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— 1917 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Golden Book



   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




—  January 


circa January 1917





   - Bennett to Crowley




Monday, 1 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans. [247] + [Crowley to John Cosgrave]

- The Northern Review reprints Crowley's essay Delenda est Britannia.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article The Origin of the Game of Pirate Bridge.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - American Magazine of Art

    - Northern Review

    - Poetry Journal

    - Vanity Fair

    - Vanity Fair



Tuesday, 2 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.



   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Wednesday, 3 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- The Fatherland publishes Crowley's essay Delenda est Britannia.”


   - Lord Dunsany to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - Fatherland



Sunday, 7 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Monday, 8 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 10 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 44 years old.


Saturday, 13 January 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Mr. Cannaughton to Stansfeld Jones




Sunday, 14 January 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- Crowley's diary records that during this period 6 Simon Iff stories, nearly 50,000 words, 3 other short stories, an essay, and several minor things had been written. [59]





Monday, 15 January 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- Crowley begins writing the Simon Iff novel, Moonchild. [59]





Tuesday, 16 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.



Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 28 years old.


Friday, 19 January 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.





Saturday, 20 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 21 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Lincoln Sunday Star



Monday, 22 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

Theodor Reuss releases a revised O.T.O. Constitution and a manifesto for an Anational Grand Lodge, whose headquarters was at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. He also announces an Anational Congress to be held on 15-25 August. [56]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley


Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 32 years old.


Thursday, 25 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 26 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Crowley to John Cosgrave




Saturday, 27 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 29 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 30 January 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 31 January 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Eleanore Jackson with the object being 'Dedication of myself to be the High Priest of the Most Holy Phallus.' [59], [78], [80]





—  February 


Thursday, 1 February 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Sister' with the object being 'Magical energy.' [59], [78], [80]

- The International publishes Crowley's article Percy Mackaye. An Appreciation So Far as Possible.”


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Strand

    - Vogue



Friday, 2 February 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.





Saturday, 3 February 1917



Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 4 February 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 323 Dauphine Street, New Orleans.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Sister' with the object being 'Further understanding of my grade of Magus.' [78], [80]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - San Antonio Light

    - Sunday Oregonian



Monday, 5 February 1917





   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

   - Mr. Cannaughton to Stansfeld Jones




Wednesday, 7 February 1917





   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 9 February 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley arrives in Titusville, Florida and stays with his cousin Lawrence Bishop. [59], [56]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett




Saturday, 10 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Pittsburgh Press

    - Sydney Morning Herald

Current Events:

   - Leon Trotsky declares that Russia is leaving World War I.


Sunday, 11 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett

News Related to Crowley:

    - Arizona Republican



Monday, 12 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 13 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.



Current Events:

   - Dutch exotic dancer, Mata Hari is arrested in Paris on suspicion that she is a German spy.


Thursday, 15 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Saturday, 17 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 18 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Spokesman Review



Monday, 19 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 20 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Thursday, 22 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 23 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Los Angeles Times



Saturday, 24 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 25 February 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  March 


Thursday, 1 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Friday, 2 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.

- Crowley completes a Will naming Charles Stansfeld Jones as his successor in both the AA and O.T.O. and mails it to George MacNie Cowie. [318] 


   - Crowley to George MacNie Cowie

   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 3 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 4 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Titusville 'Maddy' with the object being 'Glory to God!' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Monday, 5 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.

- Crowley performs a magical sex operation. [59]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Tuesday, 6 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.

- Crowley performs a magical operation to avert threatened severe frost from hurting his cousin's crops. [59]





Wednesday, 7 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Thursday, 8 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Friday, 9 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 10 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 11 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Washington Post



Wednesday, 14 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.





Thursday, 15 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 17 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 18 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Honolulu Advertiser



Monday, 19 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Wednesday, 21 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [60] 


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley


Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 42 years old.


Friday, 23 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 24 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Wednesday, 28 March 1917



Location: Titusville, Florida.

