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— 1926 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



—  January 


circa January 1926



- Crowley writes the oath "L'ass-ommoir" for his Book of Oaths.


   - Montgomery Evans to Crowley




Friday, 1 January 1926





News Related to Crowley:

   - J.D. Nash's and Pall Mall Magazine



Sunday, 10 January 1926



- Karl Germer and his wife Maria visit the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalù, Sicily, where they are met by Ninette Shumway. Although Germer is appalled at the living conditions there he and his wife stay until at least February. [56]



Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 53 years old.


Monday, 11 January 1926






News Related to Crowley:

   - Herald

   - Sun



Tuesday, 12 January 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley




Thursday, 14 January 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Crowley requests that Jane Wolfe join him in Tunis, but she must pay her own traveling expenses.


   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe




Saturday, 16 January 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



   - Crowley to Karl Germer


Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 37 years old.


Friday, 22 January 1926






Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 41 years old.


Wednesday, 27 January 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Karl Germer

   - Crowley to Jane Wolfe

   - Dorothy Olsen to Montgomery Evans




—  February 


circa February 1926





   - Crowley to Tom Driberg

   - Norman Mudd to Crowley




Wednesday, 3 February 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

   - Jane Wolfe (Notes on Dorothy Olsen)

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Jane Wolfe arrives in La Marsa. [50]

- The Occult Review publishes a letter from Charles Stansfeld Jones defending his book The Anatomy of the Body of God against an unfavorable review in the December 1925 issue.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Review



Thursday, 11 February 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Crowley writes and/or publishes his broadsheet "The World Teacher to the Theosophical Society" on 11 or 12 February 1926.





Monday, 15 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - N.J.N. Foreman to Crowley




Wednesday, 17 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- An exhibition of works by Stella Marks including a miniature portrait of Crowley goes on display through 24 February 1916 at the New Gallery in Melbourne, Australia. [more info]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Age

   - Argus



Thursday, 18 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- An exhibition of works by Stella Marks including a miniature portrait of Crowley goes on display through 24 February 1916 at the New Gallery in Melbourne, Australia. [more info]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Table Talk



Monday, 22 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Karl Germer




Wednesday, 24 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Norman Mudd to Martha Kuntzel




Sunday, 28 February 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Tampa Tribune



—  March 


Monday, 1 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to William Loftus Hare




Wednesday, 3 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Stansfeld Jones to Frank Bennett

News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Friday, 5 March 1926






Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Sunday, 7 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - San Diego Union

   - Tampa Tribune

   - Times



Saturday, 13 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Washington Times



Sunday, 14 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post

   - New Orleans States

   - San Diego Union

   - Tampa Bay Times

   - Times



Tuesday, 16 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Comedian, Jerry Lewis is born.


Saturday, 20 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Star

   - Washington Times



Sunday, 21 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "The Message of the Masters" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post

   - Tampa Bay Times

Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox.

   Jane Wolfe is 51 years old.


Monday, 22 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Ideals as Incentives to Action" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]





Tuesday, 23 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "God, Man and The Cosmos" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]





Wednesday, 24 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Karl Germer and his wife arrive to join Crowley in La Marsa. [116]

- The 12 cases of Crowley's diaries, manuscripts, etc. that were been shipped from Italy and seized in July 1924, because they contained questionable items, are condemned in the High Court and are to be destroyed in accordance with the law. Some of the items seized included “Leah Sublime,” Crowley's “A Book of Photographs,” and thirty-three copies of Crowley's book The Scented Garden. [286], [56]

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "How to Make the Great Attainment" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]





Thursday, 25 March 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Some Aspects of Initiations" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]


   - Crowley to Martha Kuntzel




Friday, March 26 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Making the Most of Your Opportunities" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N. Street N.W., Washington D.C. [Evening Star]





—  April 


Thursday, 1 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- The Occult Digest begins serializing Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy beginning with Part I in the April 1926 issue.


   - Ninette Shumway to Karl Germer

News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest



Friday, 2 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 40 years old.


