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— 1909 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1909



- Crowley publishes Clouds without Water and 777.

- Crowley possibly publishes Alexandra. There is still some debate whether this book was ever officially published.


   - Crowley to Raymond Radcliffe

   - Crowley to Raymond Radcliffe




—  January 


circa January 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes poems by Crowley entitled "Bathyllus. To Sliman bin Chirch" & "After Judgment. To Opelia L——"  

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes translations by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poems entitled  "Prose Poems".


   - Austin Osman Spare to Crowley




Friday, 1 January 1909



- The Idler publishes a short story by Crowley entitled "The Drug"  

- The Month publishes a review of Crowley's book Amphora.

- Crowley inscribes a copy of Amphora to J.F.C. Fuller with the words:

"How like Orestes

And Pylades

We've thumped our testes

On the ladies!

One more year ends,

Our [illegible] expanding;

But leaves us friends,

And leaves us standing!

Aleister Crowley

New Year 1909."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buddhist Review

   - Idler

   - Month



Saturday, 2 January 1909



What's On publishes  Part I of a short story by Crowley entitled "Cancer? A Study in Nerves"


News Related to Crowley:

   - What's On



Wednesday, 6 January 1909



 - The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a poem by Crowley entitled "The Muse".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 7 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Friday, 8 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location: 50 Coram Street, London, W.C.

J.F.C. Fuller begins painting the "Portal of the Abyss."


   - Austin Osman Spare to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller



Saturday, 9 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

What's On publishes  Part II of a short story by Crowley entitled "Cancer? A Study in Nerves"


News Related to Crowley:

   - What's On



Sunday, 10 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 36 years old.


Monday, 11 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Tuesday, 12 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Wednesday, 13 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




News Related to Crowley:

   - Sydney Mail



Thursday, 14 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller







Friday, 15 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller







Saturday, 16 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

What's On publishes  Part III of a short story by Crowley entitled "Cancer? A Study in Nerves"


News Related to Crowley:

   - What's On

Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 20 years old.


Sunday, 17 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Monday, 18 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Tuesday, 19 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

J.F.C. Fuller has lunch and dinner with Crowley.





Wednesday, 20 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "The Artist's Confession".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 21 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Friday, 22 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 24 years old.


Saturday, 23 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




News Related to Crowley:

   - Academy



Sunday, 24 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller







Monday, 25 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




News Related to Crowley:

   - Globe

Current Events:

   - Composer Richard Strauss' premieres Elektra in Dresden, Germany.


Tuesday, 26 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller







Wednesday, 27 January 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller







Thursday, 28 January 1909



Norman Mudd receives a summons from the Rev. R. St. J. Parry, Dean of Trinity College, demanding that Mudd cease distributing copies of The Star in the West and cancel the invitation Mudd had sent to Crowley inviting him to speak before the Cambridge University Freethought Association. [30 January 1909 - Norman Mudd to Crowley] 





Friday, 29 January 1909



- The Lakes Herald, Musselburgh News and the West Sussex County Times publish reviews of Crowley's book Amphora.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Lakes Herald

   - Musselburgh News



Saturday, 30 January 1909



- The Exmouth Journal and the Shoreditch Observer publish reviews of Crowley's book Amphora.



   - Norman Mudd to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Exmouth Journal

   - Shoreditch Observer

   - West Sussex County Times



—  February 


Monday, 1 February 1909



- Crowley has lunch with Colonel F. N. Maude. [Crowley to Fuller]   

Victor B. Neuburg's poems 'The Cauldron' and 'A Lost Spirit' are published in the Theosophical Review.


   - Norman Mudd to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Book Monthly

   - Theosophical Review

   - Theosophical Review



Wednesday, 3 February 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part I of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River."  


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Friday, 5 February 1909



- The Kilrush Herald publishes a review of Crowley's book Amphora.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller

   - Kilrush Herald



Wednesday, 10 February 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part II of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River" and a poem entitled "The Jew of Fez".   