- Crowley is in Titusville, Florida staying with his cousin Lawrence Bishop.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Thursday, 29 March 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling to New York.

- Crowley leaves Titusville, Florida for New York city at 8.03 a.m. [60]





Saturday, 31 March 1917



Katherine Talbot becomes pregnant with Wilfred Talbot Smith's child. [7]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



—  April 


circa April 1917



- Crowley continues writing Not the Life and Adventures of Sir Roger Bloxam.





Sunday, 1 April 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Grey with the object being 'Health.' [78], [80]





Monday, 2 April 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 31 years old.


Thursday, 5 April 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 6 April 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - The United States declares war on Germany and enters World War I.


Saturday, 7 April 1917



Location: New York City.



   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 8 April 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Monday, 9 April 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 34 years old.


Tuesday, 10 April 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Saturday, 14 April 1917



Location: New York City.

- Crowley's mother, Emily Crowley, dies this day.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Tuesday, 17 April 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Howard with the object being 'Nothing.' [78], [80]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Wednesday, 18 April 1917



Location: 13 East 43rd Street, New York.

- Viereck's American Weekly publishes Crowley's essay England's Blind Spot.”


News Related to Crowley:

    - Viereck's American Weekly



Friday, 20 April 1917



Location: 13 East 43rd Street, New York.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Saturday, 21 April 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: New York City.


   - Mary Davies to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 22 April 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: New York City.





Wednesday, 25 April 1917



Location: New York City.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Singer, Ella Fitzgerald is born.


Friday, 27 April 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Theodore Dreiser




Saturday, 28 April 1917



Location: New York City.



News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 29 April 1917



Location: New York City.

Florence Farr dies at the age of 56 in Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka).


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  May 


Tuesday, 1 May 1917



Location: New York City.

- The International publishes Crowley's article Sir Rabindranath Tagore.”


   - Frank Bennett to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - International



Friday, 4 May 1917



Location: New York City.

- Crowley has a dream that his mother has died. [56] 





Saturday, 5 May 1917



Location: New York City.



News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 6 May 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: New York City.

- Crowley receives word of his mother's death. [60] 



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 34 years old.


Wednesday, 9 May 1917



Location: New York City.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Unknown




Thursday, 10 May 1917



Location: 1005 Carnegie Hall, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Saturday, 12 May 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 14 May 1917



Location: New York City.

 - Scotland Yard arrests Mary Davies at Crowley's London O.T.O. Headquarters while she is conducting a ceremony. The names and addresses of five women and five men are taken and she is escorted to the Vine-street Police Station. Although Mary Davies is later charged with fortune-telling the raid is said to have resulted due to the Government's persecution of Crowley due to his pro-German work in America.





Tuesday, 15 May 1917



Location: New York City.

 - At the Marlborough-street Police Court Mary Davies is charged with fortune-telling under the fortune-telling section of the Vagrancy Act. She is granted bail in the amount of £100.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - Cambridge Daily News

    - Derby Daily Telegraph

    - Dundee Evening Telegraph

    - Globe

    - Lincolnshire Echo

    - Manchester Evening News

    - Northern Daily Mail

    - Nottingham Evening Post

    - Pall Mall Gazette



Wednesday, 16 May 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Birmingham Daily Post

    - Evening Despatch

    - Hull Daily Mail

    - Liverpool Daily Post

    - Viereck's American Weekly



Friday, 18 May 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - The United States authorizes compulsory enlistment to raise an army for the American entry into World War I.


Sunday, 20 May 1917



Location: New York City.



News Related to Crowley:

    - People



Tuesday, 22 May 1917



Location: New York City.

