Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





[6 September 1953]



It is now clear to me that Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and Culling [Louis Culling] have been all the time plotting together. I hardly feel that I need any further proof.


I have no interest to see Mr. Smith or Culling personally. How ALEISTER SAW CLEARLY in 1943 when he kicked Smith out with the apparent heart-balm of Liber 132 (which he said, was written with Machiavelli under his pillow.)


Enough: this injunction forbidding all and any further contact with Smith and Culling holds good for every Thelemite or former member of Agape Lodge! If I have the time I shall write a form out with several copies for those in your camp to sign. If it is too late, please tell those you can contact personally or by phone. I shall write Ero [Ero Sihvonen] & Jean [Jean Sihvonen] as well as Georgia [Georgia Schneider] personally.


