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— 1901 —


January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December



circa 1901





   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




—  January 


Tuesday, 1 January 1901



Location: Mexico.



Current Events:

   - The Commonwealth of Australia is formed.


Thursday, 10 January 1901



Location: Mexico.



News Related to Crowley:

   - Sotheran's Catalog

Current Events:

   George Cecil Jones is 28 years old.


Friday, 11 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico.

Taking the advice of Oscar Eckenstein, Crowley takes up the practice of yoga to gain mental concentration. [71]





Saturday, 12 January 1901



Location: Mexico.


   - MacGregor Mathers to W.B. Yeats




Wednesday, 16 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico.



Current Events:

   Norman Mudd is 12 years old.


Saturday, 19 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Ixtacihuatl.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein ascend the icy summit of Panza, the central summit of Ixtacihuatl. [73]





Sunday, 20 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Ixtacihuatl.

Oscar Eckenstein does some solo climbing on the rock towers of the south ridge of Ixtacihuatl. [72], [73]



Current Events:

   Karl Germer is 16 years old.

   - Queen Victoria dies.


Tuesday, 22 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Ixtacihuatl.

- Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein climb to the summit of the east ridge of Ixtacihuatl. [72], [73]





Monday, 28 January 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Ixtacihuatl.

- Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein climb to the summit of the north ridge of Panzal. [72], [73]





Thursday, 31 January 1901



Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

- Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein return to Mexico City. [Mexican Herald]





—  February 


circa February 1901





   - Council Statement




Saturday, 2 February 1901





News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald

Current Events:

   - Queen Victoria's funeral takes place in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.


Monday, 4 February 1901





   - Annie Horniman Resignation




Monday, 18 February 1901






Current Events:

   - Winston Churchill makes his first speech in the British House of Commons.


Friday, 22 February 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Guadalajara, Mexico. The Hotel Cosmopolita.





Monday, 25 February 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Guadalajara to Zapotlan.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein are traveling to Zapotlan. [72]





Tuesday, 26 February 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Guadalajara to Zapotlan.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein are traveling to Zapotlan. [72]





Wednesday, 27 February 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Zapotlan to Nevado de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel 50 miles by train to Huescalapa on their way to Nevado de Colima. [71], [72], [238]





Thursday, 28 February 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Zapotlan to Nevado de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein ride to a ranch on their way to Nevado de Colima. [71], [72]





—  March 


Friday, 1 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Zapotlan to Nevado de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein reach their camp at 12,550 feet in the ridges of the Nevado de Colima. [71], [72]





Saturday, 2 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Nevado de Colima Mountain.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein prepare to climb Nevado de Colima. [71], [72]





Sunday, 3 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Nevado de Colima Mountain.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein climb the Northeast summit of the Nevado de Colima. [71], [72]





Monday, 4 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Nevado de Colima Mountain.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein decide to travel to the Volcan de Colima volcano. [71], [72]





Tuesday, 5 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Nevado de Colima to Volcan de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein are traveling to the Volcan de Colima volcano. [71], [72]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's death.


Wednesday, 6 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Nevado de Colima to Volcan de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein are traveling to the Volcan de Colima volcano. [71], [72]





Thursday, 7 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Volcan de Colima.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein view the Volcan de Colima as it is erupting. [71], [72]

View the 7 March 1901 PHOTOS taken by Oscar Eckenstein of the Volcan de Colima volcano erupting. [72]

Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris is published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [56]





Friday, 8 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from the Volcan de Colima to the San Marcos Hacienda.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein are traveling to the San Marcos Hacienda. [71], [72]





Saturday, 9 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling from the Volcan de Colima to the San Marcos Hacienda.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein reach the San Marcos Hacienda where Crowley proceeds to sleep all day. [71], [72]





Sunday, 10 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico. Traveling from the San Marcos Hacienda to Zapotlan.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein leave on horseback for Zapotlan. [71]





Monday, 11 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico.