 - At the Marlborough-street Police Court the hearing is resumed against Mary Davies who, on 14 May 1917, was charged with fortune-telling under the fortune-telling section of the Vagrancy Act. She is fined £40 and ordered to pay an additional 10 guineas in court costs.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Birmingham Daily Mail

    - Derby Daily Telegraph

    - Dundee Evening Telegraph

    - Globe

    - Hull Daily Mail

    - Lancashire Daily Post

    - Lincolnshire Echo

    - Liverpool Echo

    - Sunderland Daily Echo



Wednesday, 23 May 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Aberdeen Daily Journal

    - Belfast News-Letter

    - Birmingham Daily Gazette

    - Daily Mirror

    - Devon and Exeter Gazette

    - Dublin Daily Express

    - Leeds Mercury

    - Midland Daily Telegraph

    - Western Daily Press

    - Western Mail

    - Western Times



Friday, 25 May 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Kent and Sussex Courier



Saturday, 26 May 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 27 May 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with May Lewinstein with the object being 'Health.' [78], [80]


News Related to Crowley:

    - People



Monday, 28 May 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anita with the object being 'Promulgation of the Law [of Thelema].' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 29 May 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - Politician, John F. Kennedy is born.


Wednesday, 30 May 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anita with the object being 'Promulgation of the Law [of Thelema].' [78], [80]





Thursday, 31 May 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Howard' with the object being 'Promulgation of the Law [of Thelema].' [60], [78], [80]





—  June 


circa June 1917





   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Friday, 1 June 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 2 June 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Wednesday, 6 June 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 9 June 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald

Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 32 years old.


Thursday, 14 June 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - The first German air attack on England.


Saturday, 16 June 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 18 June 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Tuesday, 19 June 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - The British Royal family renounces its German names and titles and adopts the name of Windsor.


Friday, 22 June 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 164 5th Avenue, New York.



Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Saturday, 23 June 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 25 June 1917



Location: 164 5th Avenue, New York.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Tuesday, 26 June 1917



Location: New York City.



Current Events:

   - The first U.S. troops arrive in France during World War I.


Wednesday, 27 June 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Helen Huljus with the object being 'Perfect physical health.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Saturday, 30 June 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



—  July 


Sunday, 1 July 1917



Location: New York City.

- The International publishes Crowley's articles A Death Bed Repentance” and


Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article What's Wrong with the Movies?.”


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - International

    - Vanity Fair



Wednesday, 4 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 6 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Frank Bennett




Saturday, 7 July 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 9 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson


Current Events:

   - The British battleship, HMS Vanguard explodes at Scapa Flow, killing 804 people.


Friday, 13 July 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'Glory to the Living One, the Lord and Father of All.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - A vision of the Virgin Mary appears to the children of Fatima, Portugal.


Saturday, 14 July 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Monday, 16 July 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a 'solo' sexual magical operation with the object being 'Glory to the Living One, the Lord and Father of All.' [78], [80]





Thursday, 19 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Saturday, 21 July 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 22 July 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Grey with the object being 'Love.' [78], [80]





Monday, 23 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley


Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 43 years old.


Thursday, 26 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Saturday, 28 July 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley

News Related to Crowley:

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Sunday, 29 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

    - Galveston Daily News

    - New York Tribune



Monday, 30 July 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Tuesday, 31 July 1917



Location: New York City.

Charles Lazenby, a Canadian Theosophist, calls Crowley "the personification of evil" during a lecture at the Vancouver Labor Temple. [See the International for October 1917]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




—  August 


circa August 1917



- Crowley meets Anna Katherine Miller at a Singalese restaurant on 8th Avenue. He nicknames her "The Dog", based on her physical and magical correspondence to Anubis, the dog-headed Egyptian god of the dead and they eventually take a furnished Central Park West apartment together near 110th Street. [56]





Wednesday, 1 August 1917



Location: New York City.

Pearson's publishes Crowley's article Near Poetry: Mr. Robert Frost.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article The Star-Spangled Banner.”


- The August International is published and Crowley begins his time there as an editor of the periodical at a salary of $20-per-week. [56]

Crowley's contributions include:

"The Editor Removes His Cigar"

"Listen to the Bird Man!"


