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— 1905 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1905



- Crowley publishes his book Rosa Mundi through Philippe Renouard in Paris. He also publishes his book  Orpheus and new editions of the books Oracles Songs of the Spirit, Why Jesus Wept (third impression), Why Jesus Wept (fourth impression), and Why Jesus Wept (fifth impression) through his publishing company, The Society for Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.)


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




—  January 


Tuesday, 3 January 1905



- The Bookseller publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Morning Leader



Thursday, 5 January 1905



- The Bookseller publishes a review of Crowley's book The Star and the Garter.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller



Saturday, 7 January 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a letter from J.F.C. Fuller entitled "From India".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Tuesday, 10 January 1905






Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 32 years old.


Saturday, 14 January 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "A Lullaby".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 16 January 1905






Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 16 years old.


Friday, 20 January 1905



- The St. James's Gazette publishes a review of Crowley's book The Sword of Song.


News Related to Crowley:

   - St. James's Gazette



Saturday, 21 January 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "The Silent Gods".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Field



Sunday, 22 January 1905






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 20 years old.


Monday, 23 January 1905



- Crowley meets Clifford Bax for the first time. [237]   





—  February 


Wednesday, 1 February 1905



- Crowley distributes copies of his pamphlet "A Career for an Essay" to announce a competition offering a prize for the best essay, either hostile or appreciative, on the works of Aleister Crowley across the campuses of Oxford and Cambridge. [Truth] 





Thursday, 2 February 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller

   - Truth



Saturday, 18 February 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Publishers' Circular



Thursday, 23 February 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Truth



Sunday, 26 February 1905



Location: Paris France.

- circa late February, Crowley is staying at the Hotel St. James & Albany in Paris, France. [American Register]


News Related to Crowley:

   - American Register



—  March 


circa march 1905



- Crowley publishes his Collected Works - Volume I through his publishing company, The Society for Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.)


   - Crowley to Truth Magazine




Wednesday, 1 March 1905



- The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review publishes a review of Crowley's book Why Jesus Wept.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Literary Guide and Rationalist Review

   - Longman's Magazine



Friday, 3 March 1905





   - Crowley to Truth Magazine




Sunday, 5 March 1905






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Tuesday, 7 March 1905






Current Events:

   - Author, Arthur Conan Doyle publishes The Return of Sherlock Holmes after public pressure to revive his famous detective.


Thursday, 9 March 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Arnold Bennett

Location: Paris France.

- Crowley has dinner at the Chat Blanc restaurant, Paris, France. Per Arnold Bennett "Aleister Crowley was there with dirty hands, immense rings, presumably dyed hair, a fancy waistcoat, a fur coat, and tennis shoes." [232]





Friday, 17 March 1905






Current Events:

   - Albert Einstein finishes his scientific paper detailing his Quantum Theory of Light.


Tuesday, 21 March 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Neophyte. [8] 



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 30 years old.


Friday, 24 March 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



Current Events:

   - Author, Jules Verne dies.


Monday, 27 March 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.


   - Crowley to the Literary Guide and Rationalist Review




Wednesday, 29 March 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]





Thursday, 30 March 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - School



Friday, 31 March 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]





—  April 


Saturday, 1 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Hamilton Spectator



Sunday, 2 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 19 years old.


Monday, 3 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]





Tuesday, 4 April 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley takes a "vacation" from meditation. [71]





Wednesday, 5 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]





Saturday, 8 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley is practicing meditation. [71]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Sunday, 9 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 22 years old.


Monday, 10 April 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Friday, 14 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.






Saturday, 15 April 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes an essay by J.F.C. Fuller entitled "Divine, and Other Carnage".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Tuesday, 18 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- The Daily News publishes a review of Crowley's book Alice: an Adultery.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Saturday, 22 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



   - Crowley to Truth Magazine




Wednesday, 26 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.