Tuesday, 12 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Huescalapa and back. [71]





Wednesday, 13 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico. Traveling to Sayala.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Sayala. [71]





Thursday, 14 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Sayala to Techaluta.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Techaluta. [71]



Current Events:

   - First performance of Composer Anton Bruckner's Sixth Symphony in A.


Friday, 15 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Techaluta to Guadalajara.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Guadalajara. [71]





Saturday, 16 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Guadalajara, Mexico.





Sunday, 17 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico. Traveling from Guadalajara to Mexico City.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel by train to Mexico City. [71]





Monday, 18 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein arrive in Mexico City. [71]





Tuesday, 19 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Wednesday, 20 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.





Thursday, 21 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.



Current Events:

   - The Spring Equinox

   Jane Wolfe is 26 years old.


Friday, 22 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.





Saturday, 23 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.





Sunday, 24 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.





Monday, 25 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.





Tuesday, 26 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Mexico City to Vera Cruz.

Crowley travels to Vera Cruz. [71]





Wednesday, 27 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Vera Cruz, Mexico.

While at Vera Cruz Crowley writes the poem "Metempsychosis" later published in his book Oracles.





Thursday, 28 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Vera Cruz, Mexico.





Friday, 29 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Vera Cruz, Mexico.





Saturday, 30 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Vera Cruz, Mexico.





Sunday, 31 March 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Vera Cruz to Mexico City.

Crowley writes the poem "Night in the Valley" later published in his book Oracles.

Crowley arrives back in Mexico City. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



—  April 


Monday, 1 April 1901



Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein have long discussions and come to an agreement regarding their remaining climbs in Mexico and future climbs. [71]





Tuesday, 2 April 1901



Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein have long discussions and come to an agreement regarding their remaining climbs in Mexico and future climbs. [71]



Current Events:

   Charles Stansfeld Jones is 15 years old.


Wednesday, 3 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling by rail and tram from Mexico City to Chalchicomula.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Chalchicomul with the idea of climbing Citlalpetl. When they arrived at Chalchicomul they discovered it was the beginning of five days of holidays and weren't able to secure transportation to the mountain. Rather than waiting they decided to return to Mexico City. [71], [72]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Thursday, 4 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Mexico. Traveling by rail and tram from Chalchicomula to Mexico City.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein return to Mexico City. [71], [72]





Friday, 5 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.

Crowley spends the night in the temple of L.I.L. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Saturday, 6 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Sunday, 7 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Mexico City, Mexico.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Monday, 8 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Traveling by railway from Mexico City to Toluca.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Toluca. [71], [72]





Tuesday, 9 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Traveling from Toluca to Calimaya.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Calimaya and on then on horseback to Nevado de Toluca to scale its two peaks. [71], [72]



Current Events:

   Leah Hirsig is 18 years old.


Wednesday, 10 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Nevado de Toluca, Mexico.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein scale Pico del Fraile, the northwest summit of Nevado de Toluca. [71], [72]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle

   - London Daily News

   - Morning Post

   - Westminster Gazette



Thursday, 11 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Nevado de Toluca, Mexico.

Oscar Eckenstein is sick so Crowley does a solo climb of El Espinazo del Diablo, the southwest summit of Nevado de Toluca. [71], [72]

Crowley and Eckenstein then return to Toluca. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman



Friday, 12 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Toluca, Mexico.





Saturday, 13 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Toluca, Mexico.


News Related to Crowley:

   - St. James's Gazette



Sunday, 14 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Toluca, Mexico.

Crowley writes to Elaine Simpson and agrees to participate in an astral projection experiment with her beginning on May 31. [71]





Monday, 15 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Toluca, Mexico.





Tuesday, 16 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Toluca to Amecameca.

Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein travel to Amecameca enroute to climbing Popocatepetl, the second highest peak in Mexico. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Wednesday, 17 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Ranch of Tlamacaz / Popocatapetl.

Oscar Eckenstein's account states that he and Crowley ascended Popocatapetl on the 17th. Crowley's account states that they ascended on the 18th. To muddy the waters even further, a story in the 16 April edition of the Mexican Herald states that they were planning to leave the evening of the 16th "for a tramp up the mount of Popocatapetl after which they expect to begin the descent on the inside." [71], [72]





Thursday, 18 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

   - Oscar Eckenstein

Location: Popocatapetl.