"The Revival of Magick"

"The Gate of Knowledge"

"An Open Letter to General White"

"BalzacA Note"


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Pearson's Magazine

    - Vanity Fair



Saturday, 4 August 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Dramatic Mirror

    - Sydney Morning Herald



Tuesday, 7 August 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Friday, 10 August 1917



Location: New York City.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 11 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Anita' with the object being 'Success to Simon Iff stories.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 12 August 1917



Location: New York City.


News Related to Crowley:

    - New York Tribune



Monday, 13 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with 'Lionel Q' with the object not being described. [78], [80]



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 40 years old.


Tuesday, 14 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Love.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson


Current Events:

   - China declares war on Germany and Austria.


Wednesday, 15 August 1917



Location: New York City.

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Thursday, 16 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Divine Knowledge.' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

    - New York Tribune



Friday, 17 August 1917



Location: New York City.

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

   - Variety

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.

   - Italy declares war on Turkey.


Saturday, 18 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Divine Knowledge.' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]





Sunday, 19 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Divine Knowledge.' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Chicago Daily Tribune



Tuesday, 21 August 1917



Location: New York City.

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Wednesday, 22 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'To become the greatest of all the Magi.' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


   - Crowley to Theodore Dreiser

   - Crowley to Alexander Harvey

   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Thursday, 23 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'To become the greatest of all the Magi.' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]





Friday, 24 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Glory to Pan!' [78], [80]

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]





Saturday, 25 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

Theodor Reuss holds an O.T.O National Congress from 15-25 August at Monte Verita, a utopian commune near Ascona, Switzerland. During the congress, readings are conducted of Crowley’s poetry and the Gnostic Mass. [56]


   - L.B. Yardley to Frank Bennett

News Related to Crowley:

    - Billboard



Sunday, 26 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts two sexual magical operations with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]

- Crowley completes writing Not the Life and Adventures of Sir Roger Bloxam.


   - James Windram to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 28 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Wednesday, 29 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Edwin Markham




Friday, 31 August 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: New York City.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




—  September 


Saturday, 1 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York. [287]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]


- The September International is published.

Crowley's contributions include:

"Hello September!"

"The Scrutinies of Simon Iff - Big Game"

"The Purple Mandarin"

"1066: A Study of the Ruling Classes of England"

"Brain-Waves During the Heat-Wave"

"The Revival of Magick - Part II"

"Sinn Fein "

"An Open Letter to the Leaders of the National Suffrage Movement "

"The Gate of Knowledge"

"Henrik Ibsen"


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Occult Review

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 39 years old.


Sunday, 2 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]





Monday, 3 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley is using Ether. [60] 

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'The Siddhi.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   The first night bombing of London by German aircraft.


Tuesday, 4 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.





Wednesday, 5 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'To acquire the magical qualities of Hermes.' [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Friday, 7 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Magical Life and Energy.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 8 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Charles Stansfeld Jones

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 9 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts two sexual magical operations with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Monday, 10 September 1917



Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Tuesday, 11 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Thursday, 13 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller. [78], [80]


News Related to Crowley:

    - Dial



Saturday, 15 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Power over Jaqueline.' [78], [80]





Sunday, 16 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts two separate sexual magical operations with Anna Katherine Miller with the object of the first being 'The Promulgation of the Law of Thelema' and the object of the second being 'Success in all I undertake this week.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 18 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Success to Leon Engers Kennedy's psychodromes.' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 19 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Success to the Equinox ceremony.' [78], [80]





Friday, 21 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Saturday, 22 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Sunday, 23 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley receives the Word of the Equinox. [60] 



Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Monday, 24 September 1917



Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Thursday, 27 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Friday, 28 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Corpus Roddie Minor' [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Sunday, 30 September 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: A furnished apartment in a corner house on Central Park West near its northern limit at 110th Street, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller. [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  October 


circa October 1917



Jane Wolfe orders a copy of The Equinox, Vol. I, No. 1 and Book 4. [312]





Monday, 1 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York. [287]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor. [78], [80]

- The Brewers' Journal publishes Crowley's article Robbing the Poor Man of His Beer?.”