Thursday, 1 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



   - Ninette Shumway to Dorothy Olsen




Saturday, 3 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Washington Times



Sunday, 4 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Magick, White and Black" at 8:00 p.m. at The Playhouse, 1814 N Street N.W., Washington, D.C. [Washington Times]


   - Crowley to Henry Ford




Wednesday, 7 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



   - Tom Driberg to Crowley




Thursday, 8 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Friday, 9 April 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Crowley publishes the rarest edition of The Book of the Law. It consists of photographic reproductions of the original sixty-five handwritten pages, housed as loose sheets in a maroon leather box; the title leaf was printed in red and black ink on handmade paper. He printed only eleven copies of this work, the first eight being presentation copies for Crowley, Dorothy Olsen, Leah Hirsig, Jane Wolfe, Karl Germer, Charles Stansfeld Jones, Otto Gebhardi, and student Dorothea Walker. Only three copies were for sale, one for each of three countries at £93, $418, and 2,542 reichsmarks. [56]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.

   Leah Hirsig is 43 years old.


Saturday, 10 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News

Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Crowley receiving the Book of the Law.


Sunday, 11 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Tampa Tribune



Wednesday, 14 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of the death of Crowley's mother, Emily.


Sunday, 18 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "The Artists Soul" at 11:00 a.m. on the sixth floor of 65 Auditorium Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Denver Post

   - New Orleans States

   - San Diego Union

   - Times



Wednesday, 21 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Queen Elizabeth II is born.


Saturday, 24 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Chicago Daily News



Sunday, 25 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Man's Nine Senses" at 11:00 a.m. at the 65 Auditorium Building, Chicago. [Chicago Daily News]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Tampa Bay Times

Current Events:

   - Composer, Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot premieres in Milan, Italy.


Wednesday 28 April 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Crowley inscribes a copy of his book Rosa Mundi to Thomas Driberg with the following inscription "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law / The word of the Law is Θελγμχ [Thelema] / To Thomas Driberg / a slight token of esteem / from his friend—if he may say so— / Aleister Crowley / An 02 in 7° / [Opposition]   / die ii / The Lair of the Lion / La Marsa / Tunisia. [421]





Friday, 30 April 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.





—  May 


Saturday, 1 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- The Occult Digest serializes Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy continuing with Part II in the May 1926 issue.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest



Wednesday, 5 May 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.





Thursday, 6 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - G. E. Pryor to Crowley


Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 43 years old.


Sunday, 9 May 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.





Wednesday, 12 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovish's 1st Symphony premieres in Leningrad.


Tuesday, 18 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Gregor A. Gregorius to Crowley




Thursday, 20 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- Around the end of May Karl Germer leaves Crowley in Tunisia and travels to the United States. [27] 

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Psychology of Beauty" at 8:00 p.m. at the Playhouse, 1814 N Street N.W., Washington, D.C.. [Evening Star]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Star

   - Washington Post



Friday, 21 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "Man's Nine Senses" at 8:00 p.m. at the Playhouse, 1814 N Street N.W., Washington, D.C.. [Evening Star]





Saturday, 22 May 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Charles Stansfeld Jones gives a lecture entitled "How to Obtain the Supreme Pleasure" at 8:00 p.m. at the Playhouse, 1814 N Street N.W., Washington, D.C.. [Evening Star]





—  June 


Tuesday, 1 June 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

- The Occult Digest serializes Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy continuing with Part III in the June 1926 issue.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest

Current Events:

   - Actor, Marilyn Monroe is born.


Friday, 4 June 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



   - Charles Stansfeld Jones Legal Release of Crowley Books in Leonard Warehouse to Max Schneider




Wednesday, 9 June 1926






Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 41 years old.


Saturday, 12 June 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.

Karl Germer and his wife, Maria, emigrate to the United States. [56]





Wednesday, 16 June 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.





Monday, 21 June 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Statement re Traenker

Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.





Tuesday, 22 June 1926



Location: Seniat el Kiton, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.



Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Wednesday, 23 June 1926



Location: Seniat el Kitou, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley




Tuesday, 29 June 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Seniat el Kitou, rue Massicault, La Marsa, Tunisia.


   - Crowley to Martha Kuntzel




—  July 


circa July 1926



- Crowley meets George Gurdjieff at his Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau, France. Two accounts of the meeting between the two men exist from by Stanley Nott and James Webb. [321]

Karl Germer visits Detroit, Michigan to try to find a missing box of rare books and manuscripts that Crowley had shipped to America in 1914 and had been stored by Charles Stansfeld Jones at the Leonard Warehouses. See "Keeping the Faith" for the detailed story. [7]





Thursday, 1 July 1926



- The Occult Digest serializes Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy continuing with Part IV in the July 1926 issue.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest



Saturday, 3 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen leave Tunis traveling by boat. [208]





Sunday, 4 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen arrive in Marseilles and go to Noailles where they find a room. They later eat at Basso's. [208]





Monday, 5 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen leave Marseilles in the morning and stop at Carcassone to see La Cité. [208]





Tuesday, 6 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen visit La Cité in the morning and then go on to Pau and spend the night at Mirador. [208]





Wednesday, 7 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen reach Lacy at 1:00 and are met by Lorris Petit who drives them to his farm 6 kilometers from the station. [208]





Thursday, 15 July 1926





   - Tom Driberg to Crowley




Friday, 16 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Saturday, 17 July 1926





   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley




Tuesday, 20 July 1926





   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley




Friday, 23 July 1926






Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 52 years old.


Tuesday, 27 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe



   - Ninette Shumway to Jane Wolfe & Dorothy Olsen




Wednesday, 28 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe takes Dorothy Olsen to the doctor due to a problem with her gall bladder. [208]





Saturday, 31 July 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Jane Wolfe takes Dorothy Olsen to the doctor due to a problem with her gall bladder. [208]





—  August 


circa August 1926





   - Tom Driberg to Crowley




Sunday, 1 August 1926



- The Occult Digest serializes Charles Stansfeld Jones' book The Chalice of Ecstasy continuing with Part V in the August 1926 issue.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Occult Digest



Thursday, 5 August 1926





   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Escape artist, Harry Houdini stays in a coffin under water for 1 1/2 hours before escaping.


Friday, 6 August 1926



Location: Vuillemont Hotel, Paris, France. [233]


   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley




Saturday, 7 August 1926



- Crowley is ejected from the Vuillemont Hotel, Paris, France, for non-payment of rent. [233]





Tuesday, 10 August 1926





   - James Driberg to Crowley




Thursday, 12 August 1926



- Crowley arrives from Paris to join Jane Wolfe and Dorothy Olsen. [208]





Friday, 13 August 1926





   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley


Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 49 years old.

   - Cuban politician, Fidel Castro is born.


Sunday, 15 August 1926






News Related to Crowley:

   - Pittsburgh Press

   - San Antonio Light



Tuesday, 17 August 1926





   - Martha Kuntzel to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Wednesday, 18 August 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

Dorothy Olsen goes on a "mad, ranting, raving explosion". [208]





Friday, 20 August 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe

- Crowley leaves for Bordeaux (leaving Dorothy Olsen behind) and Jane Wolfe leaves for Villa Mirador, Pau. [208]





Sunday, 22 August 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe



   - Jane Wolfe to Dorothy Olsen




Monday, 23 August 1926



Location: Hotel du Béarn, rue de Lille, Paris, France. [397]


   - Ninette Shumway to Crowley


Current Events:

   - Actor, Rudolph Valentino dies.


Wednesday, 25 August 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Jane Wolfe






Thursday, 26 August 1926



Location: Crowley moves from the Hotel des Ambassadeurs to the Atlantic, 12 rue Frochot, Pigalle. [397]

- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with "Methnian." [397]





Monday, 30 August 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Kitty von Hausberger. [397]





—  September 


Wednesday, 1 September 1926






Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 48 years old.