Oscar Eckenstein's account states that he and Crowley ascended Popocatapetl on the 17th. Crowley's account states that they ascended on the 18th. To muddy the waters even further, a story in the 16 April edition of the Mexican Herald states that they were planning to leave the evening of the 16th "for a tramp up the mount of Popocatapetl after which they expect to begin the descent on the inside." [71], [72]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Nation



Friday, 19 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Popocatapetl to Mexico City.

- Crowley returns to Mexico City. [71]





Saturday, 20 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling Mexico City, Mexico to El Paso, Texas.

- Crowley leaves Mexico City for El Paso, Texas. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Saturday Review



Sunday, 21 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling Mexico City, Mexico to El Paso, Texas.

- Crowley continues traveling to El Paso, Texas. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Monday, 22 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: El Paso, Texas.

- Crowley reaches El Paso, Texas. [71]





Tuesday, 23 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: El Paso, Texas.





Wednesday, 24 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from El Paso, Texas to San Francisco, California.

- Crowley leaves for San Francisco. [71]

Oscar Eckenstein leaves Mexico City for Vera Cruz. [Mexican Herald, 24 April 1901]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald




Thursday, 25 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from El Paso, Texas to San Francisco, California.

- Crowley continues traveling to San Francisco. [71]

Oscar Eckenstein sails on the Ward line for New York City. [Mexican Herald, 24 April 1901]





Friday, 26 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.

- Crowley reaches San Francisco and visits Chinatown that night. [71]


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Saturday, 27 April 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.

- Crowley has his fortune read by "Wong Gong." [240]


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Call




Monday, 29 April 1901



Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.

- Crowley wakes to widespread thunderstorms. [238]





Tuesday, 30 April 1901



Location: Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California.

- Crowley writes 80 pages of Orpheus.

- Crowley attends the McGovern-Gardner fight at Mechanic's Pavilion, San Francisco, California. [104]


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




—  May 


Wednesday, 1 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

- The Bookman publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookman

   - Review of Reviews



Friday, 3 May 1901



Location: Traveling by ship from San Francisco to Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley leaves San Francisco and travels by ship on the Nippon Maru to Honolulu, Hawaii. [56]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bookseller



Saturday, 4 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship to Honolulu, Hawaii.


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Call



Sunday, 5 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship to Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley is practicing his concentration skills. [58]





Monday, 6 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship to Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley is practicing his concentration skills. [58]



Current Events:

   Victor B. Neuburg is 18 years old.


Tuesday, 7 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship to Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley is practicing his concentration skills. [58]





Wednesday, 8 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling by ship to Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley is practicing his concentration skills. [58]





Thursday, 9 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley arrives shortly after 6 p.m. aboard the Nippon Maru in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he is determined to call on the local Theosophists. [58], [Pacific Commercial Advertiser, 10 May 1901]





Friday, 10 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley gets accommodations at the Hawaiian Hotel Annex on Waikiki Beach and works on Orpheus. He later meets Mary Alice Rogers for the first time. [58]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Hawaiian Star

   - Honolulu Republican

   - Pacific Comm Advertiser



Saturday, 11 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley works on Orpheus. [58]





Sunday, 12 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley writes the poem "On Waikiki Bay." Later that night he performs a "Magick Ceremonial" followed by an attempt at astral projection. [58]





Monday, 13 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley works on the "Nature" Epode from Orpheus. [58]





Tuesday, 14 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Wednesday, 15 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley writes the poem "The Triads of Despair" while in May in Honolulu. [The Triads of Despair]





Thursday, 16 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Friday, 17 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley works on Orpheus and writes two poems for Mary Alice Rogers. [58]





Saturday, 18 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Sunday, 19 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Monday, 20 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Tuesday, 21 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley works on Orpheus. [58]





Wednesday, 22 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Thursday, 23 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Friday, 24 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- The Bradford Observer and the Morning Post publish reviews of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Bradford Observer

   - Morning Post



Saturday, 25 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Sunday, 26 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Monday, 27 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Tuesday, 28 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Wednesday, 29 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Thursday, 30 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Friday, 31 May 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- The Church Times publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Church Times



—  June 


circa June 1901



- Crowley completes Book I of Orpheus and begins writing Book II. [Orpheus]





Saturday, 1 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley re-reads A. P. Sinnett's book Esoteric Buddhism. [58]

- The Westminster Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Climbers Club Journal

   - Climbers Club Journal #2

   - Westminster Review



Sunday, 2 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Monday, 3 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.