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



Tuesday, 16 February 1909



- Crowley inscribes a copy of his book Collected Works (Essay Competition version) "G.A.S. Puiscant[?], a trifling token of appreciation for his many kindnesses. Aleister Crowley. 16-2-09."[355]





Wednesday, 17 February 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part III of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River."  


   - Lord Dunsany to J.F.C. Fuller

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Wednesday, 24 February 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part IV of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River" and a poem by Crowley entitled "The Child."  


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



—  March 


circa March 1909



- Crowley publishes his third issue of the book Konx Om Pax.  

- Crowley publishes editions of John St. John and The Soldier and the Hunchback ! and ? as separate books from The Equinox Volume I, No. 1.





Wednesday, 3 March 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part V of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River" and two poems by Crowley entitled "The Hawk and the Babe" & "The Mantra Yogi."  


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



Friday, 5 March 1909






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Wednesday, 10 March 1909



 - The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a poem by Crowley entitled "Rosemary".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Friday, 12 March 1909





   - Crowley to Raymond Radclyffe




Wednesday, 17 March 1909



 - The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of two Charles Baudelaire's poems entitled "L'Amour et le Crane" & "Tout Entiere".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



Saturday, 20 March 1909





News Related to Crowley:

   - John Bull



Sunday, 21 March 1909






Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 34 years old.


Thursday, 25 March 1909



- Crowley publishes The Equinox Volume I, No. 1.

- The New Age publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1.


News Related to Crowley:

   - New Age



Wednesday, 31 March 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part VI of Crowley's travel article entitled "On A Burmese River" and a translation by Crowley of two Charles Baudelaire's poems entitled "L'Heautontimoroumenos" & "Le Vin de L'Assassin."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



—  April 


Thursday, 1 April 1909



- The Review of Reviews publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Dublin Review

   - Review of Reviews



Friday, 2 April 1909






Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 23 years old.


Saturday, 3 April 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller



News Related to Crowley:

   - Publishers' Circular



Tuesday, 6 April 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




Current Events:

   - The North Pole is reached for the first time by Robert Peary & Matthew Henson.


Wednesday, 7 April 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "L'Invitation Au Voyage".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 8 April 1909



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer. Crowley is his sponsor. [8]  Crowley's notes state that Neuburg took the Oath on 5 April 1909 in his presence and he was passed to Neophyte. [341]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Friday, 9 April 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 26 years old.


Saturday, 10 April 1909



Location: France?



   - Crowley to Raymond Radclyffe


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Sunday, 11 April 1909



Location: France?

 - The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "Woman".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Wednesday, 14 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Paul Verlaine's poem entitled "En Sourdine" and a translation by Crowley of two Charles Baudelaire's poems entitled "The Vampire" & "Le Revenant".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 15 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The Times Literary Supplement publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Times Literary Supplement



Saturday, 17 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The Northern Whig publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Northern Whig



Monday, 19 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



Current Events:

   - Joan of Arc receives beatification by the Roman Catholic Church.


Wednesday, 21 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes an article by Crowley entitled "The Art of Lord Dunsany" and a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "Le Balcon".


   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 22 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Graphic



Friday, 23 April 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



   - Crowley to Raymond Radclyffe




Saturday, 24 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



News Related to Crowley:

   - National Advocate



Monday, 26 April 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Daily Echo



—  May 


circa May1909





   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller

   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton

   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton

   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton




Saturday, 1 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The Occult Review publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1. 

- K.M. Dalal (Frater DOM), in the presence of Crowley, takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer. Crowley's notes state "Went to India. Only a Simon Magus". [341]


   - Austin Osman Spare to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Review



Wednesday, 5 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Daily Echo



Thursday, 6 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Graphic

Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 26 years old.


