Correspondence from Philip Kaplan to Gerald Yorke





May 21st 1956



Dear Mr. Yorke:


So much to write about that I hardly know where to begin. Germer [Karl Germer] must have written you about our meeting in N.Y. if not here it is. Sam Jacobs [Samuel Jacobs] and I met Carl [sic] and young Alaister [sic] [Aleister Ataturk] (Mc Alpin. I think that is his name) we had dinner together and to me it was a wonderful meeting. Sam and Carl had known each other many years ago and they had quite a bit to exchange. Too bad that Carl was packed and on the way to the coast as I would have liked to have seen some of the Crowley books in his collection. We talked about the possibility of publishing some of A.C.'s unpublished material and Carl was quite enthusiastic when he gets settled we may do something about it. After all Sam is one of the great American typographers we should take advantage of that. Sam was one of the committee who picked out A.C.'s Star and Garter as one of the great typographical layouts in the Books of Our Time Exhibit held in 1951, (stat enclosed).


The Mss for Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire] are by Cheever Dunning not by A.C. Dunning is a British poet who Ezra Pound thought a great deal of.


I got the six nos. of the Occult Observer and enjoyed your articles on A.C. as well as the other magical subjects you covered. I am afraid I am not in your class as a student of the occult, my knowledge is limited. I approach the occult more from the viewpoint of the modern artist who associated himself with the mystics for extension.


My Fatherland copies lie buried in my basement I hope to get at them soon. Did you get any A.C.'s at the Sotheby sale on May 8th? I bid on all of them but my price was about half of what they brought. Which brings me to the subject of Monty Evans [Montgomery Evans] books and letter which my dealer finally offered to me. Here is a list of books he offered:


Konx Om Pax


Cammel, Richard [Charles Cammell] A.C.

Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]


In Residence


Magic Master Therion

Why Jesus Wept

Star and Garter


Equinox of the Gods

Rosicrucian Scandal

Mother's Tragedy

Tale of Archais




Rosa Mundi

Book 4 (6 copies)



White Stains

Sword of Song Vellum Ed. Beautifully Bound with original design in relief

Chicago May

Summa Spes

8 vols Equinox Large Ltd. Ed.

World's Tragedy

Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III] (3) vellum ed vellum binding

Book of Lies vellum ed

Magician (Maugham)

Legend of AC [The Legend of Aleister Crowley]


Winged Beetle



Thumbs Up

High History [Sir Palamedes]

Rodin in Rime

Diary of a Dope Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend]

Star in the West


Plus letters and some Mss. nothing important.


My dealer has asked me $800.00 for the lot. I thought that his price was a way out of line. I offered him $500.00. What do you think? Of course I have most of the books but there are some real rarities here.


