Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Karl Germer
23 April 1948
Care Frater Saturnus,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of April 22nd is just to hand. Am glad you have received the various communications. Of course you need time to weigh and consider the facts at your leisure. There is a good deal more to this strange and unexpected turn events have taken than it is possible for me to sum up and fully evaluate at this time. But I'll try to answer your specific questions.
(a) Does the "incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice" signify that on April 2nd 1948 the rule of Ra-Hoor-Khuit has been cur short and abolished?
As you word your question, in my opinion, certainly not. A good deal seems to depend upon the interpretation given to Liber Legis III.34. On March 15th I wrote to Yorke [Gerald Yorke]: "If what is said in Liber Legis is to be taken as true, I may well have been over optimistic in thinking that the Aeon of Truth and Justice is very near at hand—to follow, for example, the death of the 'Logos' A.C. Liber Legis III.34 does seem to indicate that the Aeon of Horus (and War etc.) continues for centuries. This is not a pleasant outlook." On March 30 I wrote again, quoting the above, and saying: "Since then, however, we have received amazing proofs of its accuracy . . . in the new light given me . . . this verse does not preclude the interpretation that 'the fall of the Great Equinox' may now have taken place . . ."
So you see I do not think for a moment that the rule of R.H.K. was cut short or abolished, but rather that that aspect has fulfilled itself according to Liber Legis.
(b) Has a new Law corresponding to this Aeon of Truth and Justice been issued?
Liber Legis says: "The Law is for all" (I.34). Chapter III v.34 mentions changes in officers, so to speak, but says nothing about any other Law being issued. I think "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" remains the great Test by means of which actions will be judged. (See Epistle of April 14.) But there may be other rituals and ordeals and methods of Initiation, yet still, I think, in line with what is written in Liber Legis. Since, however, these were prepared in advance, it may be only now that they begin to come into operation, in a quite orderly fashion.
When you get the letters written to A.C. in 1936, and especially if his replies exist on file in England, you will see clearly that we then faced the possibility of this New Aeon of T.[ruth] & J.[ustice] quite clearly. Also you should see reference to the Word he did not have, which circumstances prevented him from having. This too, was in accordance with L.[iber] L.[egis]: "There is division hither homeward; there is a word not known."
I realize, of course, that during years of "division", A.C. and you and others must all have done a great deal of fresh working and interpretation which I have never seen. Doubtless A.C. had various "secret words" which he may have transmitted to you. On the other hand, the series of Initiations and Ordeals through which I had to pass went on regularly during that period, and I also have much which neither he, nor you, knew anything about. All this, however, is quite apart from the completely new aspects which broke in, as it were, to my business correspondence with Yorke and produced such unexpected results—which still continue. I have sent you some fragments of these. All have been carefully recorded. It is hoped in due course to evaluate them and put them in shape. There is not any present intention to publish them—but it was important to put them on record with a few reliable witnesses for the sake of scientific accuracy and value.
Are you in touch with W.T. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]? I sent him (after many years silence) a note similar to the one sent you in N.Y. dated April 6th. On April 8th I sent him another communication a copy of which was not sent to you. And on the 9th an Erratum correcting a date in that communication. These were sent to P.O. Box 6574, Station C, Los. A.—his old address. The 3rd (unimportant) item came back "Address not known". The other two items have not been returned by Postal Officials or acknowledged by Smith. If you are in touch with him before your return to N.Y. you might ask him to show you the communication of April 8th. (Please do not copy or circulate.) I should like his address if either of you care to send it; in any event should like to know if my letters received by him.
Hope you have had time to get copy of Will.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in Truth and Love,