Sunday, 16 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



   - R.N. Warren to J.F.C. Fuller




Wednesday, 19 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Thursday, 20 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- Crowley completes Sir Palamedes. [Crowley to Fuller]    





Sunday, 23 May1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.


   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton




Tuesday, 25 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

Kenneth Ward, in the presence of Crowley, takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer. Crowley's notes state "Underwent Vision of the Demon Crowley at moment of passing to Neophyte. Should return from Burma next year and sign on". [341]





Wednesday, 26 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

 - The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a poem by Crowley entitled "The Camp Fire".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Daily Echo

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 27 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Graphic



Monday, 31 May 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The Royal Cambrian Academy of Art displays a painting by Charles Stansfeld Jones at the Great Mansion situated in the High Street, Conway, Wales. Stansfeld Jones' painting is item 121 "Portrait of a Lady".  The exhibition last from May 31 through September 25th. See Catalogue.





—  June 


Wednesday, 2 June 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "L'Alchemie de Douleur".


   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Saturday, 5 June 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

- The Sphere publishes a review of Crowley The Equinox Vol I, No. 1.  


   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton

News Related to Crowley:

   - Sphere



Monday, 7 June 1909






Current Events:

   - Actor, Mary Pickford makes her screen debut at the age of 16.


Wednesday, 9 June 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes a translation by Crowley of Charles Baudelaire's poem entitled "Le Vin des Amants".


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair

Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 24 years old.


Tuesday, 15 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Wednesday, 16 June 1909



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg and a Cambridge friend, Kenneth Walker leave Cambridge and travel to stay with Crowley at Boleskine House.





Thursday, 17 June 1909



Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg and a Cambridge friend, Kenneth Walker arrive in the afternoon at Boleskine House.

- Richard Noel Warren, in the presence of J.F.C. Fuller, takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer. Crowley's notes state "Dead. Cancelled. Retired from Probationership 14th October 1910". [341]





Friday, 18 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg begins a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Saturday, 19 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Sunday, 20 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Monday, 21 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]


   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton




Tuesday, 22 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]



Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Wednesday, 23 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Thursday, 24 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Friday, 25 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Saturday, 26 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg continues a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Sunday, 27 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Victor B. Neuburg

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

Victor Neuburg concludes a 10-day magical retirement at Boleskine House under Crowley's supervision. [92]





Monday, 28 June 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Boleskine House, Foyers, Inverness, Scotland.

- While hunting in the attic of Boleskine House for an extra pair of skis to loan to his friend Kenneth Ward, Crowley discovers his long-lost original manuscript of The Book of the Law. [249]





—  July 


Thursday, 1 July 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Victor B. Neuburg's poem 'On A Statue of the Buddha' is published in the Buddhist Review.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Buddhist Review



Saturday, 3 July 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London, S.W..

- Crowley informs J.F.C. Fuller that his wife [Rose Kelly] has begun drinking again. [Crowley to Fuller]   


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Saturday, 10 July 1909



Austin Osman Spare, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Yihoveaum." Crowley's notes state "An artist, can't understand organisation, or would have passed. [341]  He later contributes two drawings to the second issue of the Equinox. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Justice



Wednesday, 21 July 1909



Rose Kelly leaves Crowley after being treated cruelly and discovering that Crowley had fathered an illegitimate child with a Miss Zwee, a milliner in the Burlington Arcade. [Lloyd's Weekly News]





Friday, 23 July 1909



Horace Sheridan-Bickers, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Superabo" (I will excel). Crowley's later notes state "Sex-maniac. Went to British Columbia. Corresponds occasionally. [56] [341]



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 35 years old.


—  August 


Monday, 2 August 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.



   - Crowley to Wilfred Merton




Wednesday, 4 August 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

Reginald Berti Haselden (Frater Animo non Astutia), in the presence of Crowley, takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer. Crowley's notes later state "Passed to Neophyte on 11 October 1912". [341]





Thursday, 5 August 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.

