Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel






5 May 1948






To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.


Fellow Stars,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Liber AL vel Legis contains many mysteries which have been and are working themselves out in a variety of ways, but there is one aspect which appears to have been fulfilled and crowned with a degree of success; and it was not until that success itself had been attained that the process whereby the reward was reached became clear. This, being a personal matter, will be shown as briefly as possible.


It is now evident that the candidate for personal initiation, referred to as "Isa the sufferer" in Chapter I v.49, was destined to be Achad, the "child" referred to in Chapter I v.55 and the "one" referred to in III.47 who in the process of Initiation became "the fool"—Parzival—mentioned in II vs. 63-67 and in 69 of that Chapter.


Chapter III, v.1 also says: "Abrahadabra; the reward of Ra Hoor Khuit", and v.47 says "And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child and that strangely." Abrahadabra was said to be the Word of the Aeon. Its value is 418 and so is that of Parzival.


The record of III.63: "The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment; and he understandeth it not" viz: as LA, is on file and mention is made of it in print in The Equinox of the Gods.


The connection between LA or AL as the Key to Liber Legis, and the name "Parzival", is shown in the manuscript of Liber 31, copies of which have been deposited with Mr. Yorke in England and with two other persons, one in Canada and the other in the United States of America.


This earlier period may be said to be the Masonic or R.C. one, in the Rosicrucian sense of R.C.


In order, however, properly to represent the candidate Isa (the Arabic form of the name Jesus), it was necessary for Achad to be led to the opposite entrance Pillar of the Temple, there to learn the mysteries of the R.C. Church. He became an orthodox member of the Church and received his first communion at Midnight Mass, Christmas, 1928. This step, and this alone, led to the opening up of the Initiations and Ordeals which were to follow in accordance with Liber Legis.


The first ordeal had been successfully passed in 1932 and was marked by "The Arising of the Silver Star".


The second ordeal was passed and marked by the arising of the Golden Star the following year.


The third ordeal and formulation of the Nine-fold Diamond occurred in 1935.


The fourth ordeal, "ultimate sparks of the intimate fire", was of 1945. It began on July 16th (without any knowledge of events at Alamos) and was over two days before the first announcement of the dropping of an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The newspapers then suddenly and unexpectedly confirmed it.


The records of the above ordeals were written up as, in and for the Archives of an Order [the Universal Brotherhood] other than the AA.


December 6, 1945, 1 A.M. marked the end of period of 29 years, 5 months and 16 days, viz; one period of Saturn, since the first crossing of the Abyss at Summer Solstice 1916.


In 1946 Achad made the classical alchemical gesture and "gave up the Great work"—so he thought.


On December 1, 1947 the "child's" magical Father died.


On March 9, 1948 Frater V.I. [Gerald Yorke] (perhaps unwittingly) invoked the "Secret Chiefs" to send the "Magical Child" to "pick up the threads of the order" and so, as he termed it, "a St. Paul act." (One hoes V.I. is satisfied.)


On March 24, 1948, one wrote to V.I.: "The word is by no means exhausted"—"he lives in the son", etc. Things by that time were in process of rapidly opening up with the result that entirely new implications were discovered in Liber Legis, and there was an incoming of the manifestation of the Aeon of a—that of Truth and Justice—on April 2, 1948. The new current has continued since.


It was, however, on March 26, 1948 that Parzival wrote a special letter to Frater V.I., which was followed by another of Easter Sunday, March 28, which said in regard to ordeals: "Verse 69 of Chapter III clearly announces the outcome: "There is success. This, as 418, I accept."


It now only remains to show the need and forging of certain links in the Great Catena which this special series of Initiations and Ordeals has brought about.


First it was necessary that the New Aeon proclaimed by the Prophet of Liber Legis should be properly linked with the older traditional ones. This was provided for by making the Candidate a representative of Isa which, despite the anti-christian sentiments of the Beast, he was unable to destroy. Thus, while Liber Legis remains a Sacred Book, the Aeon of Truth and Justice also gives credit to former Scriptures and Masters.


Secondly the "Word of the Aeon" (and supposed "Key of the Rituals"), ABRAHADABRA, despite its wonderful properties as 418 with its many correspondences, bid not truly link the Magical aspect with that of the Past. Having received this reward, one can now show the necessary change in order to accomplish this. It is also, one thinks, a fairly clear Qabalistic proof for those somewhat skeptical of that system.


The Magical Word of the Old Aeon was: ABRAHADABRA.


That of Liber Legis: ABRAHADABRA.


The synthesis is: ABR-ACHAD-ABR-A, a twelve-lettered word (for twelve rays hath the Crown) whose numeration is 438, viz: The whole (perfect) stone. And yhis Stone is symbolized by the Thirteen-fold Star Diamond at the head of this paper, and in it is the number 438 in commemoration of the value of the letters of the Word of the Aeon of Ma, MANIFESTATION, which is 257 and which has reference to Ps.XXV v.14: "The Secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will shew them his Covenant".


It may also be observed that this Word ABRACHADABRA has a numeration just 20 (yod spelt in full) more than the previous one (418), and that in Hebrew it is only necessary to add a "jot" and "tittle" to the letter in order to make it Cheth and thus retain an eleven-lettered word which is almost indistinguishable from the former one.


Yours in Love and Unity,




