Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
20 May 1948
To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.
Fellow Stars,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
It is just two months since the Vernal Equinox which followed the death of the Master Therion. During these two months I have been in continuous correspondence with Yorke and on all special issues with Handel. The incoming of a New Aeon has been recorded as a further manifestation in accordance with the prophesies in Liber Legis. There has been success. The case now stands as follows:
No written communication from Therion came to me in the last eleven years of his life. He knew that my work was to usher in the Aeon of Truth and Justice. His testimony to my Grades in A∴A∴ is shown over seal of the Order in The Equinox of the Gods published by him in 1938 [actually published in 1936]. He also testifies that Achad is the 'child' mentioned in Liber Legis 1.55; in Chapter VII, Section III of that Book; and to Achad's fulfilment of prophecy of Liber Legis III.47 in the third chapter of the Comment contained in The Equinox of the Gods. There he says: "Achad has proved himself, and proved the Book, by this one achievement; and this shall suffice."
But Liber Legis, Chapter I, 54-55 says: "Change not as much as the style of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not behold all these mysteries hidden therein. The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them."
Following the death of Therion, Achad did behold many further mysteries than had previously been shown to him. These were duly recorded and copies sent immediately to you as his two Witnesses. Of the many proofs of a new magical current along qabalistic lines, I offer only the single series of "coincidences" where apparent "chance" shows evidence of true "design"—thus proving the accuracy of Liber Legis—which is contained in my letter of May 7th, 1948.
Of the proof of the world-wide application of my formula by which I have worked, and the making good of my Word, I offer only the contents of my letter of May 19th with newspaper cutting attached, This I hold to indicate justification of the Work of Therion, my Magical Sire, and of the manifestation of the Aeon of Truth and Justice which I was permitted to record and announce. The Case Rests!
In Love and Unity,
P.S. You have received this long series of special letters under your promise of reserve. I request you to keep them in your private files and not transmit the information to others. However I do request your own comments and reactions in due course if you will be good enough to send them to me. Also, since Saturnus [Karl Germer]—who opened up correspondence with me but has since remained silent—failed to keep his word, I may feel that no further information is coming to him from me—even should he write later. But, since both of you know him and are in touch, I here and now give you permission, in his case to use the contents of my letters of May 7th, May 19th and this letter, if you wish to do so, should he inquire your opinion of the truth and justice of the New Manifestation.