Jane Wolfe Diary Entry

Friday, 31 December 1920






Still upset.


Got ready for mailing The Apple and The Capsule, and enclosed in letter to M.K.W. [Mary K. Wolfe].



Had one lucid moment on couch after Pentagram and felt fine. Looking over “Test Course”, was getting, I think, something about printing press for Abbey when A.C. interrupted about the Simon Iff stories for screen.


(Query: Had “Indo-American Press Co.” aught to do with this.)


Leaving Abbey, muscles of legs ached by the time I reached the mill—faint and nauseated when by the brook. Wretched.


(P.S. A.C. says foregoing due to carbonic gas from charcoal)



Just preceding unconsciousness of sleep, mind repeated distinctly “3-16-21”



Comment(s) by Aleister Crowley



