Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
18 May 1948
Care Frater V∴I∴
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of May 9th and 13th to hand yesterday.
I'm glad you enjoy being tickled by the feather of the Goddess: but what you say in same paragraph, about the ritual of Curse of a Magus, and getting a sly laugh if Saturnus [Karl Germer] does it, is not so funny. Providence has allowed you to obtain a copy of this ritual, which has already caused trouble enough. If you cannot see that, especially in view of my letter to you of April 13th so far as Saturnus is concerned, and in view of the fact that I only gave him details of the new Manifestation, symbols, etc. in order to try and get him out of danger and difficulty if possible, I should hardly have thought you would want to push him into it if you have any kind of consideration for others or magical sense of any sort.
Please wait until you have at least read my long letter of May 12 sent by slow mail. After that, of course, you must please yourself.
This is the first letter written on the new paper, and as from 777.
I can appreciate more the note about chief conjurors, union—I think A.C. himself must enjoy that.
Thanks for checking me about "the" which should have been "a" magical child. I quoted you incorrectly. I hope that all these magical children that were claimed succeed, and that who so claim will supply adequate proofs of their success. We surely need a few such for the Task ahead.
I accept Therion's authority for the word Ma. In old comment on L.L. [Liber Legis] in The Equinox I. vii he writes: "Following his will arise the Equinox of Ma, the Goddess of Justice, it may be a hundred or ten thousand years from now; for the Computation of Time is not here as There."
Again, in the new Comment he writes: "We should begin already, as I deem, to regard this Justice as the Ideal whose Way we should make ready by virtue of our Force and Fire."
The other aspect is Truth. Liber CCCLXX says: "Horus leaps up thrice armed from the womb of his mother. Harpocrates his twin is hidden within him. SET is his holy covenant, that he shall display in the great day of M.A.A.T., that is being interpreted the Master of the Temple of A∴A∴ whose name is Truth."
The combination of Son-Daughter which has now worked out as the New Aeon of Truth and Justice seems quite plain.
I do not see your point about the interpretation of Liber Legis, III.49 in which R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] says he is in a secret dour-fold word, and your remarks: "Surely you can find a secret fourfold word appropriate to the new times. It seems unlikely to me that this secret word should apply only to the aeon of Horus, and not be discovered until after that aeon has passed." In my letter of April 22 I said: "As a result of certain events which took place in 1943 . . . I discovered . . . ALALIA . . ." Also Aeon of Horus, as Crowned Child, has not passed but continues in that of Ma. (Horus is not identical with Ra-Hoor-Khuit.)
Am afraid we can't make forthcoming Anti-christ of Catholics reincarnation of A.C. The article said he is to begin he reign in his 33rd year and will hold sway for 1,260 days. Here's luck to him, anyhow.
Thanks for correction. please change wording of mine of May 7th page 2, line 19 from: Had never seen" to "had never read". This will not reduce the changes very much when you find that mathematician—as requested.
Please don't worry about my needing to "save money" just because I mentioned some personal details in one letter. In magical matters: Buy your eggs without haggling, as Lévi said, is the proper formula. I use air-mail for my own benefit, or that of Work, not yours. I can't afford to wait around indefinitely for the sake of a few dollars.
The question of "waiting around" applies in the case of Saturnus [Karl Germer]. Quite apart from any new manifestation, there are a number of matters he hasn't attended to—although I've shown him every consideration. And he hasn't kept his word in regard to sending the Will. I'll do nothing further for him whatever unless he acts in a straightforward business-like manner and within a reasonable time. I've told him so, as I indicated recently. He has not written.
I don't doubt your word—but what proof of any kind have I got of A.C.'s "cloaks" descending upon him? Or what that means? How can I deal with him in regard to A∴A∴ or O.T.O.? or any other business?
There seems to be quite a bit of Providence at work in this affair. You do not reply to my enquiry as to whether Mrs. Sturges [Mary d'Este-Sturges] is alive. A.C. left me with something marked "Strictly Confidential" and probably had good reasons for doing so and not publishing details.
I don't know that it is well to send these things for the writing up of Life. Providence may have seen to it that no such thing was intended. Am not at all sure about Saturnus getting "Diary of a Magus" for that period. Let him prove himself worthy to me—who hold these things directly from A.C.—before further consideration is shown him. That may take him quite a while, so don't hold things up on that account.
I never heard of those twelve cases being destroyed after Cefalù crash. How did that happen? Providence again?
Love is the law, love under will.