Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




Hampton N.J.



Feb. 14, 1955



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Feb. 11.


Schlag: [Oscar Schlag]—visited me in N.Y. some 4 years ago, said: I bring you greetings from Mr. Lekve [Friedrich Lekve]—when this was untrue. I arranged with him a meeting in N.Y. in Dec. 1953, when he had the conversation microphoned—secretly. Ray [Ray Burlingame] writes his address was given to him "from Mr. Karl Germer, Hampton"—which is untrue. What he told you I don't know.


5 years ago he showed his teeth! OTO is a fake, not a genuine Order at all, despised by all Masons; was against Kellner [Carl Kellner], Reuss [Theodor Reuss], A.C., etc. etc. Yet all he wants to get are the secret rituals of the O.T.O.'s highest degrees. He told Ray they had been printed in German—which is a lie. But he is surprisingly well informed, has a tremendous library, possibly the largest occult library in Europe.


Do you remember that woman (see end of letter) in New York where I took you once, who immediately and aggressively tried to pump you for information on O.T.O. lodges in California? May-be you have forgotten. You told me then "she make no impression on me; she means nothing to me". I took you there only for a test—successfully. (Not a test for you!) That woman is in the employ of Schlag, instructed to get all information on A.C., especially the O.T.O. secrets, etc. out of me, ultimately, to hook up with me, and sit here as the queen of sheba (was it?) and finally obtain possession of all. Dream? Hallucination? There are more people involved.


From Zürich, where he lives, I have the worst possible reports of his black-magical machinations, some of which have fallen back on him. I do not blame you for having fallen for the guy. He is a master at putting on the White AA cloak. As he owns every book that A.C. ever put out, and studied them deeply, no wonder he is well versed in 777, etc. He knows Regardie [Israel Regardie] intimately, on what planes, I don't know. Both are professional psychologists.


I have told you that Fiat Iod [Anne Macky] was actually the motto of Mrs. what's her name? in London who studied under A.C. in 1943-45.


I don't see where HUA comes in. In the 1st Aethyr (p. 160 of our ed. [The Vision and the Voice]) there is a passage "The great and terrible Angel keeps looking at me" . . . this is HUA. But he is mentioned in other passages of 418. Please explain what Schlag has to do with HUA.


Now a bit of defense on my part: you are perfectly right of scolding me. Yes, I often "go off at the deep end" etc. I believe you must have recollections where you noticed this with A.C. sometimes? On in A.C.'s position has a terrible load to carry and is almost constantly under magical attacks. I had to take over completely unprepared by occult training, except on high planes. I agree I blew hot and cold re Cameron [Majorie Cameron]; I'm still liable to do the same. What disturbed me so deeply was your report on her uninvited visit to Barstow. It would take time to obliterate that. What I added by hand in my letter was said from higher considerations. In one way she may have risen high; in others she is yet young and unpurified; with all that connect Jack's [Jack Parsons] mastery and yet childlike immaturity; which she inherited.


Engers (or Angers [Kenneth Anger]?) wrote to Yorke [Gerald Yorke] "that remarkable Cameron"! how is she so remarkable? She has Mars in her First house—is she so aggressive? and masterful?


(Engers stayed with Yorke, gave him Cameron's address: Yorke has written her to send him Jack's diaries, correspondence, etc. etc. It might be wise to tell Cameron not to part with the stuff. It is hard for me to suggest. Use your own counsel. You know her personally. Of course, the goal is for that material to get to H.Q. ultimately, it is too valuable. I hope she takes good care of it.


Yorke sent me Engers' prospectus of his three films; expects to get from E. the scripts of the film. But from what you say: it is not really thelemic at all. So why bother?


However, if E. is interested in the bizarre, Sascha [Sascha Germer], who has a good sense for theater and film, says: Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend] and Moonchild would be absolutely overwhelming and could become great successes. She can visualize the most phantastic scenes on the film.


Sascha often thinks of A.C.'s short stories as subjects for Television programs. (She follows Film, Radio, T.V. acutely, while I have no eye, ear and experience in those fields.) If we could get Cameron sufficiently interested to take this matter up from a sales angle, I mean selling some of A.C.'s stories for film and T.V. she could not only serve the G.W. [Great Work], but make a good living, too. Why not use Engers as a wedge?


Culling [Louis Culling]—Cameron: only when I became disgusted reading about the Barstow encounter, and mad, and reacted: stick dynamite into her Bee-po. But, who knows? perhaps she is atom-hydrogen-cobalt.


Schlag sent a note to-day, wants to meet me. I will, with precautions. But on no account write to him. Ray wrote that Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] drove him around alone: did she give things away? Ray also says [illegible]—it lays here when I was too busy with many things—What is the position about a house or a new place to live now? When do you have to move?


Ray also says it was planned to take Schlag to Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler]. Did this come off? There may be others who will contact any of you in Los Angeles as spies. It is wise to be cautious and refer the people to me—A young man from California has been after me for months; refers to Regardie (who positively does not think of me! is sent by this woman, and ultimately by Schlag to spy on me. But being a graduate of the Counter-Intelligence school for three years, I have caught on to what is genuine and what fake and spy.


Love is the law, love under will.


With love,