- The Physical Research Review publishes Crowley's article The True Methods and the False.”

Pearson's publishes Crowley's article Near Poetry: Mr. George Santayana.”

Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article New Heaven and a New Earth.”


- The October International is published.

Crowley's contributions include:

"Glints of an October Opal"


"In the Red Room of Rose Croix"

"The Scrutinies of Simon Iff - The Artistic Temperament"

"A Perfect Pianissimo"

"The Revival of Magick - Part III"

"The Discovery of Gneugh-Ioughrck"


"Groans from the Padded Cell"

"Love is One"

"The Argument that Took the Wrong Turning"

"The Burning of Melcarth"

"The Spoils to the Strong! An Appeal to England and Germany"

"Two Prose Poems"

"The Gate of Knowledge"

"The Ouija Board - A Note"

"War Poetry"

"Letter to the Editor"


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

    - Brewers' Journal

    - International

    - Pearson's Magazine

    - Pearson's Magazine

    - Physical Research Review

    - Vanity Fair



Tuesday, 2 October 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 3 years old.


Wednesday, 3 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Thursday, 4 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Wilfred T. Smith is accepted as a Neophyte in the AA and takes the name V.P.O.V. (Voluntas Perfects Omnia Vincam). [7]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor. [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

   - Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred T. Smith




Friday, 5 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Anna Katherine Miller with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Saturday, 6 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with the object being 'Pan!' [78], [80]





Sunday, 7 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts two sexual magical operations with the object being 'Pan!' [78], [80]





Monday, 8 October 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 9 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Thursday, 11 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Perfect physical health.' [78], [80]





Friday, 12 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley is 42 years old.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Saturday, 13 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - 70,000 people gather to see "Miracle of the Sun," solar visions reportedly by the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal.


Sunday, 14 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Prosperity.' [78], [80]





Monday, 15 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Prosperity.' [78], [80]



Current Events:

   - Dutch exotic dancer, Mata Hari is executed by firing squad for being a German spy.


Tuesday, 16 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Prosperity.' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 17 October 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - The first British bombing of Germany.


Thursday, 18 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Consecration of the new studio to Pan.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Times Literary Supplement



Friday, 19 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Sunday, 21 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Monday, 22 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 23 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Perfect Art.' [78], [80]





Friday, 26 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Sunday, 28 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Monday, 29 October 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Tuesday, 30 October 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 31 October 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  November 


circa November 1917



- Crowley arranges a November exhibition of Leon Engers Kennedy's psychodromes' art and give a favorable review of the exhibition in the November International. [56]





Thursday, 1 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


- The November International is published.

Crowley's contributions include:

"The Editor Boosts the Next Number"

"The Scrutinies of Simon Iff - No. 3. Outside the Bank's Routine"


"The Revival of Magick - Part IV"


"The Hearth"

"The Rake's Progress"

"How Horoscopes are Faked"

"An Altered Circumstance [Introductory Letter Only]"

"The Professor and the Plutocrat"

"The Gate of Knowledge"


News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Occult Review



Friday, 2 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - The first U.S. soldiers are killed in combat in World War I.


Saturday, 3 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Health.' [78], [80]


   - H. Christopher Watts to the Foreign Office




Sunday, 4 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Health.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 6 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor. [78], [80]





Wednesday, 7 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones




Saturday, 10 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Sunday, 11 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan!' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 13 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Hans "Hansi" Hammond born to Leah Hirsig this day in Florida.





Thursday, 15 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 17 November 1917






Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 10 years old.

   - Artist, Auguste Rodin dies.


Sunday, 18 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Today is Crowley's 19th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Monday, 19 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




Tuesday, 20 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Wednesday, 21 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett




Thursday, 22 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Saturday, 24 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley's "Political Attitude"

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley attempts to visit the attorney and book collector John Quinn at his office at 10:30 a.m. but finds him out of the office. He leaves a document entitled "Affidavit Memorandum of my Political Attitudes since August 1914" and requests that Quinn advise him on it. [130]

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]


   - John Quinn to Crowley




Sunday, 25 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Gold.' [78], [80]





Monday, 26 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   - The new government of Russia offers an armistice to Germany and Austria-Hungary.


