Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Apartment Eleven, 1515 Howard Street, Detroit, Mich.
January 16, 1921
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letters of December 10th and 18th have just arrived. These came to hand yesterday and the day before, it's an awful system. I was very glad indeed to have word from you, and will try to answer fully. The store room is rather a disadvantage, but the rent is very reasonable, and the arrangement is very good for the time being, that is, until things are more settled. Your suggestion is good in regard to the odd volumes which are not of particular occult interest. We will try and get them together as soon as possible and dispose of them.
Am sending a dozen copies of Chicago May by Parcel Post.
Thank for the promise of Book 4 [Part I & Part II] and Konx Om Pax, they will be welcome and of great service.
I thought possibly some 777 might have got to you with any other stuff you had sent from Mawers. Am very sorry to hear you have none. These are none in our lot, and Hollings [book shop] is out of them. Could there be any other stock elsewhere? Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] for instance. Students cry out for them.
I am so glad that you have hopes of success with the scenarios, a decent income is always an asset even in this world of illusion. Am glad Russell [C. F. Russell] is proving such a help. he was ever a hard worker. Shall look forward to seeing the paintings when I visit you College, that is, if they are not reproduced and widely known, ere then.
I will forward the books to L. V. [Jefferson] when I get them.
Next time I'm in Chicago I'll see Krotch about the Rodin [Rodin in Rime] books.
Your second letter.
I had also written [Will] Ransom re Equinox 2. He quoted the same price, but has ignored both my letters re samples.
I cannot think you have interpreted the Yi symbol just right, my inner feelings do not tell me that I can undertake the handling of any quantity of Eq[uino]x Number 2 at this time. We are still hampered and handicapped for funds, so that the marketing of what stock we have is difficult. There is a terrible financial depression the Country over, which cannot be expected to improve much before Spring and the Rev. President arrive on the scene. Although I was successful in borrowing the money for freight etc., on the other books, and, thank Heaven, in paying it back, the same good friend is no longer in a position to do me this service again, and for another thing, I wouldn't borrow a sum like that again at this time, because until conditions improve, there would be no chance of paying it back. As it is, a good deal of the money I paid before came out of my own pocket, and I have to wait till others pay me for books sold 'on time' before I get it back. Then again, I've advanced a few little items such as storage on the vellum collection, Glickman's Account, Frank T. Lodge for money he paid the DAC [Detroit Athletic Club] on your account at one time, in order that there should be no possible slur on our good financial credit, which I am very anxious to preserve. Therefore I feel that for the time being I am not in a position to help in the direction you desire, because I am of the opinion that an attempt to do so would defeat its own ends, and hamper our work here unduly.
There is another important matter which you should know, viz.: that I am about to make, and have been making, efforts to transfer this Centre to Chicago, which I have reason to believe will be better for business, for the sale of our books, for Occult Matters, for Lecturing etc. This means a considerable expense, but if we can get to a stand where we have a permanent address from which to advertise, a better store room, etc., we shall be able to branch out much more easily. My firm is also inclined to put me in charge of a branch office there, or rather to back me in opening one. But this again me strenuous work till established, and as it is I'm really working night and day to keep things going.
I very much appreciate your sending me copies of different letters, etc. The Van Brunt Correspondence needs little comment, and I thank you for the manner in which you answered. The lady will probably come round again in time. She's a dear soul, and I like her very much, but she was a bit addicted to finding out all the scandal about the Order, and wallowing in it; also the books were hardly foisted on her in the way she suggests, but what matter anyway, it her loss if she hasn't been reading and studying them.
I wrote to the O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] some time ago, as I think I told you, and had two letters in reply. He seems to have decided to drop the Masonic connection to some extent after the Swiss affair. I'm not too pleased with American Masonry myself after having my application for A[ncient] A[ccepted] S[cottish] R[ite] turned down. Anyway, I don't think it matters a damn. The O.H.O.'s idea seems to be that everyone must be a Mason, or we make him one before he becomes O.T.O., in order that he may know that there is no real secret in Masonry, and so clear away any illusions on that score. He talks of lecturing in Europe on these lines.
Now as to your surprising P.S. All I can say is that I had no idea that Frater G[enesthai] [C. F. Russell] had any animus against me. A study of my own mind gives me no clue to the possible origin. If you discover it, let me know, it's probably some silly misunderstanding like the supposed slight in the Studio in N.[ew] Y.[ork]. I've made a few inquiries too, and he doesn't seem to have shown any dislike to others about here.
Please thank Sister Lea [Leah Hirsig] for her nice letter, and say I will answer it one of these days when I feel I have time for some real pleasure.
I am enclosing the latest application for A∴A∴ Please return with comment. I have an idea that this is another deaf and dumb man. Have merely told him to get Eq[uino]x and study for three months.
Shall be glad of further news,
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son,
P.S. What is your intention in regard to filling orders for books in Europe. Have you facilities for immediate shipment of small orders, such as one might get enquiries for here. What are your English process, etc. Are you doing any advertising. Could we cooperate in this etc. We have had one or two enquiries from England, and may have need to fill them.
Have you a copy of Book of the Law, Trigrammaton, and Ararita to spare? Have you any pledge forms for A∴A∴?
P.P.S. When you have a little time to spare will you write a letter to your Son 777 dealing with The Ordeals, Rewards, Practices etc, proper to each Grade of the Order, both as there were of old, and where changes are necessary under New Aeon. In other words give the Antient Landmarks and all that occurs to you as being necessary to one who is trying to carry on the Work. It might be very valuable for me to have your ideas on all these points. In particular of course I refer to Grades of Adeptus Minor, Major, and Exempt Adept, which are little dealt with in Eqx or elsewhere.