Thursday, 27 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley - Confessions

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrives at Inverfarigaig where he is met by Crowley and Rose Kelly. Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod has come to Boleskine to hire Crowley for an expedition to scale Kanchenjunga. [196]





Friday, 28 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley takes Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod on a "Haggis" hunt on the grounds of Boleskine House. The hunt is, of course, a rude practical joke played on Dr. Jacot Guillarmod by Crowley where the part of the wild, dangerous, "Haggis" is played by a sheep. [196]





Saturday, 29 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- Crowley and Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod play chess. They also discuss and calculate the expenses for an ascent of Kanchenjunga. Crowley agrees to fund the expedition and to sign a contract the following day. [196]





Sunday, 30 April 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod operates on two of Crowley's dogs. They also sign the contract for the expedition to Kanchenjunga. [196]





—  May 


Monday, 1 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod is visiting Crowley. [196]

- The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review publishes a Letter from Crowley.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Literary Guide and Rationalist Review



Tuesday, 2 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod is visiting Crowley. [196]





Wednesday, 3 May 1905



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod is visiting Crowley. [196]





Thursday, 4 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod leaves Boleskine for Edinburgh. [196]

- Crowley is sued in the Sheriff Court for £28 7s in payment for fishing tackle ordered by his estate manager. [Inverness Courier]





Friday, 5 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.



   - Crowley to Truth Magazine

News Related to Crowley:

   - Inverness Courier



Saturday, 6 May 1905



- Crowley, with his mountaineering gear, leaves Boleskine for London. [198]

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "My Homeland".


News Related to Crowley:

  - Agnostic Journal

   - Homeward Mail

Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 22 years old.


Wednesday, 10 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Thursday, 11 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Friday, 12 May 1905



- Crowley leaves England bound by sea for Cairo, Egypt on the P&O S.S. Marmora. [198], [Homeward Mail]





Saturday, 13 May 1905



- Crowley, with his mountaineering gear, leaves Boleskine for London. [198]

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a translation by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Saladin".


News Related to Crowley:

  - Agnostic Journal



Sunday, 14 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Sailing to Cairo Egypt aboard the P&O S.S. Marmora.





Thursday, 18 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Sailing to Cairo Egypt aboard the P&O S.S. Marmora.





Friday, 19 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Sailing to Cairo Egypt aboard the P&O S.S. Marmora.





Saturday, 20 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Sailing to Cairo Egypt aboard the P&O S.S. Marmora.

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "To Shelley".


News Related to Crowley:

  - Agnostic Journal



Tuesday, 23 May 1905



Location: Cairo Egypt.

- Crowley arrives in Cairo, Egypt aboard the ship P&O S.S. Marmora. [237]    





Thursday, 25 May 1905



Location: Cairo Egypt.

- Crowley is in Cairo, Egypt visiting the Boulak Museum to see the stele of Ankh-f-n-Khonsua. [250]

- Crowley writes the poem "Said" from Gargoyles. The poem is said to memorialize a tryst between Crowley and another man he picked up in Port Said or Cairo after his arrival in Egypt on 23 May. [237]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Truth



Saturday, 27 May 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Swan-Song".


News Related to Crowley:

  - Agnostic Journal



Wednesday, 31 May 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Port Said, Egypt.

- Crowley sails from Port Said to Bombay, India to join Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod for the Kanchenjunga expedition. [237]    





—  June 


Thursday, 1 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Traveling by ship from Port Said, Egypt to Bombay, India.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod receives a letter from Crowley asking to delay the expedition to Kanchenjunga until next year. Dr. Jacot Guillarmod refuses to delay. [196]





Friday, 2 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Traveling by ship from Port Said, Egypt to Bombay, India.





Saturday, 3 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Traveling by ship from Port Said, Egypt to Bombay, India.





Monday, 5 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Traveling by ship from Port Said, Egypt to Bombay, India.





Thursday, 8 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Traveling by ship from Port Said, Egypt to Bombay, India.





Friday, 9 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley - Confessions

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Bombay, India.

- Crowley arrives aboard the ship Egypt in Bombay, India and leaves at 11:30 for Calcutta, India. [237]    



Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 20 years old.


Saturday, 10 June 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "Three Earth-Notes".

- The Agnostic Journal publishes an article by J.F.C. Fuller entitled "When It Was Dark".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Agnostic Journal



Sunday, 11 June 1905



Location: Calcutta, India.

- Crowley arrives by ship in Calcutta, India at 4 A.M. While in Calcutta Crowley breakfasts and dines with his old friend Edward Thornton. [237] 





Monday, 12 June 1905



Location: Traveling from Calcutta, India to Darjeeling, India.

- Crowley departs for Darjeeling, India. [237] 





Wednesday, 14 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod



News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer



Thursday, 15 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod receives a letter from Crowley, posted from Aden that he is on his way to Darjeeling, India. [237]    





Friday, 16 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Saturday, 17 June 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "The Fugitive".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 19 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod







Tuesday, 20 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 22 June 1905






Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Saturday, 24 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a Letter to the Editor by J.F.C. Fuller. 