Tuesday, 27 November 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'To fascinate Robertson.' [78], [80]





Thursday, 29 November 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Crowley




—  December 


Saturday, 1 December 1917



Vanity Fair publishes Crowley's article Chez Sherry: A Prose Poem.”


- The December International is published.

Crowley's contributions include:

"We Stand Above"

"The Scrutinies of Simon Iff - No. 4. The Conduct of John Briggs"

"Concerning Death"

"Pax Homnibus Bonae Voluntatis"

"A Septennial"

"Art and Clairvoyance"

"Barnard's Lincoln Unvisited"

"A Riddle"

"Auguste Rodin"

"The Gate of Knowledge"

"More War Poetry"


   - Crowley to George Viereck

News Related to Crowley:

    - International

    - Vanity Fair

    - Winston-Salem Journal

    - Wisconsin State Journal



Sunday, 2 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


News Related to Crowley:

    - Greensboro Daily News



Monday, 3 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson

News Related to Crowley:

    - Elkhart Truth



Wednesday, 5 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being for a 'New literary current.' [78], [80]





Thursday, 6 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



   - Crowley to Stansfeld Jones

News Related to Crowley:

    - Orlando Sentinel



Saturday, 8 December 1917






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 45 years old.


Sunday, 9 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being for a 'New literary current.' [78], [80]





Tuesday, 11 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor. [78], [80]





Thursday, 13 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]





Friday, 14 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.





Saturday, 15 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.





Sunday, 16 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Red Gold.' [78], [80]





Monday, 17 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 36 years old.


Tuesday, 18 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.






Wednesday, 19 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.



Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 16 years old.


Thursday, 20 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.






Friday, 21 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Success with the Simon Iff stories.' [78], [80]





Saturday, 22 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.




Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Sunday, 23 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.






Monday, 24 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Wilfred T. Smith

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Noel Talbot-Smith, the son of Wilfred T. Smith and his step-daughter Katherine Talbot, is born at 5:38:40 a.m. [7]





Tuesday, 25 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Io Pan, Pan!' [78], [80]





Wednesday, 26 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

Charles Stansfeld Jones walks off his B.C.E.R. job in the afternoon in protest after giving warning about the railway bridge to Kitsalino. He believes that the bridge is in imminent danger of destruction if his post office box 70 is opened, as it is the Eye of Shiva. That evening he puts on his hat and coat, picks up his copy of the Book of the Law, and disappears into the night. [7]





Thursday, 27 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

Charles Stansfeld Jones wanders around the city of Victoria believing that he is balancing the universe by crossing and recrossing streets in a magical manner. He goes to the King Edward Hotel, believing that he will meet the King. Instead, he walks, unasked, into a woman's room in the hotel and has sex with her. He is eventually arrested by the police who suspect he is a draft dodger pretending to be mentally ill to evade being drafted into the war. He is thrown into jail where he remains for three days. [7]


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley




Friday, 28 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

Charles Stansfeld Jones is being held in jail as a suspected draft dodger. [7]


   - Crowley to Louis Wilkinson




Saturday, 29 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Phallic-force and attraction.' [78], [80]

Charles Stansfeld Jones is being held in jail as a suspected draft dodger. [7]





Sunday, 30 December 1917


Diary Entries:

   - Crowley (Rex de Arte Regia)

Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

- Crowley conducts a sexual magical operation with Roddie Minor with the object being 'Phallic-force and attraction.' [78], [80]

Charles Stansfeld Jones after convincing the police that he is not a draft dodger and that his mental condition is due to worries about work, is released from jail. He goes straight from jail, unwashed and disheveled, to give a lecture to a Vancouver Theosophical group. [7]





Monday, 31 December 1917



Location: 64a West 9th Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan, New York City, New York.


   - George MacNie Cowie to Crowley





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