutes the Postman arrived with what turned out to be a Diploma of O.T.O. Officially confirming his IX° Degree and making him an honorary X° and Viceroy of the Order for the Dominion of Canada.
On June the 29th he went to the Office and tendered his resignation according to his pledge made on the Path of Aleph, thus relinquishing his last tie. From that moment he Began to live in the Sunlight.
The Company, however begged him to stay with them for another two weeks and this he promised to do, on condition Brother H.E.W. was given his job after that time.
He had still no news direst from Therion and began to think that no answer was a sign of trust rather then not. He therefore wired once more, and wrote that same evening.
His next note is "Felt the power of a King's child."
Then the words "My left hand is empty for I have crushed an universe" took a new meaning.
30 June 1916.
Wired The-Hill [combination of Therion and Hilarion who he somehow recognized as his Father and Mother]. Be not sad Because His Left hand is empty.
Later, wired again "It should now be easy for Therion to abstruct Stele from the IVH in the VC on NV, (signed) Seventy."
Note—Wondered why had apparently made a mistake in putting IHV instead of IH. Reason became clear.
Undoubtedly C.C.
All these notes seem unintelligible, though there is a very deep underlying meaning, I do not think it is much use attempting to explain them here, but they will be mentioned again in the Correspondence between Frater V.I.O. and Therion which began shortly after this. I think it best however, before going into the question of this correspondence, to quote exactly the remainder of this series of notes, as they were written down at the time, and the reader must make what he can of them, by the light of after explanations.
Knowledge still flowing in streams.
(N.B. June 21st was ROSE DAY.)
2 July.
About 1 A.M. Practice (Found Luna square Jupiter)
3 July.
Letter received from Therion re 8-3. Other letters follow. He evidently was not conscious of this chain of events after all.
9 July.
It is now clear that V.I.O. is reflected into Path of Vau and that nature of work is decided.
Undoubtedly R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] supplied life. That is why this is the only Source from which she can obtain what she needs. Sol and Luna.
10 July.
Was attracted to title of Parsifal. Took same for IX° Degree and wrote to H.M.S.M. accordingly.
12 July.
People remark about complete harmony and Peace around.
13 July.
Made a discovery about Parsifal and change the spelling to PARZIVAL. Notify accordingly.
On way home a wonderful chain presents itself, linking all these events, and I decide to write these notes.
PARZIVAL has Eight letters. The Initial is EIGHTY and the numeration of word FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN.
"It shall be his child and that strangely."
The above are simply notes from various diaries (There was a complete set of notes back to 1906 which have been expanded into this record) and no claim whatever is made. The events since June 16th were unlooked-for and unsought. The following Key is however interesting since it aroused the foregoing memories (and many more).
UNUS IN OMNIBUS—Omina in Uno—One in all, All in One is Probationers Motto, and therefore Original Aspiration. The Numeration of initials V.I.O. is 86 a number asserting the identity of Kether and Malkuth.
ACHAD is his motto as Neophyte, he again became 1º=10o June 24th having asserted this identity and become Unity. As a Neophyte he accepted O.T.O. Work and expressed his aspiration in Parzival, which is the Pre Fool or Zero, and yet One as Aleph. Also it is 418 which is the numeration of ABRAHADABRA and this had been symbolized in his original Neophyte's Pantacle. The key of 418 is again 13 which is the number of ACHAD and so all these ideas seem to be closely connected and the work actually performed exactly in line with his aspirations.
We will now deal with some of the correspondence between the Master Therion and Frater V.I.O. concerning these mysteries.
The first communication received from the Master Therion reads as follows:
To which Frater V.I.O. replied:
This last letter, above referred to, was written on June 29th following Frater V.I.O.'s wire about perfect trust etc. It contained a very brief account of some of his experiences, most of which have already been recorded here. He had, however, written a note on 21 June before the affairs at Grantham's Landing had transpired, or, immediately after taking the Oath of the Abyss and proclaiming himself 8º=3o. This note also served the purpose of acknowledging the receipt of the letter making him IX° Degree of the Order. It was purposely left unsigned, except for the Special Cross of the Order and the characters IX°. It read as follows:
Frankly it is a little to be wondered at that even a Magus should be rather puzzled by the trend of events, lacking, as he did any explanation of what had occurred. Frater V.I.O. had been granted the highest Degree in the O.T.O., whereupon without using the knowledge so obtained, he cast it aside, and suddenly and without warning, plunged into the Abyss, working very much on the formula of Liber Cheth, which deals with The Cup of Babalon. In replying to the note granting the Degree, he intimated in a veiled way that he Was claiming the Grade of Nemo, because he thought that the Office was vacant. And in writing and wiring thus cryptically, he was relying upon the act having some corresponding effect upon the consciousness of The Master Therion, even though such a great distance separated them in their earth bodies. A note, however from the Diary of a Magus, which came into his hands much later, may explain this, for it is there written July 11th "Heard from S.H. Frater Nemo 8º=3o, of His Attainment of that Grade. This removes a bar to my full 9º=2o. (I had heard before by wire, on descending from the train at Bristol, but had a blind fit on.)
The answer from the Master Therion was then, in part, as follows:
Frater V.I.O saw clearly that the Master was puzzled and hastened to reply:
The above letter seems to indicate that Frater V.I.O. was still more or less "Thinking Qabalah" though he does seem to have made a quite human error in spelling OHPION as OPHION as will be noticed by the initial letters of his telegram.
The next letter he received ran:
To which, as follows:
Before giving Frater V.I.O.'s answer to the above letter we should insert for the sake of clearness, an extra letter, written by him on July 10th 1916 E.V.
Then, the next day:
The remainder of the letter referred to Lodge Work.
Frater V.I.O. answered that he thought the original motto V.I.O.O.I.V. answered the purpose fully, as the letters could be used in many ways so as by shape to form Cup, Cone, Symbol given by Nuit, Trinity, Ankh etc. also there was an arrangement for 5º=6o, Holy Triad etc. That he was glad the taking of 8º=3o had really removed as bar etc. He also said he might be willing to take on certain Secretarial duties regarding O.T.O. if They saw fit to arrange the matter, and that in any case he thought it possible he might resume some simple occupation in order to support his wife and family.
The Master Therion's reply to letter of July 9th was as follows:
In the meanwhile Frater V.I.O. had made the complete series of notes previously mentioned, and forwarded it to the Master Therion with these words:
This was followed by a very 'unofficial letter' dated July 18 in which V.I.O. somewhat jokingly suggested among other things that among other things that he might turn out to be the 'child' mentioned in the Book of the Law. We note this, on account of its great importance, in the light of the events which followed. Whereas Therion's next letter which referred almost entirely to Lodge work, need not be quoted here, except to mention some last words about his own state:
And surely enough a change was ahead, for almost immediately afterwards in answering Frater V.I.O.'s letter of July 6th he said:
In reply to this Frater V.I.O. said:
And so we will bring this section to a close. And how Frater V.I.O. answered this letter—and some parts took years to answer, and some parts may not be answered yet—will be told in due course at the proper time.
Love is the law, love under will.