- Crowley spends the day taking care of Mary Alice Rogers who is suffering from a high fever. [58]





Tuesday, 4 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hawaiian Hotel Annex, Honolulu, Hawaii.





Wednesday, 5 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.

- At 1 p.m., Crowley and Mary Alice Rogers depart on the S.S. American Maru for Japan. [58], [San Francisco Call, 20 June 1901]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Bulletin

   - Honolulu Republican

   - Pacific Comm Advertiser



Thursday, 6 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pacific Comm Advertiser



Friday, 7 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Saturday, 8 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Sunday, 9 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.



Current Events:

   Wilfred Talbot Smith is 16 years old.


Monday, 10 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Tuesday, 11 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Wednesday, 12 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Thursday, 13 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Friday, 14 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.





Saturday, 15 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling on the S.S. American Maru to Japan.

- The Academy publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Academy



Sunday, 16 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley and Mary Alice Rogers arrive in Yokohama, Japan and check in to the Maples Hotel. [58]





Monday, 17 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley visits Kamakura. [58]





Tuesday, 18 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley works on Orpheus. [58]

- The Daily News publishes a review by G.K. Chesterton of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily News



Wednesday, 19 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley engages a guide and arranges to live at Kamakura. [58]





Thursday, 20 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley is very ill all day. [58]


News Related to Crowley:

   - San Francisco Call



Friday, 21 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley is still ill. [58]





Saturday, 22 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.


News Related to Crowley:

   - Japan Weekly Mail

   - Middlesex Gazette

Current Events:

   - The Summer Solstice.


Sunday, 23 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.





Monday, 24 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley goes to Kamakura and approve the rooms reserved for him. [58]



Current Events:

   - The first exhibition by artist, Pablo Picasso, aged 19, opens in Paris.


Tuesday, 25 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley has doubts about going to stay in Kamakura and works on Orpheus. [58]





Wednesday, 26 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hotel Imperial, Tokyo, Japan.

- Crowley and Mary Alice Rogers go to Tokyo and stay at the Imperial Hotel. While there they see the Theatre, Palace and Tea House. [58]





Thursday, 27 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley and Mary Alice Rogers return from Tokyo. [58]

- Crowley works on Orpheus. [58]





Friday, 28 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley says good-bye to Mary Alice Rogers. [58]

- The Birmingham Daily Gazette publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Birmingham Daily Gazette



Saturday, 29 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

Mary Alice Rogers sails at noon.[58]

- Crowley works on Orpheus and writes "White Poppy." [58]





Sunday, 30 June 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley works on Orpheus and writes the Prologue and 15 sonnets for Alice: an Adultery. [58]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Leavenworth Times



—  July 


circa July 1901



- Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy and Other Poems is privately published. [56]


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Monday, 1 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley writes sonnets 16-30 for Alice: an Adultery. [58]

- Crowley has sex with a Japanese woman and states that he has now had sex with residents of 34 different nations. [58]





Wednesday, 3 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley continues working on Alice: an Adultery. [58]





Thursday, 4 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley finishes the fifty sonnets and writes an introduction for Alice: an Adultery. [58]





Friday, 12 July 1901



Location: Maples Hotel, Yokohama, Japan.

- Crowley departs Yokohama for Hong Kong aboard the Hongkong Maru. [Overland China Mail]





Sunday, 14 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Hongkong Maru sailing for Hong Kong. [Overland China Mail]





Monday, 15 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Hongkong Maru sailing for Hong Kong. [Overland China Mail]





Tuesday, 16 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Hongkong Maru sailing for Hong Kong. [Overland China Mail]





Thursday, 18 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Hongkong Maru sailing for Hong Kong. [Overland China Mail]





Friday, 19 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Hongkong Maru sailing for Hong Kong. [Overland China Mail]

- The Western Morning News publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Western Morning News



Saturday, 20 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hong Kong.

