Wednesday, 1
January 1902 |
Wednesday, 8
January 1902 |
Calcutta, India.
- Crowley, as a guest,
attends the monthly meeting of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, at which he heard the papers "On Trilokanātha in the
Kanda Valley," "On the Secret Words of the Cūlūās," and "On
the Organization of Caste by Ballala Sen."
[56] |
Saturday, 11
January 1902 |
15 January 1902 |
Thursday, 16
January 1902 |
Saturday, 18
January 1902 |
Wednesday, 22
January 1902 |
Saturday, 25
January 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Rangoon, Burma.
- Crowley has a 103° fever
and visits the Schwe Dagon Pagoda.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Rangoon, Burma.
- Crowley is declared well
enough to begin traveling again.
[57] |
29 January 1902 |
Thursday, 30
January 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Mindon, Burma.
- Crowley and
Edward Thornton arrive in Thayetmyo, Burma.
At 6:45 a.m. they begin
traveling by cart to Mindon, Burma. They arrive at Natha at
19:45 where Crowley shoots a parrot. After lunch they
continue on until arriving at 7:30 p.m. at Kyoukghyi.
[237] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Mindon, Burma.
- Crowley and
Edward Thornton
leave at 7:15 a.m. and continue on to Leh-joung where they
arrived at 10:30.
Crowley shoots a partridge, paddy-bird and two pigeons on
the way which they have for lunch in Leh-joung. At 12:30
they continue on and arrive at 4:30 p.m. at Yegyanzin,
Burma. There they have dinner with Carr, the Forest
Commissioner of the District and his assistant, Hopwood.
Fair - 10 February 1909] |
Saturday, 1
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Mindon, Burma.
- Crowley and
Edward Thornton
start out at 6:40 a.m. on a hunt in the jungle for wild
Crowley, not finding any wild buffalo, and using a double
.577, shoots an aureole, woodpecker (red crest), parrot and
a big white paddy-bird. They arrive back at the bungalow at
Fair - 10 February 1909] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Mindon, Burma.
- Crowley does nothing all
day but read Henrik Ibsen and Walter Pater while
Edward Thornton goes hunting and kills a leopard.
[57] |
Wednesday, 5
February 1902 |
Thursday, 6
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Toun Myong, Burma.
- At
7:30 a.m. Crowley and
Edward Thornton continue traveling and stop at Toun
Myong. Crowley shoots several birds, including Brahmin
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Prome, Burma.
- Crowley and
Edward Thornton continue traveling through Kama,
then catch a steamboat to Prome where they stay. Crowley
shoots two Brahmin ducks, a big stork and other birds on the
[57] |
Saturday, 8
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Rangoon, Burma.
- Crowley and
Edward Thornton
spend the day at the Prome Pagoda with Thornton sketching
and Crowley writing a poem and rondel. They later take the
8:00 p.m. train to Rangoon.
[57] |
Tuesday, 11
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Rangoon, Burma.
- Crowley,
suffering from fever, consults a
doctor in Rangoon who prescribes iced Champagne.
[57] |
12 February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Akyab, Burma.
- Crowley boards the S.S.
Comilla for Akyab, Burma.
[57] |
Thursday, 13
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Akyab, Burma.
- At 5 P.M. the S.S.
Comilla is off of Sandoway.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Lamma Sayadaw Kyoung Monastery, Akyab, Burma.
- The S.S.
Comilla puts in
at Kyouk-pyu and later reaches the Lamma Sayadaw Kyoung
Monastery at Akyab at about 8:00 P.M. Crowley
finds the temple where
Allan Bennett is staying with help of a local.
[57] |
Saturday, 15
February 1902 |
Tuesday, 18
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Lamma Sayadaw Kyoung Monastery,
Akyab, Burma.
- Crowley suffers from
fever of 102°.
[57] |
19 February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Lamma Sayadaw Kyoung Monastery,
Akyab, Burma.
- Crowley suffers from
fever of 103°.
[57] |
Thursday, 20
February 1902 |
Saturday, 22
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Calcutta, India.
- Crowley boards the S.S.
Kapurthala bound for Calcutta.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Calcutta, India.
- The S.S.
anchors outside Chittagong.
[57] |
Tuesday, 25
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Calcutta, India.
- Crowley spends the day
aboard the S.S. Kapurthala reading African travel
[57] |
26 February 1902 |
Thursday, 27
February 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Calcutta, India.