Rose Kelly is told by a charwoman, Mrs. M. Danby, that Crowley had a woman stay with him overnight at the 21 Warwick Road address on August 4. [Daily News]





Sunday, 8 August 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London.


   - Crowley to Katharine Prichard




Wednesday, 11 August 1909



George Raffalovich, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Audeo et Gaudeo" (I dare and I rejoice). Crowley's notes later state "Lunatick & sorely vexed". [56] [341]





Friday, 13 August 1909






Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 32 years old.


Tuesday, 17 August 1909






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Saturday, 21 August 1909



Everard Feilding, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Ut Seum Inveniam" (That I will meet with God). Crowley's notes later state "Friendly, but can't work. Never could". [56] [341]





Sunday, 22 August 1909



Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire.

- Crowley goes to Maidenhead where he "spent three days in a canoe, chiefly in the reach under the wier by Boulter's Lock" on the Thames thirty miles west of London. In a sixty-hour marathon he writes the poem "Aha!". [56], [249]





Monday, 23 August 1909



Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire.

- Crowley goes to Maidenhead where he "spent three days in a canoe, chiefly in the reach under the wier by Boulter's Lock." [249]





Tuesday, 24 August 1909



Location: Maidenhead, Berkshire.

- Crowley goes to Maidenhead where he "spent three days in a canoe, chiefly in the reach under the wier by Boulter's Lock." [249]





—  September 


circa September 1909



- Crowley publishes an edition of A Handbook of Geomancy separate from The Equinox Volume I, No. 2.





Wednesday, 1 September 1909



- The Occult Review publishes a Letter to the Editor from Crowley regarding "The Herb Dangerous."


   - Crowley to the Occult Review

News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Review

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 31 years old.


Tuesday, 7 September 1909



Location: 21 Warwick Road, London, S.W.

- Crowley informs J.F.C. Fuller that he plans to go to Felixstowe, Sussex for a week. [Crowley to Fuller] 


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Thursday, 23 September 1909






Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Friday, 24 September 1909



- Crowley publishes The Equinox Volume I, No. 2.

- Vincent Pantin, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Sapere Aude et Tace". Crowley's notes later state "An incurable fool and chatterer". [341]





Saturday, 25 September 1909






News Related to Crowley:

   - National Advocate



Monday, 27 September 1909






News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle



Wednesday, 29 September 1909



- Lilith Lourey, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Corona Summa". Crowley's notes later state "Died". [341]





—  October 


circa October 1909





   - William Westcott re Crowley and The Equinox




Wednesday, 6 October 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part I of Crowley's travel article entitled "Kanchenjanga: Bandobast."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Tuesday, 12 October 1909



- Crowley is 34 years old.





Wednesday, 13 October 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part II of Crowley's travel article entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: The March."


   - Crowley to Equinox Subscribers

News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Wednesday, 20 October 1909



- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part III of Crowley's travel article entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: The Glacier."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 21 October 1909



- William John Adamson, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Patientia et Perseverantia". Crowley's notes later state "Communicates little, but is presumably on the Path". [341]

- William Wilson, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Tibi Do". Crowley's notes later state "Doubtful". [341]





Friday, 22 October 1909



Location: Liverpool, England & Pudsey, England.

Herbert E. Inman takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Amor Clavis Vitae" (Love is the Key to Life). [56] Crowley's notes later state "Passed to Neophyte on 24 September 1910". [341]

- Alfred Branson, in the presence of Crowley, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Centrum in Centro Trigoni". Crowley's notes later state "Went to Canada. Only object in joining aptly to cure incontinence of Urine". [341]


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Sunday, 24 October 1909



Location: Cambridge University, England.





Wednesday, 27 October 1909



Location: Oxford University, England.

- Crowley informs J.F.C. Fuller he is going to the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part IV of Crowley's travel article entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 28 October 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





Friday, 29 October 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





Saturday, 30 October 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Sunday, 31 October 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





—  November 


Monday, 1 November 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 

- The Literary Guide and Rationalist Review publishes a review of Crowley's The Equinox Vol. I, No. 2.

