Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
19 May 1948
To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.
Fellow Stars,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
The enclosed evidence may be taken as one of the first signs of success in the wider field of world affairs—a sign of better things in the New Aeon.
I quote now from several previous letters of this series:
March 29, 1948: to Yorke and Germer [Karl Germer], "THERE IS THAT WHICH REMAINS. These remains must be something more than ASHES left to the care of TIME. May not, in some way, the PHOENIX be expected to arise? Has he, even now, in the sense of the word of Masonry, already arisen? For this is Easter Monday . . ."
April 14, 1948: An epistle of M.A.A.T. "Now of ION . . . An ION is . . . a charge of . . . electricity . . . The electric particle has been broken in this Atomic Age . . ."
April 17, 1948: To Yorke. "But the true A∴A∴ is a system of Scientific Illuminism. Preaching has been tried . . . and failed . . . "All is in TAO!" The Taoist does not have to preach—things just happen. By chance, if you will."
April 18, 1948: To Yorke, Handel Germer & H. "Path of the "Last Judgment" (when the dead arise) is now occupied in the New Order by "The Magician"—who has been judged, cremated, and reduced to ashes, which are Willed to Saturnus [Karl Germer], but from which the Phoenix may Arise".
April 22, 1948: To Yorke and Handel. "The nucleus of certain atoms was unstable . . . I suggest that the nuclei of the unstable atoms had to be destroyed . . . that which was "locked up" therein has already to some extent been let loose upon the world. What effect will this INVISIBLE escaped POWER have on the planet, the climate, humanity?"
April 28, 1948: Reconciliation of Aeons of Horus and Ma. "AEON OF MA . . . product: Arising of Phoenix."
May 18 [12], 1948: to Yorke and Handel (Yorke slow mail). "We must leave the question of the Arising of the Phoenix to future consideration. We must also realize that we are dealing with a full-sized world-mystery . . ."
The attached news-cutting appeared yesterday in the Vancouver News Herald. Yorke will remember how at the very beginning of this correspondence, on March 19th, I remarked (from past experience): "News-cuttings all fit perfectly with magical records". This does seem like another striking "coincidence". [An extract from the news-cutting reads as follows:]
P.S. If the magical labour and pain have in the least contributed to such a result as this A.A. (Ann Arbor) project for the good of humanity, surely it has not been in vain.