- Crowley arrives in Hong Kong aboard the Hongkong Maru. [Overland China Mail]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Japan Weekly Mail



Tuesday, 23 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hong Kong.



Current Events:

   Rose Kelly is 27 years old.


Thursday, 25 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Hong Kong.

- Crowley departs Hong Kong for Colombo aboard the steamship Bayern. [Overland China Mail]





Friday, 26 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]


News Related to Crowley:

   - China Mail



Saturday, 27 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]





Sunday, 28 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]





Monday, 29 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Overland China Mail



Tuesday, 30 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]





Wednesday, 31 July 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the Bayern sailing for Colombo. [Overland China Mail]





—  August 


circa August 1901





   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Thursday, 1 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Aboard the German steamship Bayern in the Andaman Sea. [237]

- Crowley begins a new diary entitled "The Writings of Truth." [237]





Friday, 2 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Saturday, 3 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Sunday, 4 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley






Monday, 5 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley



News Related to Crowley:

   - Morning Post



Tuesday, 6 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley arrives in Colombo, Sri Lanka and meets up with Allan Bennett. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Gazette



Wednesday, 7 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle

   - Standard



Thursday, 8 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Pall Mall Gazette



Friday, 9 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - St. James's Gazette



Saturday, 10 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Saturday Review

   - Speaker



Sunday, 11 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Monday, 12 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]





Tuesday, 13 August 1901



Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]



Current Events:

   Frieda Harris is 24 years old.


Wednesday, 14 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]


News Related to Crowley:

   - Liverpool Post



circa mid-August 1901



Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley writes "The Dance of Shiva" while at the house of Sri Parānanda Swami. [237]





Thursday, 15 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Cinnamon Gardens, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]





Saturday, 17 August 1901



Location: Traveling from Columbo (Cinnamon Gardens) to Kandy, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley and Allan Bennett leave Colombo and travel by rail to Kandy, Sri Lanka. [74], [237]



Current Events:

   - Anniversary of Edward Crowley's birth.


Sunday, 18 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: Traveling from Columbo (Cinnamon Gardens) to Kandy, Sri Lanka.

- Crowley and Allan Bennett travel to Kandy, Sri Lanka. [71]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Mexican Herald publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Mexican Herald



Monday, 19 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Wednesday, 21 August 1901



Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- The Evening Post publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evening Post



Thursday, 22 August 1901



Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- The Nation publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Nation



Friday, 23 August 1901



- Crowley wires Oscar Eckenstein to confirm his commitment to a spring 1902 expedition to climb Chogo Ri/K2. [287]





Tuesday, 27 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Daily Chronicle publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Daily Chronicle



Wednesday, 28 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Thursday, 29 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Friday, 30 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Saturday, 31 August 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- The Anthenaeum publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 

- The Evening Post publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 

- The Minneapolis Tribune publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Athenaeum

   - Evening Post

   - Minneapolis Tribune



—  September 


circa September 1901



- Crowley writes the preface for his book Tannhäuser.


   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly

   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Sunday, 1 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Critic publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Critic

Current Events:

   J.F.C. Fuller is 23 years old.


Monday, 2 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Evansville Journal publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Evansville Journal

Current Events:

   Theodore Roosevelt advises "Speak softly & carry a big stick."


Wednesday, 4 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Thursday, 5 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Friday, 6 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]



Current Events:

   U.S. President William McKinley is shot while visiting the Pan-American Exposition in New York.


Saturday, 7 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Sunday, 8 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Monday, 9 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Tuesday, 10 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]





Wednesday, 11 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]





Thursday, 12 September 1901



Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is called away to Colombo on business. [74]





Saturday, 14 September 1901



Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]



Current Events:

   Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as U.S. President after William McKinley is assassinated.