   - Nima Serdar Bhotia to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 26 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Wednesday, 28 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.





Thursday, 29 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.





Friday, 30 June 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.





—  July 


Saturday, 1 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.



Current Events:

   - Albert Einstein introduces his Special Theory of Relativity.


Monday, 3 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.





Wednesday, 5 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.





Saturday, 8 July 1905



Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.

- Crowley inspects Kanchenjunga with binoculars and reckoning the highest peak easily accessible by the col located west of it. [237] 

- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "A Lyric".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 10 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrives in Port Said, Egypt.





Saturday, 15 July 1905



Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.

- Crowley receives a telegram from Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod that he has been shipwrecked in the Red Sea. [237] 





Monday, 17 July 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer



Tuesday, 18 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrives in Aden, Yemen on his way to Darjeeling, India.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bombay Gazette



Thursday, 20 July 1905



- The Englishman prints a Letter to the Editor from Crowley concerning the Kanchenjunga expedition.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman



Sunday, 23 July 1905






Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 31 years old.


Monday, 24 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Under the constant personal supervision of Crowley and Alcesti de Righi the work of loading and packing equipment goes on steadily, till on July 24th and 25th 110 loads of equipment left for Jongri. [Vanity Fair - 6 October 1909] 





Tuesday, 25 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Under the constant personal supervision of Crowley and Alcesti de Righi the work of loading and packing equipment goes on steadily, till on July 24th and 25th 110 loads of equipment left for Jongri. [Vanity Fair - 6 October 1909] 

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrives in Bombay, India on his way to Darjeeling, India.





Thursday, 27 July 1905



- The Englishman prints a poem by Crowley called "An Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's Peril."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman



Friday, 28 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Sunday, 30 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Monday, 31 July 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrives by train and is met by Crowley in Darjeeling. [196]





—  August 


Tuesday, 1 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Thursday, 3 August 1905



- The Madras Weekly Mail prints a poem by Crowley called "An Appeal to the Viceroy. In this Supreme Hour of England's Peril."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Madras Weekly Mail



Friday, 4 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Saturday, 5 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Alcesti de Righi






Sunday, 6 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Tuesday, 8 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

- The Kanchenjunga expedition departs Darjeeling with six servants and seventy-nine porters from Darjeeling and arrives at the Dak-Bungalow in Jorpokri. [196]





Wednesday, 9 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi






Thursday, 10 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

- The Pioneer publishes an article by Crowley entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Prospect and Retrospect?"


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Pioneer

   - Times of India



Friday, 11 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi






Saturday, 12 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Alcesti de Righi






Sunday, 13 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Alcesti de Righi

- Crowley and the climbing party leave Talut in drizzly weather. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 28 years old.


Monday, 14 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Alcesti de Righi

- Crowley and the climbing party continue on with the weather clearing for a short time at midday. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]





Tuesday, 15 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

- Crowley and the climbing party reaches the Neglo Cave. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]





Wednesday, 16 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

- The weather is too wet to continue climbing. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]





Thursday, 17 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

- Crowley continues on ahead leaving Lieutenant Alexis Pache in charge. [237] 

- The Pioneer publishes an article by Crowley entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Bandobast?"


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Friday, 18 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

 - Crowley and Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod leave around 10:30 a.m. to go to Tseram where they camp in the wettest weather they had yet experienced. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]





Saturday, 19 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- In the morning Crowley goes off up the Yalung Valley. [Vanity Fair - 13 October 1909]





Sunday, 20 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi






Monday, 21 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Tuesday, 22 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley and Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod arrive at the Yalung Glacier (camp 1). Dr. Jacot Guilliarmod and Crowley continue to have "disputes and disagreements". [196]





Monday, 21 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Thursday, 24 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- The climbing party goes on to Camp II, a mere ledge under an overhanging rock. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Pioneer



Friday, 25 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley goes on ahead of Camp II to locate Camp III called by Crowley "Pioneer Boulder." [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]





Saturday, 26 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- The remainder of the climbing party make their way up to Camp III. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]





Sunday, 27 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley wakes at 3:00 a.m. and gets the climbing party off to Camp IV by 6:00 a.m. One of Lieutenant Alexis Pache's men falls and is killed. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]





Monday, 28 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.





