Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




K.J. Germer

260 West 72nd Street

New York 23, N.Y.

Endicott 2-6799



November 20, 1950



Dear Jane,




Yours of Nov. 8. About Hugh [Hugh Christopher]. It strikes me that he is really a go-getter, that he is really passionately going for it! Impress on him that Abramelin the Mage's system has been superseded by the ritual in the VIIIth Æthyr. The idea is more or less the same. But it is more condensed. I believe I told you once that in my case the chamber in which one has to perform one's prayer daily, was my cell (#175!!!—only a German can understand it—it is the number of the paragraph of the German Code of Law dealing with sodomy or homosexuality, and this operation deals with the yielding to the rod of Adonai—'I was pierced as a thief by the Lord of the garden', and other passages!) in the Concentration Camp. Let Hugh realise that it is always the essence of an idea that has to be observed; it's so romantic to read that Abra Melin was a rich man, could afford to buy a house, and then arrange circumstances to fit his description of the op[eration].


I hope he will be successful; if he gets definite results, let him send me a brief record. Meanwhile, let him also remember that he is after the intimate intercourse with someone who is more to him than any other human being. Let him not distract himself by too much need of talk, and discussion with others during this phase.


Yours of Nov. 13: I suppose you know that Dion Fortune was in close correspondence with A.C.—I have the file. But she demanded that this fact should be kept secret, as otherwise she would lose her standing. I can understand this, knowing the English system (it is the same here); she had not the stamina and moral courage of coming right out in the teeth of English Society.


When you can spare it, I'd like to see her Mystical Qabalah. I've never seen it. Regardie [Israel Regardie] knew her well at one time and wrote her some of the most insolent letters, imitating A.C., and calling her names because of certain sexual irregularities. He possibly had an affair with her?


Of course, Monte [Gabriel Montenegro] should build up his medical practice again, and higher. He should be happy to have a profession in which he is more or less independent.


Why should I specially approve of your studying the Tree of Life with him? Give anything he needs and wants.—I am in touch with Krumm Heller's [Arnold Krumm Heller] son Parsifal, but don't know whether he is any good or will be.


Let this be all for to-day.


Love from me and appreciation for your splendid work!


Love is the law, love under will.




P.S. I don't like this at all that Jean [Jean Sihvonen] and Ero [Ero Sihvonen] have begun drinking again. You have to protect Jean—and Ero. It shows that there is something spiritually wrong! They must check these first symptoms of going downgrade.