- The Occult Review publishes a review  of Crowley's The Equinox Vol. I, No. 2. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Literary Guide and Rationalist Review

   - Occult Review



Tuesday, 2 November 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





Wednesday, 3 November 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 

- The U.K. Vanity Fair publishes Part IV of Crowley's travel article entitled "On the Kinchin Lay: Mountains or Metaphysics (continued)."


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vanity Fair



Thursday, 4 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





Friday, 5 November 1909



Location: 28 Beaumont Street, Oxford, England.

- Crowley is at the Bodelian Library at the University of Oxford to study the Manuscripts of Dr. John Dee. [Crowley to Fuller] 





Monday, 8 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller



   - Crowley to Katharine Prichard




Tuesday, 9 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

- Crowley has dinner with J.F.C. Fuller. Fuller later meets with George Cecil Jones and learns of the libel suit Jones has brought against The Looking Glass which takes place 26-27 April 1911.





Wednesday, 10 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave London for a walking vacation in Algeria. [56]





Thursday, 11 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Friday, 12 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Saturday, 13 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Sunday, 14 November 1909



Location: Hôtel de Blois, 49 rue Vavin, Paris, France.



   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Monday, 15 November 1909






   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Wednesday, 17 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller




   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller


Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 2 years old.


Thursday, 18 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Grand Hotel de la Regence, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg arrive in Algeria. [68]

- Today is Crowley's 11th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Friday, 19 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave for Arba [modern-day el-Arba or L'arba] by tramway. They then walk 21 km to Sakamody, sleeping on the way in 3 separate bivouacs. Eventually they arrive in Sakamody at 8:30 A.M. [68]

- Crowley sends J.F.C. Fuller five full-color drawings he has made of ideas for Zelator, Practicus, Philosophus, Neophyte and Dominus Viarum robes. [68]


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Saturday, 20 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg walk 32 miles to Talblat and stay at the Hôtel de l'Oasis. [68]





Sunday, 21 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Talblat at 1:20 and reach Bir-Rabalou [modern-day Bir-Ghabalou] at 6. They stay at the Hôtel Rousseau. [68]





Monday, 22 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Bir-Rabalou at 1:10 and reach Les Trembles an hour later. After stopping for an Arab coffee at the Café de la Démocratie they continue on to Aumale [Modern-day Sour El Ghozlane]. 8 km outside of Aumale they are picked up by M. Lesur, directeur of the Bou-Saada road and reach Aumale about 4:00 P.M. They stay at the Hôtel Grossat. [68]

- While in Aumale Crowley and Neuburg visit a whore house. [68]





Tuesday, 23 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 28th Æthyr

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg spend a quiet day in Aumale [Modern-day Sour El Ghozlane], playing billiards and such things as playing footer with an old tin can, wrestling, and boxing. [68]

- In the evening Crowley and Neuburg perform the 28th Æthyr. [68]





Wednesday, 24 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 27th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Aumale [Modern-day Sour El Ghozlane] at 8:30, have lunch at 12:15 and arrive at Sidi-Aïssa at 5:10. They stay at the Hôtel des Messageries. [68]

- Crowley and Neuburg perform the 27th  Æthyr from 8:00 to 9:00 P.M. [68]


- In the afternoon, Lord Salvesen, in the Court of Sessions, Edinburgh, grants the divorce decree of Crowley and Rose Kelly, with Rose gaining custody of their child [Lola Zaza] and £52 a year aliment. See HERE for the Court Proceedings derived from a compilation of the reports in newspaper articles.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bolton Evening News