- Crowley goes to Sodepore
to take part in snipe-shooting.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling from Calcutta to Benares, India.
- Crowley packs and leaves
for Benares, India at 9.45 P.M.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Hotel de Paris, Benares, India.
- Crowley arrives in
Benares, India and books a room at the Hotel de Paris.
[57] |
Current Events:
- First
performance of composer, Jean Sibelius' 2nd Symphony. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Hotel de Paris, Benares, India.
- Crowley goes to the
Ghanges to see the Ghats and goes to the Sex Temple and some
other temples in Kashmir. He also visits Sri Swami Swayan Prakashanand Maithila who promised to show him a Yogi on the
following day.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Hotel de Paris, Benares, India.
- Crowley meets the
"promised Yogi" spoken of the previous day who turns out to
be Sri Swami Swayan Prakashanand Maithila himself. In the
evening he goes to Nautch to view the Indian dancers.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Hotel de Paris, Benares, India.
- Crowley notes that he
did little all day.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Agra and traveling to Delhi, India.
- Crowley meets Munshi
Elabi Bux, an astrologer and geomancer. At 9:50 p.m. he leaves
by train for
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Maiden's Metropolitan Hotel,
Delhi, India.
- Crowley visits the
Red Fort
at Delhi with one Major Graham, D.S.O.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Maiden's Metropolitan Hotel,
Delhi, India.
Crowley goes to Oakley where he shoots a crocodile and later
gives a four hour lecture on Buddhism.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Traveling to Rawal Pindi, Paskistan.
Crowley leaves for Rawal Pindi by train to begin the K2
expedition. He meets
Oscar Eckenstein and the other four members of the
climbing party on the train.
[57] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Rawal Pindi, Paskistan.
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon Crowley and his party set off
with 17 horse-drawn wagons of supplies and reach Tret,
Pasistan a little before 10:30 that evening. Shortly after
arriving at Tret, the Deputy Commissioner of Rawalpindi
Oscar Eckenstein that, although not under arrest for any
formal charge, he would be detained and compelled to return
to Rawalpindi. He is held up there for over three
Fair - 8 July 1908],
[287] |
Diary Entries:
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
- Crowley and
Guy Knowles
are kept busy from the 5th through the 22nd of April with
repacking supplies into 53 pound parcels that could be
safely carried.
[198] |
Current Events:
- Composer,
Maurice Revel's Pavane for a Dead Princess premieres
in Paris. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Crowley and the climbing party discover that ten of their
ponies had been carried off by the shikaris of two English
officers. The party rides ponies to Karbu and when they
arrive they find a polo match with musical accompaniment
proceeding in their honor
Fair - 22 July 1908]
Current Events:
- Victor B. Neuburg
is 19 years old. |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Location: Skardu,
Baltistan, Pakistan.
Crowley and the climbing party receive a visit from the
Rajah in the morning and "got rid of him as soon as possible
with one or two presents." Later a great wind sprang up and
great storms of sand, some of them 3,000 feet in height,
were seen in every part of the valley.
Fair - 22 July 1908]
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Crowley and the climbing party continue on and cross the
Indus River by ferry and reach Shigar
by noon. There they are
met by yet another Rajah. After lunch
Crowley goes off to shoot some pigeons. That evening the
party has dinner with the local missionary.
Fair - 22 July 1908]
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
- Crowley and the climbing party continue on, but have a "most
unpleasant day" as miles of river bed and six rivers had to
be crossed, They reach Dasso at about 1:30.
Fair - 5 August 1908]
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
It rains and snows all night but Crowley sets off at about
7:30 a.m. and goes
up the left bank of the glacier to a big lake, which had to
be turned by climbing the moraine—a job involving three or
four steps. Soon after this they get to the camp.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
With a day of fine weather
Crowley crosses the glacier to its right bank.
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
In weather growing worse and worse Crowley goes up to camp
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Crowley spends four hours marching over previously
unexplored territory while he sketches the mountain and
ponders the best route to the summit. He stops at Camp 9
directly under the south face.
[237] |
News Related to Crowley:
St. James's Gazette |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- The
snowstorm continues. The party is facing considerable
discomfort as the heat from their bodies is melting a hole
in the ice which collects all the water in the area which
gradually soaks through their tents and sleeping beds.
Fair - 19 August 1908]
Diary Entries:
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- At dusk Dr.
