Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke,

Albert H. Handel & Karl Germer






Aeon of Truth and Justice.


27 April 1948



Dear Yorke, Handel and Germer,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Let us try to get another point cleared up—or at least some further light upon it.


On April 14 I wrote as follows to Yorke, and sent a carbon copy to Germer.


Liber Legis, III, 10-11, says:


10. Get the Stélé of Revealing itself; set it in thy secret temple . . .


11. This shall be your only proof . . . Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, O prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger and trouble.


Please tell me:


(a) Is there any record of this expedition to abstruct the Stélé itself among Aleister Crowley's papers and effects?


(b) Is the stélé so obtained among his effects Willed to Mr. Germer; if so, has it yet been sent to him?


(c) If you have handled it, are there signs of "miraculous colour" coming back to it?


Yours fraternally.


The letter reached Mr. Germer first. He mentioned it, in another letter to me dated April 22nd as follows:


It is really your letter of April 14 to Mr. Yorke, with the questions asked therein, that came as such a sudden shock to me, because of the new Aeon of Maat has superseded that of R[a] H[oor] K[huit] . . . etc.


Mr. Yorke's reply was dated in England April 19th and reached me on April 24th. He said:


A.C. never got the stélé of revealing itself. He was always  about to go to do so, but never did . . .


To which I replied, April 24: "It seems a pity that A.C. neglected to obtain the only thing which he was told should be his proof of success."


Now you should note the various references to "Because and his kin!" in Liber Legis, Chapter II. These appear again in Chapter II vs.19-20 as follows:


19. That stélé they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718.


20. Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again.


These verses may now be interpreted as follows:


19. While it is true that A.C. did count well the name of the stélé and discover the connection with 718, it is also natural that some of his followers, who rely on reasons and explanations, should feel rather disconcerted at the news that A.C. did not during his lifetime go and get the stélé as instructed in III.10 and thus obtain the proof mentioned in III.11. "That stélé they shall call the Abomination of Desolation . . ." This doubtless is the sudden shock mentioned.


20. "Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again."


Because is B.Cause.: B. the letter of the Magician, the Maker of Illusion, who has fallen. Naturally those who follow reason in the wrong sense might feel badly "that he is not there again". In other words: What a pity A.C. is dead and no longer "there again" so that he could still go and get his proof in the form of the stélé—which, doubtless, would be a nice little ornament to put under locked glass and show people. But that's just not the way things worked out.


Nevertheless we must remember also Chapter III.v.16. "Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all."


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in Unity and Love.




P.S. Perhaps we should also note the words L.[iber] L.[egis] III.10 re. "secret temple": "and that temple is already aright disposed". It cannot therefore refer to some Kiblah yet to be built, but may have some very important meaning could we but discover it.