   - Bournemouth Daily Echo

   - Derby Daily Telegraph

   - Dublin Evening Telegraph

   - Dundee Evening Telegraph

   - Edinburgh Evening News

   - Evening Echo

   - Globe

   - Gloucestershire Echo

   - Hull Daily Mail

   - Liverpool Echo

   - Nottingham Evening Post

   - Portsmouth Evening News

   - Westminster Gazette

   - Wolverhampton Express



Thursday, 25 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 26th Æthyr

   - Crowley - 25th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Sidi-Aïssa for Aïn-El-Hadjel by stage-coach at 3:45. They arrive at Aïn-El-Hadjel about 7:30. [68]

- Crowley and Neuburg perform the 26th Æthyr from 1:10 to 2:00 P.M. and the 25th Æthyr from 8:40-9:40 P.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Aberdeen Daily Journal

   - Belfast Evening Telegraph

   - Belfast News-Letter

   - Daily Chronicle

   - Daily News

   - Daily Telegraph

   - Dundee Courier

   - East Anglian Times

   - Eastern Daily Press

   - Evening Express and Evening Mail

   - Evening Express and Evening Mail #2

   - Freeman's Journal

   - Irish Independent

   - Leicester Daily Post

   - Liverpool Post

   - Northern Whig

   - South Wales Daily News

   - Standard

   - Times

   - Western Evening Herald

   - Western Mail

   - Western Times

   - Yorkshire Telegraph and Star



Friday, 26 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 24th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Aïn-El-Hadjel by stage-coach at 7:30 and arrive at Aïn Kermane at 2:00 A.M. They arrive at Bou-Saada at 7:30 A.M. [68]

- While at Aïn-El-Hadjel Crowley and Neuburg perform the 24th Æthyr from 2:00-3:25 P.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Inverness Courier

   - Pembrokeshire Herald

   - Ross-Shire Journal

   - Times and Express



Saturday, 27 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada. Crowley with fever. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Beverly Recorder

   - Bucks Standard

   - Hampshire Telegraph

   - Norfolk News

   - Northern Scot and Moray Express

   - Weekly Mail

   - Weekly Telegraph



Sunday, 28 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 23rd Æthyr

   - Crowley - 22nd Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 23rd Æthyr from 9:30-10:15 A.M. and the 22nd Æthyr from 4:00 - 6:00 P.M. [68]


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller

News Related to Crowley:

   - Lloyd's Weekly News

   - People

   - Reynolds's Newspaper

   - Umpire



Monday, 29 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 21st Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 21st Æthyr in the desert from 1:30-2:50 P.M. [68]





Tuesday, 30 November 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 20th Æthyr

   - Crowley - 19th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 20th Æthyr from 9-11 A.M. and the 19th Æthyr from 10-12 P.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Halesworth Times

   - Tenbury Wells Advertiser



—  December 


circa December 1909



Location:  Chot el Hodna, Sahara Desert, Algeria.

- Crowley writes the poem "The Tent" at Chot el Hodna, a very shallow saline lake in Algeria. Chot el Hodna can be seen on the Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria. "The Tent" was later published in the March 1910 issue of the Occult Review. [234]





Wednesday, 1 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 18th Æthyr

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 18th Æthyr from 2:30-4:15 P.M. [68]


   - J.W. Brodie-Innes to William Westcott

   - William Westcott to J.W. Brodie-Innes




Thursday, 2 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 17th Æthyr

   - Crowley - 16th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 17th Æthyr from Midnight - 2 A.M. and the 16th Æthyr from 4:45-6:10 P.M. [68]





Friday, 3 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 15th Æthyr

   - Crowley - 14th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 15th Æthyr from 9:15-11:10 A.M. and the 14th Æthyr from 2:50 - 3:15 P.M. and again from 9:50 - 11:15 P.M. [68]

- Crowley claims the grade of Magister Templi and takes the motto Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici (V.V.V.V.V.) during the skrying of the 14th Æthyr. [31]


News Related to Crowley:

   - East Anglian Times



Saturday, 4 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 13th Æthyr

   - Crowley - 12th Æthyr

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 13th Æthyr from 2:10-3:45 P.M. and the 12th Æthyr from 11:30 P.M. - 1:20 A.M. [68]

- Arthur de La Pereira, in the presence of J.F.C. Fuller, takes the Oath of Probationer in the AA, taking the motto "Audiatur et Altera Pars". Crowley's notes later state "Doubtful. I never saw him". [341]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Illustrated Police News



Sunday, 5 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 11th Æthyr

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 11th Æthyr from 10:10-11:35 P.M. [68]


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Monday, 6 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 10th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 10th Æthyr from 2:00-4:15 P.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Islington Daily Gazette



Tuesday, 7 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 9th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel du Petit Sahara, Bou-Saada, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg remain in Bou-Saada and perform the 9th Æthyr from 9:30-11:10 P.M. [68]





Wednesday, 8 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 8th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg leave Bou-Saada and camped after about 8-10 miles. They perform the 8th Æthyr from 7:10 - 9:10 P.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bournemouth Daily Gazette

Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 37 years old.


Thursday, 9 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 7th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel about 25 miles and camp at a tiny oasis called Wáint-Aisha. They perform the 7th Æthyr from 8:10 - 10:00 P.M. [68]





Friday, 10 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 6th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel to Ben-S'Rour and perform the 6th Æthyr from 7:40-9:40 P.M. [68]





Saturday, 11 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel from 9-4. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 12 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 5th Æthyr (1st try)

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel from 7-11 A.M. and 12-5 P.M. to within sight of Tolga and perform the 5th Æthyr from 7:00-8:12 P.M. [68]





Monday, 13 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 5th Æthyr (2nd try)

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg arrive at Tolga after a seven hour walk and perform the 5th Æthyr again from 8:15-10:10 P.M. [68]





Tuesday, 14 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location:  Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. and reach Bordj-an-Nus. [68]





Wednesday, 15 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg travel from 4-9 A.M. and reach Biskra. [68]


   - Crowley to Ethel Archer




Thursday, 16 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 4th Æthyr

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg perform the 4th Æthyr at Biskra from 9:00-10:30 A.M. [68]





Friday, 17 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 3rd Æthyr

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg perform the 3rd Æthyr at Biskra from 9:30-11:30 A.M. [68]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Vancouver Daily World

Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 28 years old.


Saturday, 18 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 2nd Æthyr (1st try)

   - Crowley - 2nd Æthyr (2nd try)

   - Crowley - 2nd Æthyr (3rd try)

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg try with no success to perform the 2nd Æthyr at Biskra from 9:20-10:05 A.M. and again from 10:15-11:52 A.M. and at Hammam Salahine from 3:10-4:35 P.M. [68]


   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Sunday, 19 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 1st Æthyr

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg perform the 1st Æthyr at Biskra from 1:30-3:30 P.M. [68]



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 8 years old.


Monday, 20 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley - 2nd Æthyr (4th try)

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria. (Map of Crowley's travel through Algeria)

- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg finally succeed in performing the 2nd Æthyr at Biskra from 8:35-9:35 P.M. [68]





Tuesday, 21 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.



   - Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




Wednesday, 22 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller

Location:  Hotel Royal, Biskra, Algeria.




Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Friday, 24 December 1909



- Charles Stansfeld Jones takes the AA\ Oath of a Probationer taking the motto Unus in Omnibus. His sponsor is J.F.C. Fuller. [6], [233]  Crowley's notes later state "Probably all right. Went to Brit. Columbia". [341]





Monday, 27 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller



News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Wednesday, 29 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Thursday, 30 December 1909


Diary Entries:

   - J.F.C. Fuller






Friday, 31 December 1909



- Crowley and Victor B. Neuburg embark by boat from Algiers to Southampton, England. [283]





circa 1909 / 1010



The Holy Books Volume I, Volume II & Volume III are privately published by Crowley.






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