Friday, 20 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley returns from Colombo. [74]





Saturday, 21 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett.[71]





Sunday, 22 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Monday, 23 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]



Current Events:

   - The Fall Equinox


Tuesday, 24 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Birmingham Daily Gazette publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Birmingham Daily Gazette



Wednesday, 25 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Thursday, 26 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Christian Century publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Christian Century



Friday, 27 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [74]





Saturday, 28 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

Crowley and Allan Bennett conduct an experiment with taking laudanum. [71]





Sunday, 29 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

Crowley and Allan Bennett conduct an experiment with taking laudanum. [71]





Monday, 30 September 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





—  October 


circa October 1901



- Kegan Paul publishes Crowley's book Carmen Saeculare. Crowley dedicates the book to the "Countess of Glenstrae" [Moina Mathers]. [Scotsman, 28 October 1901]





Tuesday, 1 October 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]

- The Westminster Review publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Review



Wednesday, 2 October 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Thursday, 3 October 1901


Diary Entries:

   - Aleister Crowley

Location: "Marlborough", a Bungalow, possibly located at 34 Victoria Drive (now Sangaraja Mawatha), Kandy, Sri Lanka. [237]

- Crowley is practicing meditation with Allan Bennett. [71]





Saturday, 12 October 1901



- Crowley is 26 years old.





Sunday, 13 October 1901





   - MacGregor Mathers to Curtis Bennett




Wednesday, 16 October 1901





News Related to Crowley:

   - Oxford Magazine



Saturday, 19 October 1901






Current Events:

   Composer, Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March premieres in Liverpool, England.


Friday, 25 October 1901





News Related to Crowley:

   - Westminster Gazette



Saturday, 26 October 1901



- The Academy publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 

- The Deseret Evening News publishes a review of Crowley's book The Soul of Osiris. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Academy

   - Deseret Evening News



Sunday, 27 October 1901






Current Events:

   The first performance of composer Claude Debussy's orchestral composition Nocturnes.


Monday, 28 October 1901





News Related to Crowley:

   - Scotsman



—  November 


Tuesday, 11 November 1901






Current Events:

   The premiere of composer Maurice Ravel's piano composition Jeux d'eau.


Friday, 15 November 1901



- Crowley leaves Ceylon, India to begin spending several weeks wandering about India's southern provinces. [237]   





Saturday, 16 November 1901



Location: Marura (now Madurai), India. [198]

- Crowley writes the draft for "Ascension Day" which was later published in The Sword of Song. [198]   





Sunday, 17 November 1901



Location: Marura (now Madurai), India. [198]

- Crowley writes the draft for "Pentecost" which was later published in The Sword of Song. [198]   





Monday, 18 November 1901



- Today is Crowley's 3rd "magical" birthday—The anniversary of his initiation into the Golden Dawn on 18 November 1898.





Friday, 22 November 1901



- Crowley begins writing Book III of Orpheus. [55]





circa Late November 1901



Location: Madras, India. [237]

- Crowley arrives at Madras, India in late November. [237]





Thursday, 28 November 1901






Current Events:

   Composer, Gustav Mahler conducts the premiere of his 4th Symphony in G in Munich, Germany.


—  December 


Wednesday, 4 December 1901



Location: Madras, India. [237]

- The Oxford Magazine publishes a review of Crowley's book The Mother's Tragedy. 


News Related to Crowley:

   - Oxford Magazine



Thursday, 5 December 1901






Current Events:

   Walt Disney is born.


Friday, 6 December 1901



Location: Madras, India.



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Saturday, 7 December 1901



Location: Traveling to Calcutta India.

- Crowley leaves Madras for Calcutta. [104]





Sunday, 8 December 1901






Current Events:

   - Allan Bennett is 29 years old


Thursday, 12 December 1901






Current Events:

   Guglielmo Marconi sends the first transatlantic radio signal.


Friday, 13 December 1901



Location: Calcutta, India.



   - Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Tuesday, 17 December 1901






Current Events:

   Louis Wilkinson is 20 years old.


Thursday, 19 December 1901



Gerald Yorke is born in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England.





Sunday, 22 December 1901






Current Events:

   - The Winter Solstice



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