Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




5169 1/2 Fountain Avenue

Los Angeles, 27, California



November 13, 1950



Dear Karl:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Because of Monty's [Gabriel Montenegro] reluctance to yield regarding all people as trustworthy, I gave him my copy of The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune, asking him to read the chapters on Chesed and Geburah. These chapters, it seems, gave him a new outlook on humanitarianism, etc. He has a greater respect for Geburah qualities.


He has set up a book for the purpose of learning the Tree of Life, and plans to memorize some of the columns. Time will show. He said: "I am so happy to have a schedule of work, and I am glad to have foundation work. I have been given the deeper things, and I would like this other too." This particular way of looking at what he has to work on I will take up with him, so that he realizes they are all important. I quote him to you so that you have a fuller understanding of him.


It just now occurs to me that this Qabalah may be an intrusion at this time; that I should have written you before asking him to read Chesed & Geburah. I am sorry for this oversight; it stems from the fact that I have accustomed to go ahead myself. I wish I had one of these books to send you; but I use it also at Burlingames [Ray & Mildred Burlingame]. There is much of value in it. She uses 777—states the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel]. is the higher self, which causes me to give them Aleister's description from M.W.T. [Magick Without Tears]. His description of the Sephiroth are within the grasp of the lower grades.


He has gone over with me the Pentagram and Hexagram. These he performs 3 times a day. Also he will start a diary. I will watch that he does not neglect his medical practise, which is important for him magically, I think


Family. All I can tell you is, that Monty's wife goes to a Protestant church; he had hoped she would follow him; that Adele, the 12-years old daughter, is in a Catholic school because of public school difficulty in his present locality. Adele has strict orders from Monty; also the Sisters were told not to indoctrinate her in the Catholic faith. To this they agreed, after being convinced of his desires.


He now has—Magick Without Tears (my first bound copy), Minerval & First Degree for study. We will go over these Wednesday.


Tree of Life—if you approve.


I will have to get closer for further suggestions.


Incidentally, he told me he was to have been Krumm Heller's [Arnold Krumm-Heller] successor, and this puffed him up and made him feel very good. Now he laughs at this.


Since receiving yours of November 7 I feel sure my first reaction regarding Monty's initiation was correct. Once more I was influenced by another mind. Having made the decision, I phoned Mildred what I proposed doing. She was delighted. I went to the B[urlingame]'s Tuesday to conclude arrangements, but found Ray against my plan; and I permitted myself to be talked out of it. He suggested sitting in the same spot throughout, the three of us reading, without dramatizing. To me this would have been fatal, inasmuch as Ray stumbles and stumbles in his reading. Also it would have robbed me of magical power, which I could have commanded (under these circumstances) were I robed and conducting an initiation. I get so mad at myself for listening to other people! Jean [Jean Sihvonen] might have been willing, had I waited. Monty said with shining eyes; "How superior to Masonry!" when I had finished here at our bungalow.


Jean assured me on many occasions that she "loves" Ero [Ero Sihvonen]. When I heard of her marriage, I exclaimed "Good God! . . . Well, it won't last!", but I must add I felt Ero would draw away. I asked her, at that time, why she married, and was told Ero was embarrassed by the easier arrangement—felt guilt.


What so upset her when they were down here, was that Ero did not function as lover & husband for quite a spell. And a bit of laxness in this way still goes on in Barstow, she told me when down here and in front of him. From the many many talks when they moved down, and since they have returned to Barstow, I got the impression this was the difficulty. A thought! They now drink together. Maybe liquor makes Ero a-sexual? It does in some people. Let me add, however; They drank here, perhaps not in Barstow. Ero, I mean. Max [Max Schneider] put Jean through abstinence two or three times, because of her fondness for liquor. She I know drinks somewhat in Barstow—wisely.


Ero was in desperate need when he met Jean. She had suffered all those agonizing weeks and months with Max. They joined forces while Max was alive, to Max's agony of soul. Quite a situation: with Georgia [Georgia Schneider] also a knower.


Love is the law, love under will.




P.S. Please excuse all these typographical errors. I tire and my eyes some times bother. Monty, very hesitantly, asked if he could do something for me when here Wednesday—the trained medic realised my deficiencies. So I shall let him get after my physically. I need it.


