Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






9 May 1948



Dear Jones,


Your two letters of 3/5/48 [letter #1 / letter #2]. I have always mistrusted co-education. I bought four of Alostrael's [Leah Hirsig] diaries the other day, and was not impressed with her attempts to work IX° when her partner did not know his theory. Incidentally, she claimed several magical daughters, as well as sons. Of the straight issue, A.C. has one daughter and one son alive today, without counting Astarte Lulu Panthea of whom nothing has been heard since about 1930.


There is nothing sorrowful in Liber AL, and the only sorrowful ritual I know by the old boy is Stauro Batrachou, i.e. the ceremony proper to the obtaining of a familiar spirit of a mercurial nature as described in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine, from a toad or frog—and the sorrowful part was the result of the operation. Would you like a copy? It is Liber LXX, which is "to be given to any Knight Companion of the Sacred Order of Kadosh VI°, who has given evidence of his capacity for it". I bought the MSS the other day, and it will provide Germer [Karl Germer] with a substitute for the missing VI° lection. I shall get quite a laugh if Germer does it, as it involves the participant in the Curse of a Magus. I enjoy being tickled by the feather of the Goddess.


Your extracts from dictionary understood. I think that the following fits in with the humour of Ma Ion. The Magic Circle or the chief conjurors' union, boasts of an occult committee. The latter have just purchased a collection of A.C.'s papers. I have not yet been able to check what they have got, but have been promised access. I think it most appropriate that the Conjurors of Britain should be buying Magical Diaries of the Beast, if indeed that is what they have bought.


Your 5/5/48 not quite accurate. In my letters to you and Germer I suggested that he wait until 'a' not 'the' magical child came along. It is true you were the first, but others were claimed, and others may make the same claim and succeed in it. A word of advice to a friend can hardly be called "perhaps unwittingly invoking the Secret Chiefs." I can see no necessary connection between a magical child and the other prophet who shall arise as stated in AL 3.


A.C. also gave credit to former Scriptures, etc. ABRAHADABRA is very neat.


Whence do you get your title of MA for you new Ion goddess? I though MAAT was the Goddess with the Feather, etc. referred to, but you rebuked me. You may be right. Is it hidden in Hrumachis, and is the latter with his double wand your male-virgin May?


Your 4/5/48. Surely you can find a secret four-fold word appropriate to the new times. It seems unlikely to me that this secret word should only apply to the aeon of Horus, and not be discovered until after that aeon had passed.


Your 5/5/48. The account of Anti-Christ in Catholic Press is most unusual. Can you make out that the birth took place 9 months after our old sinner's death, and is a reincarnation of same?


I look forward to the new Beast doing down Miss Day in 1952 or thereabouts.


Your 7 May 48. I have accepted the existence of the infinite and unknown, also that of praeter-human intelligences, but the mere fact of the latter does not necessarily mean that I automatically follow them. I like however your statement of the position in this letter. One small correction. Surely you are wrong to state that you never saw The Book of the Law until 1913. You got the volumes of The Equinox as they came out. Number 7 was published in March 1912, and contains the whole text of Liber L.[egis]. I first read it in this form with the aid of a magnifying glass.


Do please send me QNA . . . . .