Jules Jacot Guillarmod returns to Camp 11 and reports
that his porter has fallen in a crevasse. Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein
grab a coil of rope and rescue the porter. Crowley believes
that Guillarmod had abandoned the porter whom he could have
easily rescued.
[237] |
Current Events:
- Rose Kelly
is 28 years old. |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- Crowley is suffering from
snow blindness.
[237] |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- Crowley is suffering from
snow blindness.
[237] |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- Violent storms begin
which last for days.
[237] |
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley
Guy Knowles |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
There is a very violent storm today. Crowley and the
climbing party hear from Heinrich
Pfannl and
Victor Wessely that cholera has broken out in the
Bralduh Valley and it has been closed by order of the
Government. This news is serious as it may make it very
difficult for the party and their baggage to return to the
Indus Valley.
- Due to the bad
weather and having only two week's worth of provisions
remaining the unanimous decision is made to go back down the
Fair - 2 September 1908]
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
- The weather finally turns decent and Crowley and the
climbing party finish packing their belongings, strike camp,
and head down to Camp 9 and spend the day in idleness.
Fair - 2 September 1908]
Diary Entries:
Aleister Crowley |
Location: Chogo-Ri, Baltistan, Pakistan.
Crowley and the climbing party are continuing down the
mountain and reach Camp 7. They can still see the violent
storms raging on the peaks of the mountain. Crowley has the
opportunity to wash for the first time in nine weeks.
Fair - 2 September 1908]
- The
Academy publishes a review of Crowley's
Tannhaüser. |
News Related to Crowley:
Academy |
Current Events:
- Edward
VII of Great Britain is crowned King of the United Kingdom. |
13 August 1902 |
20 August 1902 |
August 1902 |
Wednesday, 3
September 1902 |
Thursday, 4
September 1902 |
Saturday, 6
September 1902 |
Tuesday, 9
September 1902 |
September 1902 |
Thursday, 11
September 1902 |
Friday, 12
September 1902 |
Saturday, 13
September 1902 |
Sunday, 14
September 1902 |
circa Monday,
September 1902 |
Diary Entries:
Jules Jacot Guillarmod |
Location: Baramulla,
- Crowley accepts an
invitation from Ernest Radcliffe to stay with him at his
headquarters at Baramula. Crowley and Radcliffe hunt bears
but Crowley can find no enthusiasm for it.
[237] |
Tuesday, 16
September 1902 |
September 1902 |
Thursday, 18
September 1902 |
Sunday, 21
September 1902 |
Location: Baramulla,
- Crowley leaves Baramulla
and travels to Rawalpindi, then to Delhi and Ajmer.
[237] |
Tuesday, 23
September 1902 |
Current Events:
- The
Fall Equinox. |
Tuesday, 30
September 1902 |
Location: Bombay,
- Crowley arrives at the
port of Bombay.
[237] |
Current Events:
- Author,
Beatrix Potter's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit
published in London. |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Egypt from Bombay,
India to Aden.
- Crowley boards the S.S.
Egypt and sails for Aden.
[237] |
News Related to Crowley:
Times of India |
Location: Traveling
aboard the S.S. Egypt from Bombay. |
News Related to Crowley:
Times of India |
- Crowley
is 27 years old. |
Location: Cairo, Egypt.
- Crowley
arrives in Cairo, Egypt.
[56] |
22 October 1902 |
Saturday, 25
October 1902 |
- Crowley
leaves Cairo, Egypt, on his way to Paris to stay with
Gerald Kelly. Kelly had invited Crowley to stay with him
in his studio in rue Campagne-Premičre, off the Boulevard
Montparnasse. Crowley stays in Paris until April 1903.
- Crowley
begins working on Book IV of
[Orpheus] |
Wednesday, 5
November 1902 |
Location: Shephsard's
Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.
- Crowley
departs from Port Said, Eqypt on board the Isis.
[350] |
Thursday, 6
November 1902 |
Location: Traveling
aboard the Isis from Port Said, Egypt. |
Location: Traveling
aboard the Isis from Port Said, Egypt.
- Crowley arrives in Paris,
[397] |
Tuesday, 18
November 1902 |
Gerald Kelly's studio at 17 rue Campagne-Premičre, off the
Boulevard Montparnasse, Paris,
- Today is
Crowley's 4th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his
initiation into the
Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898. |
17 December 1902 |
Current Events:
- The Winter Solstice. |