Inventory Taken by Kenneth Grant of Books in Possession of Aleister Crowley
As of 21 February 1945
Formal Logic, by J. Nevill-Keynes The Equinox (boards) (Crowley & others) The Equinox (two numbers bound in white buckram) Discourse on the Worship of Priapus by Richard Payne Knight (original edition) Copies of The International, bound up. (With articles by Crowley) Typescript of Short Stories. (Crowley) 1001 Nativities The Book of Lies (Crowley) The Stratagem (Crowley) Book Four, Part I (Crowley) The Heart of the Master (Crowley; special edition) Nuttal's Dictionary (black cloth) Skeat's Etymological Dictionary (red cloth) Les Fleurs su Mai (Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire]) (black morocco) Two envelopes containing typescripts of translations of same. Little Poems in Prose (Baudelaire) (Eng. translation by Crowley; original edition) Photograph of The Book of the Law (No. 6 of 11 copies) The Legend of Aleister Crowley (Stephensen) Browning's Collected Works (2 vols) The Lonely Ones (Steig) The Diary of a Drug Fiend (copy with key) Another copy with original contract offer to Collins. Bab Ballads by W.S. Gilbert Liber 111 (Crowley & others: private copy) Konx Om Pax (Crowley) (Crimson & gold morocco binding; Japanese vellum) (1 of 10) The Winged Beetle (Crowley) Mortadello (Crowley, private copy; original poem facing title page). Olla typescripts Smaller Classical Dictionary (Oxford) Temperance: A Tract for the Times (Crowley) (Ed. copy) The City of God (Crowley) (Ed. copy) The Fun of the Fair (Crowley) (Ed. copy) Liber II (American Ed.) Thumbs Up! (Crowley) (American Ed.) The Fun of the Fair (No. 0) The City of God (No. 0) Tao Teh King (Typescript bound in grey cloth) Why Jesus Wept (Crowley) (Bound in violet paper). Liber LXV (Crowley; blue cloth). Eight Lectures on Yoga (Crowley). Thumbs Up! (Crowley: special copy with comments). La Gauloise (Crowley: inserted in Thumbs Up!). Temperance: A Tract for the Times (Crowley: unnumbered copy) The Equinox of the Gods (Crowley) (Special copy with press cuttings). The Hag (i.e. The Confessions of Aleister Crowley). Vol. II The Book of Thoth (Crowley: key copy). Magick in Theory and Practice (Crowley: special copy prepared for enlarged edition). Rabelais (2 vols: pub. Lawrence and Buller). Musee de Naples (Harris, 1857).
In left-hand top drawer of chest-of-drawers: - Ms. of The World's Tragedy & Book of Abramelin Squares. - Original Ms. of The Book of the Law.
Behind Stele of Revealing (copy on wood) on chest-of-drawers: - Khing Khang Khing (bound in old paisley broidered stuff).
On shelf by wash-stand basin: - Vols IV-VI, inclusive of The Hag. (in typescript). - The Book of Thoth (2 copies)
In trunk beneath bed list not made, but of several items I recall: - Typescript of extended commentary on The Book of the Law, in 3 springback binders. - My Life in a Love Cult: My True Life Story by Marian Dockerill [sister of Leah Hirsig] (pub. Better Publishing Company, Dunellen N.J.) Chapter 9 contains a sensational account of Crowley and the O.T.O.