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— 1927 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1927






   - Gregor A. Gregorius to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

   - U.S. Copyright Entries



—  January  —


Sunday, 2 January 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 6 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Unknown




Sunday, 9 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovich's Octet opus 11 premieres in Moscow.


Monday, 10 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 54 years old.


Sunday, 16 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 38 years old.


Tuesday, 18 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Tom Driberg




Saturday, 22 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 42 years old.


Sunday, 23 January 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.





Sunday, 30 January 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Montgomery Evans to Crowley




—  February  —


Sunday, 6 February 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley burns the talisman of Jupiter he had consecrated for Margaret Binetti. [56]





Thursday, 10 February 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Sunday, 20 February 1927



Location: Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Actor, Sidney Poitier is born.


Monday, 21 February 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Tuesday, 22 February 1927



Location: Paris, France.

- Crowley grants Samuel Jacobs permission to print and publish his essay "The Heart of the Master". [243]


   - Crowley to Samuel Jacobs




—  March  —


Wednesday, 2 March 1927



Location: Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Unknown




Friday, 4 March 1927





   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 5 March 1927






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Wednesday, 9 March 1927





   - Ninette Shumway to Jane Wolfe




Tuesday, 15 March 1927



- Crowley, Otto Gebhardi, Karl Germer, Oskar Hopfer, Martha Kόntzel, and Bernhard Sporn sign the Thelema-Verlag publishing contract for the purpose of publishing translations of Crowley's works in Germany. In quick succession, they publish Book Four (Part I and Part II), The Heart of the Master, “The Three Schools of Magick,” and “The Message of the Master Therion [116], [56] 





Thursday, 17 March 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Dorothy Olsen to Karl Germer




Saturday, 19 March 1927



- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [67]





Monday, 21 March 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Germer to Montgomery Evans


Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 52 years old.


circa late March 1927





   - Ninette Shumway to Jane Wolfe




Thursday, 31 March 1927





   - Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer




—  April  —


Saturday, 2 April 1927






Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 41 years old.


Friday, 8 April 1927







Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Saturday, 9 April 1927






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 44 years old.


Sunday, 10 April 1927






News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post

   - Montgomery Advertiser

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Thursday, 14 April 1927






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Sunday, 17 April 1927






News Related to Crowley:

   - New Orleans States



Tuesday, 19 April 1927






Current Events:

   - Actor, Mae West is found guilty of "obscenity and corrupting the morals of youth" in a New York stage play entitled Sex. The resulting publicity launches her Hollywood career.


Wednesday, 20 April 1927





   - Jane Wolfe to Wilfred T. Smith

   - Pickfords to Crowley




Thursday, 21 April 1927





   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Monday, 25 April 1927





   - Leah Hirsig to Wilfred T. Smith




Wednesday, 27 April 1927





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Thursday, 28 April 1927



Jane Wolfe enters the Hospital Amιricain—Neuilly sur Seine in Paris for an operation on a lump on her back. [397]





—  May  —


Wednesday, 4 May 1927






Current Events:

   - First balloon flight over 40,000 feet.


Thursday, 5 May 1927






Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovitch's 1st Symphony premieres in Berlin, Germany.


Friday, 6 May 1927






Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 44 years old.


Thursday, 12 May 1927





   - Wilfred T. Smith to Crowley




Wednesday, 18 May 1927





   - M. Oesterman & Co. to Crowley




Thursday, 19 May 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 20 May 1927





   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Crowley

   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Pilot, Charles Lindbergh takes off from New York to cross the Atlantic Ocean for Paris for the first non-stop flight.

   - Saudi Arabia becomes independent of Britain.


Saturday, 21 May 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Jane Wolfe is in the Hospital Amιricain—Neuilly sur Seine in Paris for an operation on a lump on her back and spends 11 weeks in the Hospital before going to Villa du Roule, Neuilly to recuperate. [208]





Thursday, 26 May 1927






Current Events:

   - The Henry Ford Motor Company ends production of the Model T car.


Friday, 27 May 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






—  June  —


circa June 1927





   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Thursday, 9 June 1927






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 42 years old.


Tuesday, 14 June 1927






News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Star



Wednesday, 22 June 1927







Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


—  July  —


Saturday, 2 July 1927



Location: Hotel Frochot, 12 rue Frochot, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Edward Titus




Thursday, 7 July 1927





   - Pickfords, Ltd. to Crowley




Tuesday, 12 July 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 15 July 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France. [270]





Saturday, 23 July 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 53 years old.


