Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






2 June 1948



Care Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Am very grateful indeed for copies of Commentary D and Analysis of L.X.V. you sent for retention 7/5/48. You had previously sent me a copy of the Analysis—in a letter just received you offer to send me Comment D. Hope I have not loaded you with too many things to think about in addition to your own work. Be careful of that memory!


Yours of 22/5/48 and 24/5/48 received on May 27th. Yours of 28/5/48 (re. mine 22nd and 23rd), 28/5/48 (re. 24th) and 29/5/48 re. mine slow mail May 12th all to hand this evening.


Very briefly: Re. Comment see The Equinox of the Gods IX, what follows under "I", II, III is Comment. See footnote which follows "III". Sorry my copy pages unnumbered.


Please again refer to opening of mine of 24/5/48 and reconsider what you say in present letter (28/5/48).


Re "Name Jesus" please look up Qabalistic dictionary—Sepher Sephiroth.


Re date of writing Liber Legis. Dates printed in figures do not get changed by printer to words unless change made in writing by author. One might set up in type 1st for 7th but not "first". Other dates are all in figures.


The "hidden man" was not connected with T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] so far as I know.


Will you please tell me what happened to Norman Mudd? Has he anywhere been mention in Life? There is deep tragedy in what you tell me about the "lost cases", and behind his life story in relation to A.C. Don't let anything be said against him without full knowledge of the facts.


Yours in Love and Unity,