Tuesday, 29 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod goes down the mountain to try and recover the body of one of Lieutenant Alexis Pache's porters who fell and was killed on the 27th. Crowley, Pache and Charles-Adolphe Reymond move up the mountain to Camp V at about 20,000 feet. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]

- The Daily Mail publishes an article by Crowley entitled "A Great Climb."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Mail



Wednesday, 30 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley, Lieutenant Alexis Pache and Charles-Adolphe Reymond spend the day resting at Camp V while waiting for the rest of the climbing party. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Greenock Telegraph



Thursday, 31 August 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley, with some of the men, makes his way up the slopes of the ridge of the little Subyichany peak, which he calls Peak Y. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Indian Daily News



—  September 


Friday, 1 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Charles-Adolphe Reymond

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- The remainder of the climbing party, Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod and Alcesti de Righi arrive at Camp V. With the exception of Crowley the rest of the party wants to descend to Camp III. Crowley refuses and the rest begin their descent. On the way down Lieutenant Alexis Pache and one of his porters fall and die buried under snow. Crowley refuses to render any aid or join in the search for the bodies. [Vanity Fair - 20 October 1909]



Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 27 years old.


Saturday, 2 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.





Sunday, 3 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- Crowley refuses to help in the search for the bodies of Lieutenant Alexis Pache and his coolie and leaves at 11:00 a.m. taking with him the best coolies. Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod and the rest of the party continue in their search for the bodies. [Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod - 3 September 1905 Diary]





Monday, 4 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- The remaining climbing party locates Lieutenant Alexis Pache and the other bodies. The party uses stones to build a mausoleum and engrave a stone with the words:  ALEXIS. A. PACHE.+1.IX.1905+. [Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod - 4 September 1905 Diary]





Tuesday, 5 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Alcesti de Righi






Wednesday, 6 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi

Location: Kanchenjunga Expedition.

- The remaining climbing party leaves Camp III and travels down the mountain. [Dr. Jacot-Guillarmod - 6 September 1905 Diary]





Thursday, 7 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi






Friday, 8 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Alcesti de Righi






Saturday, 9 September 1905



- Crowley sends a cablegram to the Daily Mail in London regarding the disaster on the Kanchenjunga Expedition.


   - Crowley to the Daily Mail




Sunday, 10 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

   - Alcesti de Righi






Monday, 11 September 1905



- The Daily Mail publishes an article by Crowley entitled "The Great Climb. Four Men Killed on Kinchinjunga."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bolton Evening News

   - Bombay Gazette

   - Daily Mail

   - Daily Telegraph & Courier

   - Gloucestershire Echo

   - Lancashire Daily Post

   - Manchester Courier

   - Pioneer

   - Times of India

   - Westminster Gazette



Tuesday, 12 September 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Daily Journal



Wednesday, 13 September 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Oxfordshire Weekly News

   - Taunton Courier

   - Times of India



Thursday, 14 September 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Indian Daily News

   - Madras Weekly News



Friday, 15 September 1905






News Related to Crowley:

   - Lichfield Mercury

   - Swindon Advertiser

   - Times and Express



Saturday, 16 September 1905



- Crowley sends a cablegram to the Daily Mail in London regarding the disaster on the Kanchenjunga Expedition.

Rose Kelly, daughter Lilith & ayah depart London on the S.S. Avoca to join Crowley in Calcutta, India. [Homeward Mail]


   - Crowley to the Daily Mail

News Related to Crowley:

   - Swindon Advertiser



Monday, 18 September 1905



Location: Drum Druid Hotel, Darjeeling, India.


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller

News Related to Crowley:

   - Bombay Gazette

   - Daily Mail

   - Homeward Mail

   - Homeward Mail #2



Tuesday, 19 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod






Wednesday, 20 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod

- The Pioneer publishes an article by Crowley entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: The March?"


News Related to Crowley:

   - Eastbourne Gazette

   - Pioneer



Thursday, 21 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod



News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Madras Weekly Mail



Friday, 22 September 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bombay Gazette

   - Times of India



Saturday, 23 September 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Times of India

Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Monday, 25 September 1905



- Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod and Alcesti de Righi publicly attack Crowley in a newspaper after Crowley writes accounts of the Kanchenjunga expedition in the Pioneer of India and London's Daily Mail newspapers. [237]   


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer Mail



Tuesday, 26 September 1905



- Responding to the newspaper article of 25 September Crowley "cuts" Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod publicly. [237]   





Wednesday, 27 September 1905



- Dr. Jules Jacot Guillarmod sends Crowley a letter demanding Crowley send him an owed check for 300 rupees by 10.00 a.m. on the 28th or Guillarmod will put a copy of Crowley's Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden in a place where Crowley would prefer not to see it. [237] 


   - Jules Jacot Guillarmod to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Northern Chronicle

   - Pioneer

Current Events:

   - Albert Einstein's equation E=mc2 is published for the first time in the physics journal Annalen der Physik.


