Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






16 April 1948



Dear Yorke,


Received yours of 10/4/48 today with copy letter to Germer. All very satisfactory. You have not so far mentioned receipt of the Loveday [Raoul Loveday] and Russell [C. F. Russell] originals re Cefalù (with mine of March 27) and registered note "For you alone" of 31st. Hope you got them both.


I don't know that this is "my" aeon, exactly; hope it's universal and arranged by One Greater than I. I certainly prophesied it in Q.B.L. in 1922, and recorded it lately.


I think the "word" has been operating since 1926, and will continue to do so. The incoming Aeon in Manifestation had to wait for A.C.'s death and the exact time, viz: anniversary of writing Liber Legis, which corresponded to Aquarius. (By the way, am told, that April 8, 9, 10 of 1904 were Friday, Sat. and Sun. as this year. Have not looked it up.) The word was received in 1926 in presence of witness, still living, to whom the meaning was explained. It has been explained to no-one else. He wrote the other day agreeing we did a good job in Philadelphia.


Of course you cannot judge at present. But the important thing is that you have been receiving original records just as things happened—hot off the typewriter—errors and all. That leaves me no chance to fake or alter them in an after "write up" or prepared record. This whole affair, coming off as and when it did, was quite unexpected. It simply broke into our correspondence. I had accepted you as a providential agent, and although a stranger to me I am sure I picked the right man. What you have now, put in order of date; with a few other letters to come, two by slow mail, will give you from a scientific point of view of calculation of "chances" something of far greater historic value than any after-event record. Please preserve everything very carefully.


Glad you appreciate Liber 31. Thanks so much for yoga correspondences. Yes, do think you should have a copy of QNA. There's only the original and original carbon—the latter was sent to A.C. He returned it, as requested, with approval; but I had intended to edit it a bit. Will get it copied one of these days exactly as it is. Hope you like The Chalice of Ecstasy. If you had not read it, it should reveal much.


Now to clear up a few points in your previous letters of 7/4/48 and 9/4/48.


The Lustration ritual began something about an Emir and a Wasir with Saladin—there was an Oasis, etc. (More like a continuation of Minerval.) The regular degree "1" was quite different. Had in it "travels with the Moon", 0 the Mother—I the Father—etc. You should be able to distinguish from these memory hints. (Be careful in Life if you mention any sort of "controversy with American Masons". There was really no such thing. I was present, and have facts.)


Psychomagian Soc.[iety]—no members in England. Might be useful later. Only two printed booklets remain besides records. Don't want to go into that just now.


Thanks for return of C.I.H.U. [Church in Holy Unity]—Time will show. IT works!


Hold on to the crazy Do Miss document. (Note lines at bottom which say it was copied from single original on a certain date; but it does not say date of original document. Nemo knoweth.) I didn't suspect Germer [Karl Germer] particularly. Just wanted to know if A.C. ever saw it. He did—and it fooled even the old man himself. (The sentiments are not bad if you are not fooled by the style.)


Sorry I misspelled: ISSA should be ISA. Yes, A.C. said in comment that this represented Jesus.


Glad you sent letter of March 29 to Germer. Have not heard from him again yet.


Thanks for clearing up the question of Mottoes (I.W.E. [Martha Küntzel]).


I notice Germer sent you In Residence. Are there any other of A.C.'s books you have not got? I have by no means a complete set; but do have an odd duplicate in a few instances. Don't know just what, at the moment.


Well, that about clears things up for tonight.


Yours in Unity and Love.




