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Aleister Crowley

Marjorie Cameron

J.F.C. Fuller

Steffi Grant

Frieda Harris

   Charles Stansfeld Jones  

C.F. Russell




NOTE: Frieda Harris' Final Designs for the entire Thoth Tarot Deck may be seen on the Aleister Crowley Artwork Page.

The Fool

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Fool

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Magus

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Magus

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Magus

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Magus

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Emperor

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Hierophant

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Chariot

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris


(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris


(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Moon

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

The Aeon

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Prince of Disks

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Knight of Disks

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Ace of Pentacles

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Ace of Swords

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Prince of Wands

(Early Version) [120]

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Princess of Wands

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Knight of Wands

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Four of Wands

(Early Version)

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Early Tarot Design

Crowley Thoth Tarot

Designed by Crowley and

Executed by Frieda Harris

Frieda Harris' Winter Solstice Card

Christmas, 1942

First Degree

Masonic Tracing Board

Second Degree

Masonic Tracing Board

Third Degree

Masonic Tracing Board

Unknown Title

Ram Gopal as Shiva and

Hindo Temple Priests

Drawing from a Ceylon/

India Sketchbook


Frontispiece for

The Last Ritual

Cover Art for

Liber Aleph

Tree of Life woodcut

for Crowley's

Little Essays Toward Truth

Portrait by Frieda Harris for

Crowley's Book Olla

circa 1946

Aleister Crowley

Circa 1947

Aleister Crowley

Circa 1947

Aleister Crowley

Circa 1947

Aleister Crowley

Crowley Dying (1947)

Untitled Geometric Painting


Illustration from Winchelsea,

Selwyn & Blunt, 1926

The Exile, The Sadist,

The Stowaway, The Masquerader

Frieda Harris as "Jesus Chutney"

Sketch Book (Cover)

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book

Sketch Book



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