Thursday, 28 September 1905



- Crowley leaves for Calcutta, India. [237] 

- The Indian Daily News publishes a Letter to the Editor written by Alcesti de Righi, signed by him, Jules Jacot Guillarmod & Charles-Adolphe Reymond regarding the Kinchinjunga Expedition.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Telegram

   - Indian Daily News

   - Truth



Friday, 29 September 1905



- The Pioneer publishes a Letter to the Editor written by Alcesti de Righi, signed by him, Jules Jacot Guillarmod & Charles-Adolphe Reymond regarding the Kinchinjunga Expedition.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer



Saturday, 30 September 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes a poem by Victor B. Neuburg entitled "The Garden of Youth".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal

   - Pioneer



—  October 


circa October 1905



- Crowley has a renewal of poetic creativity and composes a number of poems, most of which were collected and published in his book Gargoyles. He also writes the material published in his book the Bagh-i-Muattar. [287]


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Monday, 2 October 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Homeward Mail



Thursday, 5 October 1905



- The Madras Weekly Mail publishes a Letter to the Editor written by Alcesti de Righi, signed by him, Jules Jacot Guillarmod & Charles-Adolphe Reymond regarding the Kinchinjunga Expedition.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Madras Weekly Mail



Saturday, 7 October 1905



- The Agnostic Journal publishes an article by J.F.C. Fuller entitled "Bible Science".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Agnostic Journal



Monday, 9 October 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Homeward Mail

   - Homeward Mail #2



Thursday, 12 October 1905



- Crowley is 30 years old.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman



Sunday, 15 October 1905



- The Pioneer publishes an article by Crowley entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics?"


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer

Current Events:

   Composer, Claude Debussy's symphonic sketch La Mer premieres in Paris, France.


Friday, 20 October 1905



- The Pioneer Mail publishes an article by Crowley entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics?"


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer Mail



Sunday, 22 October 1905



- Crowley has an astral interview with Elaine Simpson where she is accompanied by a golden hawk in whom Crowley later recognizes as one of the Secret Chiefs of the AA. The conversation turns to the subject of the Great Work which is defined as the creation of a new universe. [198] 





Friday, 27 October 1905



Location: Calcutta, India.

- On this dark night Crowley sets out to find a district he had previously visited in 1901—"a street of infamy called 'Culinga Bazar' "—He feels as though his is being followed and turns down an alley (Motts Lane) into which a group of men clad in white robes follows him. According to Crowley he is accosted by them and they try to rob him. He pulls the trigger of his Webley revolver and the first shot misfires. He then fires a second shot into the group of men. As they flee, Crowley stumbles out of the alley into the Dharamtolla Road and takes a horse-drawn taxi to Edward Thornton's home. [237], [287] 

NOTE: The newspapers Indian Daily News and The Englishman contradicts the date this event is reported to have occurred in several biographies of Crowley.  According to The Indian Daily News' 2 November article the incident happened on Saturday night (28 October.) According to The Engishman's 2 November article the incident happened on Sunday night (29 October) at about 10:00 P.M. Additionally a follow up article of 9 November in the same newspaper indicates that the two men shot did not die but rather went to hospital and recovered.





Saturday, 28 October 1905



Location: Calcutta, India.

- After Crowley's misadventure the previous evening he suggests to Edward Thornton that he should go to the police. Thornton instead takes him to a Scottish solicitor he called "MacNair" who advises caution. [237] 

NOTE: The newspapers Indian Daily News and The Englishman contradicts the date this event is reported to have occurred by several biographies of Crowley.  According to The Indian Daily News' 2 November article the incident happened on Saturday night (28 October). According to The Engishman's 2 November article the incident happened on Sunday night (29 October) at about 10:00 P.M. Additionally a follow up article of 9 November in the same newspaper indicates that the two men shot did not die but rather went to hospital and recovered.

- (circa) Crowley writes the poem "Kali" which is eventually published in his book Gargoyles. [198] 





Sunday, 29 October 1905



Location: Calcutta, India.