—  August  —


Thursday, 11 August 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.





Saturday, 13 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 50 years old.


Wednesday, 17 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Sunday, 21 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley has Cora Eaton to lunch and finds her to be "delightful." [27]





Monday, 22 August 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Leah Hirsig to Crowley




Tuesday, 23 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Edward Titus




Wednesday, 24 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

Wilfred Talbot Smith marries his step-daughter Katherine Talbot in the Little Church of the Flowers in Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, Glendale, California. [7]


   - Crowley to Edward Titus




Friday, 26 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Crowley




Saturday, 27 August 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley




—  September  —


circa September 1927





   - Crowley to Wilfred T. Smith




Thursday, 1 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 49 years old.


Friday, 2 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Kasimira Bass to Wilfred T. Smith




Saturday, 3 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Norman Mudd to Jane Wolfe




Monday, 12 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Pickfords to Crowley




Wednesday, 21 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Crowley




Saturday, 24 September 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [67]



Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Tuesday, 27 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mid-Sussex Times



Thursday, 29 September 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Telephone service begins between the United States and Mexico.


—  October  —


circa October 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe






Saturday, 1 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- The Occult Digest publishes a review of Charles Stansfeld Jones' book I.N.R.I.

Jane Wolfe sails on the Lapland for New York. [312]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest



Sunday, 2 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 13 years old.


Tuesday, 4 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Work begins on the carving of the U.S. Presidents on Mt. Rushmore.


Thursday, 6 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - The Movie, The Jazz Singer, starring Al Jolson is released.


Saturday, 8 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - The first Laurel & Hardy movie, The Second Hundred Years, is released.


Tuesday, 11 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

Jane Wolfe arrives in New York She meets Karl Germer and Cora Germer before traveling to California. [209]





Wednesday, 12 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley is 52 years old.


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Monday, 17 October 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Mary Butts

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.





Tuesday, 18 October 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 9 years old.


Wednesday, 19 October 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.





Wednesday, 26 October 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley's daughter, Astarte, pays him a visit. [233]





—  November  —


circa November 1927





   - Crowley to Tom Driberg

   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley




Tuesday, 1 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Kasimira Bass to Wilfred T. Smith




Friday, 4 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Unknown to Crowley




Thursday, 10 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Berenice Abbott, a 28-year-old American photographer. [233]





Sunday, 13 November 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.





Monday, 14 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Neville Foreman to Crowley




Thursday, 17 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 20 years old.


Friday, 18 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Today is Crowley's 29th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Saturday, 26 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Antine [? ntine] with the desired result of being able to go to Egypt: to have his colleague arrive and to have money. [67]

- Crowley's daughter, Astarte, pays him a visit and he takes her to the circus. [233]





Sunday, 27 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Helena Daily Independent



Monday, 28 November 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Antine [? ntine] with the desired result of being able to go to Egypt: to have his colleague arrive and to have money. [67]





—  December  —


circa December 1927





   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Friday, 2 December 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Sunday, 4 December 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.



Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovich's 2nd Symphony premieres in Moscow.


Wednesday, 7 December 1927



Location: 6 rue de la Mission Marchand, Paris, France.

- Crowley writes the poem "Gigolomastix". [150]  





Wednesday, 14 December 1927






Current Events:

   - Iraq gains independence from Britain.


Saturday, 17 December 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley




Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 46 years old.


Monday, 19 December 1927






Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 26 years old.


Thursday, 22 December 1927





   - Crowley to Karl Germer


Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Monday, 26 December 1927



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris. [271]






Tuesday, 27 December 1927



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

Gerald Yorke introduces himself to Crowley at Le Bourget aerodome, northeast Paris. [27] NOTE: This contradicts Crowley's Statement that he first met Yorke at the Hotel Foyot in Paris on 31 December 1927.  





Wednesday, 28 December 1927



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.






Thursday, 29 December 1927



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.






Friday, 30 December 1927



Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.





Saturday, 31 December 1927


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Foyot, Room 21, 33, Rue de Tournon, Paris.

Gerald Yorke calls on Crowley at the Hotel Foyot. [see statement]






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