Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
K.J. GERMER 260 West 72nd Street New York, N. Y.
October 17, 1949
Dear Jane,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of Oct. 11th with the M.O. [Money Order] for $59. I think this is the best way to wind up financial matters of Agape Lodge. I suppose you know that Orders, Lodge, etc. have never appealed to me. I feel in that atmosphere as a fish on land. Yet it is doubtless a method that has much appeal to many others. For that reason I would welcome someone who in the future would start a new thelemic movement in California on an Lodge basis. In that case I think a new name should be adopted. Agape Lodge being defunct does in no way touch the O.T.O. as a whole. Nor has it any bearing on your personal activities of pushing 93, or of keeping the group together.
In this connection I think I better tell you that the FBI has been and is hot on my trail. You will probably remember their investigation of Agape Lodge in 1942 or 1943 where—as far as I know—Jack [Jack Parsons] and WTS [Wilfred Talbot Smith] were involved because of complaints by neighbours. Have any other Lodge members been questioned at that time? I was called, or better, summoned to the F.B.I. H.Q. and severely cross questioned. At least since that time (1943), possibly since 1942, my telephones have been tapped. A friend of mine was called to the FBI last week (they had recorded a phone talk) to tell them all about it (whether I am a Nazi, or a Communist, what he knew thelemic literature, etc. etc.) It so happened that I had not seen that friend for a year or two, and that he knew or remembered only vaguely about my talking or showing him Liber AL, and OZ; and that he is a loyal friend. He has been the first who—to the annoyance of the FBI—called me up at once and asked me what I had committed, and that they had a 200 page file on my case.
The whole thing is against A.C. and against Thelema (they knew that I had testified in 1934 for A.C. in his libel suit and that the British since then have consistently refused a visa to me.)
I should not wonder now if they have not for a long time watched my envelopes to know the names of those with whom I correspond, in order to get data on the spy net that I control, in the USA and especially in California, but also abroad. For many years we have had the most peculiar, sometimes naive and childish experiences. The pieces only now seem to fir into a scheme. I presume they know the names and addresses of everybody in Cal. To what extent they check on them I don't know. The fact is that our phone at H.Q. is also tapped. As nobody can find the place the first time we have arranged for visitors to call us on the phone from the nearest town or phone, so that I can meet them and take them up to our house. We are quire secluded and it begins to be funny for us to see soon after a visitor has phoned that some lout passes near by to try to get the number of the License Plate or see what wicked plotters are there.
Of course, we have nothing to hide. We have no secrets. Nor do we try to do anything even in the slightest to the detriment of the U.S., or the Government. In fact, my friend advised me to frankly write to Edgar Hoover and ask for an interview (a thought I've had before). But I'm poor at talking, I could never expound 93, or, in case of attack, defend my or our position decently. The time, I feel ever sure, will come for things of that sort. I like a fight, a real fight. But it is the Gods who will prepare the day, and Patience can be a great virtue. One must know to wait.
I leave it to you to tell members of your group about this situation. I think Ray [Ray Burlingame] should curb his obsessions by certain fanatical, one-sided ideas and train his mind by definite effort to push through those clouds on his soul to the true light. I think Jean [Jean Phillips] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] should be notified, and especially Georgia [Georgia Schneider]. They. the F.B.I. must in some form keep a tag on Thelemites in California. I wonder whether anybody has perceived anything?
I think I could have given that copy of "The Classic of Purity" [Khing-Kang-King] to you. You have deserved it more than anyone. But you will understand?
I think your plans re Liber Reguli and the Mass [Gnostic Mass] is excellent. Let me know how things will go and progress.
The Burlingames place: The Pentagram regularly should be good. But if the odor has a physical basis it should be tackled from that angle.
IX°: all very good what you say; but if they want to share in the property of the Order, they must first help to create some. Therefore is says in the VI° that any member of that grade is expected to deed some real estate to the Order. It has all been somewhat lax in the handling of the Constitution. But a time may come when some pep can be put into it. The main assets of the Order are the copyrights etc.—Joe Miller would not be a real IX° of the O.T.O. Remember that various schools in the West as well as in the East possess and teach that secret and they do not belong to the OTO.
What did you find out about the $70 that you paid for the Temple equipment? I would like to get the record straight.
I'll write you about the Rituals again later. Meanwhile I'd like you to send me one set complete.—Meeka [Meeka Aldrich], of course, is entitled to a set of the Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III].
Love is the law, love under will.
Best of love from Sascha [Sascha Germer] and yours,