Correspondence from Karl Germer to Gerald Yorke





[Undated: circa January 1956]



Dear Gerald,


Yours of Dec. 30 reached me, sent [illegible].


Grant's [Kenneth Grant] New Isis Lodge: what I [illegible] referenced in his Manifesto [Manifesto of the New Isis Lodge] to being in accordance with me as Grand Master S. and a number of other references which are certainly incorrect. Besides, several people have written me from England asking for clarification.


Magick in Theory and Practice: I'm glad the MS has arrived safely. You surely must know, or have seen, or, may-be have, one of the several sets of the typescript sets; they were in three volumes, bound in green leather, Martha Küntzel did her translation from it before it was printed in London. This typescript, however, must have been identical with the published edition.


All my books are packed and unavailable to me for checking. Your suggestion towards a reprint is interesting and welcome as far as I am concerned. But it seems to me impractical for any prospective publisher to ask him to publish only Part II and III. Granted, that a publisher would be rather interested in a strict book on Magick. So that he might prefer to leave the appendices, and probably the 777 section out. But it would be an incomplete book. Don't you think Part I ought to be in in any case? However, if you can interest Rider—please do. I agree it should be by Aleister Crowley. Also, a correct Index with paging ought to be in.


I wonder whether Michael [Michael Houghton] could handle the thing. Besides, I have yet to get confidence in his handling of business and money. So far he has not sent me a three-monthly account, as was arranged.


Please keep me informed on what you can accomplish.


Yes, Metzger [Hermann Metzger] did a good job with the GM.


I am still here and cannot budge. Rather queer. The buyer is eager to move in. It all hangs my proving that my first wife's position makes my marriage valid. So, better write to this address until I can notify you that I am on my way to California. The house is definitely sold. But the lawyers will not acknowledge the validity of our title, as New Jersey laws do not recognize Mexican divorces as valid in law. So I am a triple bigamist and could be prosecuted on law as a criminal! As such a one, I can never obtain legal title which can be transferred. That's the only handicap.