Friday, 3 September 1926



- Crowley takes Margaret Binetti to a Chinese restaurant. [397]





Saturday, 4 September 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 12 September 1926



Location: Montmarte, France.

Jane Wolfe arrives in Montmarte, France, and takes a room at the Atlantic Hotel where Crowley is staying. [208]





Tuesday, 14 September 1926





   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Tuesday, 21 September 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Thursday, 23 September 1926






Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox.


Thursday, 30 September 1926





   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




—  October 


Saturday, 2 October 1926






Current Events:

   Jack Parsons is 12 years old.


Monday, 4 October 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Kitty von Hausberger with the intention of receiving cash from Dorothea Walker's "World Teacher" mission in England. [397]





Tuesday, 5 October 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Zaza Rachel Marguerite with the intention of receiving cash from Dorothea Walker's "World Teacher" mission in England. [397]





Wednesday, 6 October 1926





   - Crowley to Karl Germer

   - Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




Thursday, 7 October 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 8 October 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley is visited by Dorothy Olsen. [250]





Tuesday, 12 October 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- Crowley is 51 years old.

Dorothy Olsen leaves Crowley. [250]





Thursday, 14 October 1926






Current Events:

   - Author, A. A. Milne's book Winnie the Pooh is released.


Sunday, 17 October 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Zaza Rachel Marguerite with the intention of "Youth, Health, Energy." [397]





Monday, 18 October 1926





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans

   - Crowley to Karl Germer


Current Events:

   Grady McMurtry is 8 years old.


Wednesday, 20 October 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Zaza Rachel Marguerite. [397]





Friday, 22 October 1926





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Saturday, 23 October 1926






News Related to Crowley:

   - Saturday Review of Literature



Sunday, 31 October 1926






Current Events:

   - Escape artist, Harry Houdini dies.


—  November 


Sunday, 7 November 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Louis Eugène de Cayenne with the intention of "Rejuvenation" with Crowley remarking that "I have had more pep than I have had for months." [397]





Tuesday, 9 November 1926



- Aimée Gouraud requests that Crowley perform a divination on the possibility of divorce from her much younger husband Price Mstislav Galitzine. Crowley incorrectly predicted that her release would result from her husband's death. [397]





Wednesday, 10 November 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with twenty-eight-year-old photographer Berenice Abbott with the object being "Health and energy" and a trip to Egypt to "abstruct" the Stélé of Revealing; that is, to enact a ritual to release magically the "resistless" liberation of Woman. [397]





Wednesday, 17 November 1926






Current Events:

   Israel Regardie is 19 years old.


Thursday, 18 November 1926



- Today is Crowley's 28th "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Thursday, 25 November 1926


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Friday, 26 November 1926



- Crowley performs a magical sexual act with Zaza Rachel Marguerite with the object of "Rejuvenation.". Crowley remarked of the event "worked very strangely. First exhaustion. Next a tremendous burst of energy. Last bad fatigue." [397]





Saturday, 27 November 1926






Current Events:

   - Composer, Bela Bartok's ballet Miraculous Mandarin premieres in Cologne, Germany.


—  December 


circa December 1926





   - Crowley to Tom Driberg




Sunday, 5 December 1926





   - Ninette Shumway to Jane Wolfe


Current Events:

   - Artist Claude Monet dies.


Friday, 10 December 1926






Current Events:

   - The 2nd part of Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf is published.


Saturday, 11 December 1926





   - Dorothy Olsen to Montgomery Evans




Sunday, 12 December 1926






Current Events:

   - Composer, Dmitri Shostakovich's 1st Piano Concerto premieres in Leningrad.


Friday, 17 December 1926






Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 45 years old.


Sunday, 19 December 1926






Current Events:

   Gerald Yorke is 25 years old.


Wednesday, 22 December 1926






Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice.


Saturday, 25 December 1926





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Friday, 31 December 1926





   - Crowley to Montgomery Evans





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