Rose Kelly and daughter Lilith join Crowley in Calcutta, India. Edward Thornton throws a dinner party in Crowley and Rose's honor. After dinner Crowley finds that the single shot from his revolver on the 27th had actually killed two men and that he needs to leave Calcutta immediately before he is found by the police. [237] 

NOTE: The newspapers Indian Daily News and The Englishman contradicts the date this event is reported to have occurred by several biographies of Crowley.  According to The Indian Daily News' 2 November article the incident happened on Saturday night (28 October). According to The Engishman's 2 November article the incident happened on Sunday night (29 October) at about 10:00 P.M. Additionally a follow up article of 9 November in the same newspaper indicates that the two men shot did not die but rather went to hospital and recovered.





Monday, 30 October 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Bombay Gazette



Tuesday, 31 October 1905





   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly #2




—  November 


circa November 1905



- Crowley dedicates his book Sir Palamedes to Allan Bennett.





Thursday, 2 November 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman

   - Indian Daily News

   - Madras Weekly Mail

   - Pioneer



Friday, 3 November 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Times of India



Monday, 6 November 1905



Location: Rangoon, Burma.

- Upon arrival in Rangoon, Crowley installs Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith in a hotel and goes off for a three-day visit to Allan Bennett's monastery two miles outside the city where he spends three days in meditation. [287] 





Wednesday, 8 November 1905



- The Times of India reports that one of the two men shot by Crowley in an alley on 27 October was discharged cured from the hospital. The other man is said to be progressing favorably.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Times of India



Thursday, 9 November 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Englishman



Wednesday, 15 November 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Rangoon, Burma to Mandalay, Burma aboard the steamship Java.

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith depart from Rangoon aboard the steamship Java. [71]

- Crowley tries an experiment in taking opium. [71]





Saturday, 18 November 1905





News Related to Crowley:

   - Illustrated London News



Sunday, 19 November 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Rangoon, Burma to Mandalay, Burma aboard the steamship Java.





Saturday, 18 November 1905



Location: Traveling from Rangoon, Burma to Mandalay, Burma aboard the steamship Java.

- Today is Crowley's 7th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sphere



Tuesday, 21 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith arrive in Mandalay, Burma. [237]





Wednesday, 22 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Zelator. [8] 





Thursday, 23 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Practicus. [8] 

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith board the Irrawaddy for Bhamo, located forty miles from the Chinese border but their departure is delayed. [237]





Friday, 24 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Philosophus. [8] 

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith on board the Irrawaddy are awaiting its departure for Bhamo. [237]





Saturday, 25 November 1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley works at writing "Ye Questing Beast." [71]

- Crowley takes the AA\ Oath of a Dominus Liminis. [8] 

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith on board the Irrawaddy are awaiting its departure for Bhamo. [237]





Tuesday, 28 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.



Current Events:

   Arthur Griffith forms Sinn Féin in Dublin, Ireland.


Wednesday, 29 November 1905



Location: Mandalay, Burma.

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith finally depart Mandaly, Burma by boat aboard the Irrawaddy for Bhamo, located forty miles from the Chinese border. [237]





—  December 


Friday, 1 December 1905



Location: Bhamo.

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith arrive at Bhamo, located forty miles from the Chinese border. [237]





Monday, 4 December 1905






Current Events:

   The British Government of Prime Minister Arthur Balfour resigns.


Tuesday, 5 December 1905






Current Events:

   Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


Friday, 8 December 1905






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 33 years old


Saturday, 9 December 1905






Current Events:

   Composer, Richard Strauss' opera Salome premieres in Dresden, Germany.


Wednesday, 13 December1905


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley smokes five pipes of opium. [71]





Saturday, 16 December 1905





   - Crowley to Assistant Deputy Commissioner




Sunday, 17 December 1905



Location: Traveling from Bhamo to Teng Yueh.

- Crowley, Rose Kelly and their daughter Lilith leave Bhamo and travel to Teng Yueh. Lillith's nurse takes off with a muleteer. [233]



Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 24 years old.


circa mid-to-late December1905



Location: China.

- Just after crossing into China Crowley's pony stumbles and he and the pony roll over each twice and fall off a forty foot cliff. Crowley takes the fact that he was not injured in the fall as a sign that there is a special purpose to his life. [287] 





Tuesday, 19 December 1905



Location: China.



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 4 years old.


Friday, 22 December 1905



Location: China.



Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Sunday, 24 December 1905






Current Events:

   Howard Hughes is born.


Monday, 25 December 1905



Location: China.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pioneer



Saturday, 30 December 1905



Location: The Consulate at Teng Yueh, Yunnan (now Kunming), China.


   - George Forrest to I. B. Balfour





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